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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9pqcS_Gl6pE/U-5Rsu1Q5NI/AAAAAAAAB90/TYCJQD5Hf0s/s1600/smoke5.jpg A premium smoke for the sophisticated coonnoisseur.
  2. She's trying to resemble Natasha for de Squirrel.
  3. Drunken astronaut talking to command control: "You want me to do what?,.. a space walk?" "You got to be fucking kidding!" "Fuck, I can barely sit up right now." "Why don't you call back later." Command control guy talking to another man sitting beside him: "Geez, I remember when things use to be tight, and these fucking assholes use to listen to us."
  4. Paul ordering a sex doll: "How much did you say!",.. "Well how much for just a leg then?" Paul talking on one of those sex lines to some girl: "Well, I'm actually more of a leg man."
  5. For one brief moment while she was facing towards Paul I thought that TBG was right. But now she's back to looking like her old self again. Wow, That was kind of exciting there for a while. And a real testament to RLC's shitty camera there.
  6. One of the many virtues of Scotch. No burping bubbles in space.
  7. Well he's not doing very good at adding two and two right now.
  8. I haven't been watching them all that much. But from what I have seen and read from others, I think Leora is looking for a way out of that relationship. Who knows? But if that is the case, she will probably break up with him after RLC makes some changes there. I don't think that either Leora or RLC wants Paul to become a public spectacle over it all.
  9. Well, as long as they're not shark bites nibbling away on my ass, I think I can handle it. 8)
  10. Corporations are a separate entity from that of CEOs and Board members, who do pay taxes. Look, you seem like a decent person, and have conducted yourself in a very civil manner. So I don't mind talking about these things with you. But You know, and I know, that you will probably still remain the same in your ideology when were done, as will I. So I say to you in a nice way, lets just agree to disagree and leave it at that. I don't think your one of those that need's to fear the catapults there on that beautiful coast of California. Maybe just a few month's in one of our re-orientation facilities. LOL ;)
  11. Well, at first I thought of catapulting people like you over the cliffs off California would be nice. It also would be ecological, as there are a number of great white sharks swimming around off the coast there, making it an ideal recycling site. But seriously, I do think that only tax paying people should have the right to vote. And I also think it is foolish to have the voting age be only eighteen, when you have to be at least thirty five to even run for the office of president.
  12. Yes, I suppose so. People who don't want to be treated like cattle, or that refuse to allow the Democrats to deprive them of their God given rights, as put forth in our Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of rights, and the Constitution.
  13. That depends on how determined you are to destroy the Constitution of this country you are.
  14. I'm saying that I would build a wall in this country that would make the great wall of China pale in comparison. I'm saying that I would put a chastity belt on the statue of liberty so that no one could fuck with America anymore. I'm saying that I would rid this country of all of it's political enemies, and give back to the civilized people of this world their lives back. I'm saying that I would build flame resistant cities that not even the Black community could burn down, just because Swisher Sweets are not free for them, or made a part of the Democrat party give-away program for them just yet.
  15. Yes, I know full well what the liberal media has done to the average Joe in this country. That is why I had produced a number of recorded covert nursery rhymes that are encased in a cute little plastic sound box that the parents can then hang over the side of their infants crib. They seem innocent enough at first, but have subliminal messages intertwined within them, such as,.. "Mary had a little lamb, a little lamb, a little lamb, Mary had a,.. The Democrats are scum that want to kill you and your mommy. Things of that nature in order to counter all of what the liberal media and our public schools have done. You have to fight fire with fire.
  16. Recently that piece of shit Obama had 123 illegal teens from Honduras flown in to Iowa. But the governor of Iowa, governor Bransted said, fuck you to Obama, and had all 123 of them put on another plane and flown back to Honduras. He told the officials there, "Here are your teens back." "They have no papers, and you let them enter into America illegally, but Iowa does not accept them, as Iowa has it's own laws." Three cheers for governor Bransted! If your not a stinking liberal,.. You've got to love this guy! And of course there was a Democrat from Washington that tried to chastise him for doing that. But I say, Fuck the Democrats, right in their ass, along with that little black spider that now resides within the White House.
  17. This is indeed an historic event. A jubilant day of peace and friendship amidst the sounds of church bells ringing. Woodworker and Parasite have become friends, and have buried their misgivings toward one another.
  18. When I first saw your 'Likes', in agreeing with what I had said, I thought, Hmmm, could be a ploy. Don't let a bug get the better of you. But then when I read what you said about Christians and Jews better wake up, I knew that you weren't such a bad Parasite after all. Squirrel had tried to convince me that you were alright, but I just thought that he was just trying to be nice.
  19. As usual,.. well said my friend. To me, a moderate Muslim is one that is constrained by the effects of rigamortis.
  20. If he wants to protect Australia from this Muslim threat, he can start by giving back the citizens there all of the guns that the liberals have confiscated from them. So it took an incident of the prime minister being snubbed or slighted by these Muslims to finally get his ire up. And then comes another gutless speech from another inept politian about vigilance, and people have to play nice if they want to joint our team. You would think someone would finally get smart and tough and just start expelling all of these Muslims fuckers now inhabiting their countries. Hell, you'd be a hero to the people there if you did. And who knows, maybe some of the other countries would begin to take notice and start doing the same. But you will have to overcome the Muslims great defenders first in doing this, which are the liberals. I would make a strong speech to the people of Australia in stating what I intend to do, and would ask them to rally in the streets and to show their support for me in doing this. I would also include the police and the military in that plea to rally behind me and save our country. Then lets see the liberals try to stop you from doing what is necessary in order to preserve your own national identity and sovereignty. Now how's that for sending a message to these Muslim mother fuckers? Oh it would be a passionate speech building up to a great crescendo. I would have some of the finest minds crafting it with my own little comments inserted into it here and there. I would tell them that I am no longer interested in trying to discern under the cloak they wear whether they are a moderate Muslim, or peaceful, fun loving Muslim, or a happy go lucky Muslim, or whatever else they may now try to claim to be, and that I want them finally out of this country for the good of this country period! I would mention these sixty traitors who are taking in Muslim money to betray their own people. I would tell them that one man alone can not do anything to save this country, and that it must be met with the will and support of the people here, and with the people that reside within our military. I would tell them to not just sit, watch, and listen, but to show yourself, and to join me in the streets so as to let all the traitors of this country know, that we will no longer put up with this assault upon all of what we hold to be sacred and dear to us. The safety and the freedom of our own loving families.
  21. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/04/18/article-2311099-195CA9A6000005DC-826_634x590.jpg The liberaltitiorus eugenus Here he is!
  22. Actually he's just an insect and an annoyance, much like a mosquito, or a fly.
  23. A good man. Have you ever noticed how the Democrats always try to deceive the people in the way that they frame the bill or legislation that the voters are to vote upon. In other words if your in favor of something then you have to vote against it. And if your opposed to something then you have to vote for it. That's so they can place ads, asking you to support a bill that will ultimately take away your rights or enslave you by asking you to vote against it. And by trickery they hope that while you think your voting this proposition down, you are actually voting for it. Dishonest as hell. But that's the Democrats for ya.
  24. There it is, the mindless trash that is tearing away at the very fabric of this country. Why don't they go occupy a land fill somewhere, that would be fitting, or maybe a prison, which is where I would love to see them all occupying. Anti-American scum! And to think of all those great young men that fought and died in the past, so these imbeciles could have their little day in the sun here, sickens me.
  25. That doesn't matter. What really irritates me is that your not sitting within an arms reach of me.
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