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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor
  2. Well I sincerely appreciate you wishing me well. And it's no rouse. It's something that I should have already been working at. And likewise, I wish you success as well. I always reciprocate kindness with kindness. But this thing, once it's begun, cannot be interrupted. So I have procrastinated and put it off for some time now, but will likely begin on Sunday. Sunday was always a fateful day for me, as well as the day that I was born on. You know Aubrey, despite what you may think. There really are some great people here. People that no doubt would even have risked their own lives to save yours, if the situation in that way should ever arise.
  3. Sadly, very soon now I will have to leave you Aubrey and Camcaps, as I have something very important that I must attend to. And no, I won't be peeping in on you, as I am sure that I would no doubt see some spittle dripping down off of your chin, and would feel compelled out of sorrow to come back and wash your face clean once again. Oh, I know,.. I know,.. :'( But don't cry, as I'm sure there are other grownups around here that will gladly baby sit you for a while. So do be good, and behave yourself, and try not to lie, as the grownups here all want to play nice with you if they can.
  4. No,.. Unlike you, I am not gutless or cowardly, so I have no reason to lie. It was not my passage or line that you were quoting. And I think you know that, and are just being the usual pest that everyone here see's you as.
  5. No, Your lying once again. That wasn't me that mentioned "Happily killing coons". It's not my type of dialect. But I would never expect much of the truth from someone such as you.
  6. No Aubrey,.. It wasn't because of that. I thought it would be funnier or more apt for another occasion. But do keep on with your little mantra though, and I'll do my best to try to live up to it, just for you.
  7. Don't hold your breath is right. He really is just a lost little boy.
  8. You pompous ass. So now you not only want to try to impress everyone with how smart you are. Which as I've said before doesn't wear well with you. But now you also want to pretend to be Holier than the rest of us? Which is laughable, since you are nothing but a fraud and a charlatan in everything that you have presented yourself to be. Like any mindless, snot nose liberal, you rely upon your mantra of Racist and Bigot, in order to try to assume a role of moral superiority. But how can a liar and a hypocrite ever prove themselves to be morally superior? Your nothing but a child. You had no solution or answer to either Van's or Ozi's question concerning the Islamic fascist problem. But rather than just admit that as an adult would have, you choose to lie, and to blunder bust some nonsense about,.. "Oh yeah, I've got it, but don't hold your breath for it, because this is not the place for it." What a laugh! Or how about,.. "Yep, I've got it but it would take up way too much space here, and I'll have to pretend to check on all my facts first, which would take too long,.. but I've got it alright." These are the words of a child. A little boy who is just pretending to be something that he is not. A man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcxYwwIL5zQ Here Aubrey, most children seem to like this song. Perhaps it will make you smile too.
  9. Burrrrp,.. Opps, sorry,.. I didn't mean to cause her such grief. :) You know, We use to have asylums for these types of people. I would have loved it if the people there would have thrown their food at them. After all,.. It isn't food, it's violence. And just how do you tell if an egg is a boy or a girl anyhow?
  10. Go away pest. People see you for what you really are.
  11. You are insecure Aubrey. You sorely need and seek the approval of others, but seldom receive it. I know,.. Why don't you go join some liberal book club somewhere, and you can tell them how John Steinbeck just leaves you with goose bumps. Maybe you can even make a friend there. And I noticed that your repeating yourself word for word within your dribble. Is your superior intellect starting to fail you again? Shall we just accept the fact that you have nothing new to say?
  12. Trying to get a Muslim to follow your laws is like trying to train an ant. Get lost Aubrey, Your neither intelligent, nor witty. And it's because of imbeciles like you that these countries are beginning to lose their own identities.
  13. To me, people who have just sat back and allowed this to happen, had no respect for that of their own heritage. Germany, once a beautiful country, also had more than it's fair share of great composers. All gone to waste now. Just more cause and effect from failed liberal policies.
  14. Aubrey: "Now where did I misplace my superior intellect?" "I know it's around here somewhere."
  15. You'll die of thirst trying to draw water from that well Ozi. Aubrey's got nothing.
  16. Grow up child. I know the truth about you. You want so much to believe in yourself, and so much to have others fawn over you, that you lean upon this nonsense of you being somehow smart because you have read a couple of books. You need that crutch to try to support your inner weakness and lack of maturity. Now what? Am I suppose to tell you of the more than twelve thousand dollars worth of leather bound books upon my bookshelf. Am I suppose to mention that yes, I have read Voltaire, and Plato's Republic, and Newton's Principia in order to try to nullify your contention that I am somehow less literate than you are? How about I tell you this instead, you little snot nose brat. I was no more than nine years old when I realized through the law of opposites that it was the right side of the brain that controlled the left side of the body, and vice versa. Three years before it was ever published in the medical journals. And that at nine years old I was able to realize everything having to do with this great law of opposites from that of the big bang theory to where the entire collective mass of the universe in it's almost unfathomable vastness was once shot out of a point no larger than a pin prick. And that even the major and minor notes which makes up our chromatic scales as put forth by Pythagoras also plays into this Doppler effect that these orbiting bodies do make, due to the fact that as Johannes Kepler had stated that these orbiting bodies do not travel in a perfect circle, but in an ellipse instead. That everything, right down to your very heartbeat is ordained in this law of opposites, where one beat pushes out, and the other draws in. So many things that had enlightened me and that continued to feed my mind, like two mirrors facing into one another, and that just seems to go on and on endlessly had visited my mind in this very way when I was but nine years old. What were your thoughts when you were nine Aubrey? Or do I now need to list all of the talents and gifts that God has bestowed upon me, to finally make you realize just how repulsive and ridiculous your elitist attitude towards others in this way truly is. Honestly, I never knew someone so insecure with themselves as you seem to be. Someone who for lack of character or for some other reason just has to try to impress upon others that you are somehow smarter than everyone else. And I didn't just call you a hypocrite. I called you a liar and a hypocrite. Now grow up, and leave those of us who have matured into manhood alone with all of your nonsense.
  17. I know better than to debate a liberal. I have seen others bang their heads against the wall or pull their hair out in frustration in trying to make them see the light, by trying to reason with them. They are not open minded, and remain affixed, or stubbornly stupid. For their own arrogance prohibits them from ever admitting to themselves that they may be wrong. What you have here with Aubrey is a smug, arrogant, little boy, who refuses to face certain realities. And it doesn't matter how many words he may string together in order to try to impress you, with his self-assumed superior intellect. What matters is the fact that he and others like him are never the one's to count upon when it comes to the safety or well being of your country, or of that of your own family. When a physician see's a cancer within a patients body, his only concern is how can he remove it, if it hasn't already progressed so far that it is inoperable. But his main objective from the start is to remove it if at all possible. With people like Aubrey in places of leadership, the patient, or in this case that which we call the western civilization hasn't got a chance. I've sat in the company of many intellectual dupes before. But that's all that they are. Feeding off one another, and just loving to hear themselves talk. But when it's all said and done, it all comes down to this. You can wrap their shit up in pretty foil, or tie a colorful ribbon around it all you want. But it is still nothing more than liberal shit, that stinks all the same. And is nothing that I care to get close to, or be around.
  18. Poor Squirrel,.. See how quickly they turn on you. Pass the Ketchup please.
  19. Your as weak as circus lemonade Aubrey. But go ahead, you win. Now run along and leave the grown ups alone for awhile.
  20. No it wasn't just meant as irony. I know this because you did the same silly things before when you tied to better me in some sophomoric discussion some months ago. Remember? When I pulled down your pants in front of everyone and gave you a sound spanking.
  21. Here Aubrey, this ought to make you smile.
  22. Oh brother, You truly are pathetic. Don't you see how ridiculous you come off every time you try to act as if you are intellectually superior by stating such juvenile things as,.. That was Latin, not Greek. When I call you a child or a boy, I'm not just saying it to be cute with you. You are in fact just that, and it is no longer something sort of sweet or amusing to anyone who is truly knowledgeable about things. So stop being so obnoxious around us adults, and grow up. Remember Aubrey,.. "Happy, happy"
  23. Your one of those that feels that they have to re-quote every single comment before you go ahead and add your little dribble to it. That tells me that you have a very limited attention span. And by the nature of your childish babblings, it also reaffirms that you are in desperate need of some attention. In that regards, you really do come across as just a little boy. But I can only give you so much, as I have something that is far more important now that is pressing upon me, and I may not be here for all that much longer. So, I'll do what I can while I can, but you may need to seek out some other adults around here pretty soon to baby sit you for a while. Now be a good boy, and just try to think of happy thoughts in the mean time.
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