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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Yeah, for a short while it was quite a stand-off between us. But in the end it ended well.
  2. I thank you, for not letting me remain a ploy in someone else's dishonest scheme.
  3. See Pepe', See how deep our friendship goes. I had the drop on him, but he seemed like such a nice fucking skunk, and well, you know the rest. It was close though. Now had he been a liberal skunk, there would have been chunks of him scattered all about the place.
  4. I had a chance once to shoot a skunk with a twelve gauge shotgun that was no more than ten feet away from me. His ass was aimed squarely at me. But I just couldn't bring myself to shoot, and neither could he, so after a few moments he let down his tail and we both walked away the better for it. As laughable as that story may seem, it is actually true.
  5. He's a pretty tough skunk. And tough on the nose too, when he wants to be.
  6. Thank you my friend. I appreciate that very much.
  7. Yes, I was fed this article about governor Bransted returning the Honduras teens back to Honduras. It seemed legitimate enough with so many details as to times and airlines that I didn't think to research it before I related the information here on this forum. Frankly, it just didn't seem like something that anyone would have just invented. However, as I have come to like and respect a number of people here that I correspond with on this forum, I myself would like to say that I am sorry that I didn't take the time to research this bit of joyful news before I first posting it here. What I did uncover after Fred's own post was pretty much the exact same things as what my friend Ozi had mentioned earlier concerning governor Bransted, so there's no need for me to repeat all of that now. The only thing that I do trust in all of this having to do with all these illegals, is that my own intelligence tells me that this invasion into our country is something that the Democrats seem to welcome for the obvious reason of wanting to be able to count on them when they're older or are able to vote to help enlarge the Democrat voting base. And that added to the fact that when they get married and have kids of their own, these new recruits of the Democrat party will then make it far more difficult if not impossible for the other true Americans in this country to ever be able to see a conservative man ever be seated as their president. And this no doubt is something that would delight that fucker Obama. Again, my apologies to my friends for trusting on face value that which seemed to be true at the time, but which I should have checked out or confirmed on my own prior to my posting it here. For anyone who truly knows me, knows that I am a fucking stickler for the truth, so this really does piss me off and irritates me.
  8. Yes, of course they do. You have to reset your settings and turn off the child safety guard, then you can watch Efim throw Diana from wall to wall, and watch Paul hump Leora's leg while her little doggy rides on his back. Great stuff! A thrill a minute. Sorry you had to miss it all.
  9. I thought we covered that. HMFIC stands for,.. Homeless, Must Fuck In Car And please don't pick on HMFIC concerning his sentence structure. He's had a hard time since his stroke, but I know for a fact with regards to myself, He can still say FUCK YOU very clearly. He's a good guy, as I'm sure somewhere's down deep inside you are.
  10. I always thought that that girl in the Mamas and the Papas was a real doll. And no TBG, not the fat one!
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zce0Mc_LhDw I know it's early, but merry Christmas anyways. You know if Paul painted his dick in red and white stripes it would very much resemble a candy cane. I think it would have been a big hit with these girls.
  12. Have any of you ever seen that amazing movie by Roman Polanski called "Bitter Moon?" Well in it there is a scene where this very pretty girl walks over to a TV set and then hikes up her skirt and pisses all over it. That's kind of how I feel about television in general. I just can't stand watching it for very long at all.
  13. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9pqcS_Gl6pE/U-5Rsu1Q5NI/AAAAAAAAB90/TYCJQD5Hf0s/s1600/smoke5.jpg A premium smoke for the sophisticated coonnoisseur.
  14. Drunken astronaut talking to command control: "You want me to do what?,.. a space walk?" "You got to be fucking kidding!" "Fuck, I can barely sit up right now." "Why don't you call back later." Command control guy talking to another man sitting beside him: "Geez, I remember when things use to be tight, and these fucking assholes use to listen to us."
  15. Paul ordering a sex doll: "How much did you say!",.. "Well how much for just a leg then?" Paul talking on one of those sex lines to some girl: "Well, I'm actually more of a leg man."
  16. For one brief moment while she was facing towards Paul I thought that TBG was right. But now she's back to looking like her old self again. Wow, That was kind of exciting there for a while. And a real testament to RLC's shitty camera there.
  17. One of the many virtues of Scotch. No burping bubbles in space.
  18. Well he's not doing very good at adding two and two right now.
  19. I haven't been watching them all that much. But from what I have seen and read from others, I think Leora is looking for a way out of that relationship. Who knows? But if that is the case, she will probably break up with him after RLC makes some changes there. I don't think that either Leora or RLC wants Paul to become a public spectacle over it all.
  20. Well, as long as they're not shark bites nibbling away on my ass, I think I can handle it. 8)
  21. Corporations are a separate entity from that of CEOs and Board members, who do pay taxes. Look, you seem like a decent person, and have conducted yourself in a very civil manner. So I don't mind talking about these things with you. But You know, and I know, that you will probably still remain the same in your ideology when were done, as will I. So I say to you in a nice way, lets just agree to disagree and leave it at that. I don't think your one of those that need's to fear the catapults there on that beautiful coast of California. Maybe just a few month's in one of our re-orientation facilities. LOL ;)
  22. Well, at first I thought of catapulting people like you over the cliffs off California would be nice. It also would be ecological, as there are a number of great white sharks swimming around off the coast there, making it an ideal recycling site. But seriously, I do think that only tax paying people should have the right to vote. And I also think it is foolish to have the voting age be only eighteen, when you have to be at least thirty five to even run for the office of president.
  23. Yes, I suppose so. People who don't want to be treated like cattle, or that refuse to allow the Democrats to deprive them of their God given rights, as put forth in our Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of rights, and the Constitution.
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