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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Quit trying to act intelligent. It doesn't wear well on you.
  2. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck,.. It's a fucking duck! So stop trying to act as if your something other than what you have shown yourself to be. You first attacked KarenKraft, even though she never said anything personally against you. You tried to be cute with your words speaking about her mother not giving her any hugs, and calling her a neo-fascist. And you don't call yourself a liberal? Who do you think your kidding. Go cry and whine to the admin, to try and get us silenced. But being an unpaid freeloader, I don't think they would care very much in what you've got to say, anymore than I do.
  3. Mindless followers. Like so many rats that follow their Pied Piper, Obama.
  4. They need to go occupy a land fill somewhere. Fucking ignorant brats!
  5. It's called freedom of speech asshole. And if you don't like it, don't read it. It's just like you fucking liberal hypocrites to act as if your tolerant. But the truth is, unless someone does or say's something that you agree with, you are the most intolerant bunch there is. Hypocrites, pure and simple! So in short,.. Go blow it out of your ass! We aren't looking for your approval.
  6. Or maybe "No Dad". That seems to be in line with a lot of Obama's constituents these day.
  7. Yet as sad and sordid as this love affair was, it is still a better love story than Twilight ever was. "The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins." Are you laughing yet? Miss. Lovatt: "Ooooo You make me so wet baby, when you splash around like that." Dolphin: "Eeeeee Eeeeee Eeeeee!" They would have made a great addition to RLC, had the times been different. Might even have given Efim and Diana a run for their money, as far as sheer excitement goes. Especially with the under water cam. Subscriber: "Wow!,.. They were really making some nasty waves there in Lovatt's apartment last night." And can you imagine her sucking him off? Why, His blow hole would be spouting off steam as he panted away like an old locomotive. Choo Choo
  8. Well, they're right, they're not Americans. They're more like fleas that just ride along upon the dogs back.
  9. As you've said,.. The vast majority of these Muslims sit on the side lines but secretly root for their home team. They're the same kind of mother fuckers that danced about in the streets when the World Trade Center was hit. The liberal media loves to make dupes out of the non-thinking Americans here with their politically incorrect bullshit. But never the fool say I.
  10. When you say that Paul is more like a dog,.. You have no idea just how right you were,.. right down to his humping her leg just like a dog. In fact right after Leora got her new puppy, I sensed this friction and jealousy come up between them, and saw Paul once peeing on the wall to mark out his own territory.
  11. LOL That's a good one. The Human form of Mad Cow Disease. << curtsies graciously >> It's that, or despite her best efforts she just found out she's carrying Paul's child. That would make most any girl cry.
  12. If I owned a gun range the targets themselves would all resemble Muslims. We need a real president so badly now.
  13. Paul has never once asserted himself. Never once put his foot down when it comes to her. So no wonder she pulls the shit that she does with him. Where there's no respect, there is no love. A girl wants someone she can believe in. But if you don't believe in yourself, or demand the kind of affection or attention that a man should receive within a real relationship. Then it's time for you to grab your hat and go.
  14. Here's another one for you Pepe. It's an old ballad that brings out the pirate in some of us. ;)
  15. For a friend by the name of Pepe.
  16. I like her too. I even posted a song before by her.
  17. Nora and Kinko often had an empty Coke bottle rolling around on the floor. I suspected as you have, that they were also pocketing some extra spending money by doing so. Campbell soup also tried to negotiate with them, but then pull out at the last minute with concerns that their soup wouldn't be shown in good light, as the lethargic bodies of both Kinko and Nora might be construed by others that their product didn't provide with enough protein or energy for them to ever fuck.
  18. Haven't you ever heard of a mud bath? Their water is perfectly fine until you try to make yourself some lemonade.
  19. Those were truly inspiring, and gives one hope. Thanks TBG. The only sad thing concerning those that survived their gross stupidity is the fact that most likely it will be others that will have to pay for their medical expenses. Other than that it was like reading the funny papers with my cup of coffee.
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