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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I would never,.. NEVER!, send my kids to a public school! It used to be the pledge of allegiance, but now it is yet another branch of the socialist liberals that are Anti-American, and Anti-Christ, controlling the very outcome of this country. Tell me this isn't child abuse. These poor innocent kids being manipulated and duped by these liberal bastards so as to convert them into becoming good Democrat slaves in the future. Benjamin Franklin once stared at a carving on the back of one of the chairs in the congressional hall they attended, and said that he often wondered if that carved sun peeking over the horizon was rising or setting. Well it was rising back then, and for a while shown brightly. But now I am deeply concerned over the fate of this country.
  2. I would rid my country of every last one of them. For if you let some of them stay, their sons, or their son's son, may find that old Koran hidden under their father or mother's bed and become magically transformed into yet another hairy faced monster. (And no Newbies,.. I don't mean the Cookie monster) Sorry. Muslim offspring: "Oooooo What's this?" "Allah Akbar!" "Allah has called me,.. Now I will go and kill me some infidels" Better to not drink the poison at all, not even if it's been diluted somewhat. It will still make you sick to your stomach if you do. POST NOTE: At one o'clock today Duke university will be playing the Islamic call to prayer over the speakers on their campus. They said that this will continue from now on, every Friday at one. Mother fucking liberals! Talk about being sick to your stomach.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd_vYHMVeWc She seems alright as far as I'm concern. But then I know how to pluck a rose without getting pricked by it's thorns.
  4. I listen to the Gregorian chants back when I was eighteen or so. In the haunted house I lived in, it was like a party favorite. Hey, If you can't fuck with the spooks from time to time, they might think you've forgotten them.
  5. Patrick Henry is my kind of guy. There were a lot of great men back then. But in this noisy, hectic world we currently are living in, I don't think that that famous quote would have been anything more than a simple by-line mentioned on Fox, just before the onslaught of obnoxious commercials have wiped it away from peoples memories.
  6. I'd give it a try anyways. You can always get a new wood chipper.
  7. I've seen her before. She has written a book that frankly took a lot of guts, but the liberal media hasn't bothered to promote it's sale very well. As you might imagine, she has had numerous threats made against her, but she's a strong and courageous person with a lot of smarts. So yeah, I like her very much.
  8. Yeah, She's great isn't she. You know, I can wax eloquent when I want to, but I know that if I had been on that panel when that Musk Rat first popped up. I would have probably have just thrown something at her. That can be a statement or a response of it's own at times. Just reach down and grab something hard, maybe a hammer,.. I don't know,.. but something, and just throw it at them. Swisssh,.. WHAM! (And down she goes) "There,.. Does any other Muslim pig have any questions for me?"
  9. I like some of Edith Piaf's stuff. She had no regrets, because there weren't any Muslims living in France back then. She would have plenty today. Good song though. Thanks,.. haven't heard it in a while.
  10. Well ladies, I'm going to be going through Trans-gender surgery next Tuesday, and I still like Leora too. :D Maybe after I'm all healed up and the stitches are removed, you'll let me ask you some advice on certain things. Just between us girls I mean. ;)
  11. ALSO IN THE NEWS: http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/george-soros.jpg That pock marked, pig face billionaire George Soros had given over thirty million dollars of his own money to help instigate and promote the rioting and looting in Ferguson Missouri. Go ahead, click the prompt and see just how ugly this liberal swine truly is.
  12. NEWS FLASH: While everyone in America was asleep, Obama had released five more terrorist from Gitmo. All considered extremely dangerous. This even after the recent terrorist attacks in France took place. But lets face facts here, Obama is a Muslim, as was his father. So you really shouldn't be too surprised over this. Also Duke University starting Friday will have the Islamic call to prayer amplified and played in the halls of it's cathedral and campus grounds for three minutes. This will happen every Friday at one o'clock. And even though Duke University was founded by Christian Methodist, and Quakers,.. The Lord's prayer will not be allowed to be heard there, let alone be amplified over speakers. You'd have to be a real fucking asshole to continue to send your kids and your money to that school. Liberalism,.. That's the true enemy of the people here, along with their Devil worshiping Muslim friends now.
  13. All I can tell you is what you already know. That the people that hold the seat of power in those respective countries are corrupt, and have betrayed their own people out of their own personal greed. And will one day pay for their sins for it. And when they do finally die, they can count their money in hell, as far as I am concern. Who else, and for what other reason would there be to go along with, and establish a "No Go Zone" in France, where their own cops are not allowed to even patrol. Who would tolerate such a thing, except for those who have been accepting the money that these Islamic groups have been funneling to them. Nothing but a bunch of fucking traitors! Every fucking one of them!
  14. The way I see it. If France hadn't decided that it was such a great idea to have all those filthy Muslims living there amongst them, there wouldn't have been any jihadist around who would have even have noticed those cartoons in the first place. Ancient proverb: Confucius say.. "Some people have to choke on their own vomit before they realize that what they had just eaten was shit". Ah so.. Ah so. France's motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Just how stupid are these people to think that the Muslims believe in Liberty, or in Equality, or in Fraternity with us infidels. For all that history has shown us concerning these people, what the fuck was France, and Germany and England thinking? You can't just cuddle up and go to sleep with snakes without getting bit. Over, and over, and over again.
  15. I'll leave these two for a friend of mine,.. Van THE MAN!
  16. The whole fucking world is just one big zit now, just begging to be popped. But on our side of the ocean, we'll have to wait until we get a real man, and a real president, if we ever will again, before we can do anything about it. It will take a man who's not afraid of the liberal media. Someone with a clear eye and a lot of guts to finally push back when it comes to these socialist Marxist traitors here in our country and across the seas. Someone who has the guts and the willingness to fight a real war against these cock sucking Muslims, and who won't quit after some hollow victory, for some quick photo shoots and a press release. Like I said. It will take a real man, or a true patriot, who still cares about the future of this country.
  17. Here's another one that shakes loose some memories for me. And that bitch I once cared about.
  18. I was still in my teens when I first heard that song. Though I'm not that crazy about Mozart, as opposed to some of the others that I still love very much today. Even so, that song brings back certain memories.
  19. Kind of a funny story, but true all the same. Once, some of the guys and myself were sitting on the steps of this junior high school at night, just casually drinking some beers. And these guys that I am referring to were not like some of those jackasses you sometimes see that make a lot of loud obnoxious noises. We were young men, and had some class. Yes even the very scary tough guys that made up the ranks back then, had class! However, at that time there was some laughing that took place, simply because some of these guys were some real characters, and they were talking at the time about Tom Pierce, not Bosman, but crazy Tom Pierce, and what he had been up to at the time. Well, I didn't think that we were that loud, but it was a quiet night, and back then almost no one had air conditioning yet, so they would often just leave their doors open, with only their screen door then being closed. Well, as it happened from across the street, this old man came to his side door and started to bark at us. Something like, "Can't you kids keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep!" And honestly, we weren't being at all that loud. But he caught our attention, and so we just sort of stared at him for a while. And for a while we were very quiet. But then the merriment and the laughter returned. I promise you we weren't that loud! But there he was again, as he charged through the open screen door heading straight for us. He had on what looked like these yellow kiddie pajamas. You know, with the crescent moon, and little white stars. And he was fuming until he got close enough to focus and then literally stopped dead in his tracks about ten feet from us. He then became real nervous, and frankly a bit shook up just to look at some of these guys. And then he started saying,.. "Look fellas, I don't mean to be a horse's ass, because I was young once too." That sort of stuff. Well, we then said,.. "That alright, we understand,.. Here have a beer." And he started to drink with us, and he started to laugh right along with us. We were a fun bunch of guys. But then his wife appeared at the side door and yelled out across the street to him. "Harold, you get back in here right now!' And he then turned around and shouted back,.. "Aw shut up you fucking bitch, I'll come in when I'm good and ready to come in." And we lifted our bottles up and saluted him. And he was positively beaming. And so for the first time in who knows how many years, he finally found his balls again. And yes that is a true fucking story.
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