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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. http://www.teamjimmyjoe.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Ugly-Couple-500x284.jpg Here's another New Couple that RLC intents to introduce soon. But only for it's Premium members.
  2. No, not that girl. LOL The other one that makes all those pictures in the sand. The other one looks like a lion tamer. I could just see her with a whip and chair.
  3. Boy, Her parents must have flipped out the first time they placed her in a sand box. And she is also quite a looker too!
  4. Many of these gruesome spectacles in the middle ages would be view by large crowds including even children. And they would often have barkers, or little stands where they would sell corny dogs, well maybe not corny dogs, but stuff to eat, much like what you might see at a state fair. I do think there was some social value attached to this, as it made it pretty obvious for those that are slow to catch on as to what would not be tolerated. Something we sorely lack nowadays. I can almost sense the excitement back then. One young woman speaking to another: "Yea!,.. Today they're gonna have one of those spinning wheel thingys,.. I haven't seen that one in quite a while."
  5. She is greased her scalp almost all the time, but also washed it today. It look like it is done recently and is tight, because she cooled it by ice cubes. Sort of like Marta on the rocks.
  6. I feel the same way buddy. The conversation could then move along more briskly then. Until one of us finally falls out of our chairs I suppose. I drink a toast to all the non-conformist sons a bitches out there! And to the general joy of the table. That last part was actually from Shakespeare.
  7. It's probably something that ought to be shown to young school children, on how to add and how to measure, as well as how to avoid stupid fucking people in their lives.
  8. One of the medics couldn't help crack a slight smile over the gross stupidity of the thing. And of course the two girls then took their cues to turn on the tears, which I'm sure they had done many times since in umpteen bars whenever some guy was flirting with them. It's just a great conversation piece in order to garner some specialized attention, that many girls like these just can't seem to get enough of. So, it wasn't a total waste I suppose. He gave his life for a good cause.
  9. And then there's this young drunk college guy, along with his friends and a couple of girls waiting down below to watch him bungee jump off of this twelve story building. But he and his equally bright buddies had measured the cord for a thirteen story building. And just before he jumped, he kept yelling down to the girls,.. "Here I come girls,.. Are you watching?" And then he went head first straight into the ground. I think that was kind of stupid as well.
  10. Well, I left the video out for this one. But there's that guy who left the safety of his car to get a close up shot with his movie camera of some lions, who then ended up getting eaten by them. That sort of qualifies as being stupid. Don't you think?
  11. Lets hope she doesn't do it near the kitchen counter or close to food, from what I could see of her in that picture. Who knows what might jump out. David: "Oh, are we having rice today?" Marta: "No,.. Not exactly."
  12. I wish things were otherwise. And I don't want to trample upon all these beautiful flowers that someone has recently planted here in our lovely little garden. But you can't always just run away or hide from the truth when it comes to certain things. Some of the things in life can be rather harsh or even brutal at times. And it does no good to deny it or to try to dance around this, when you have to protect those of others that might depend upon you. And yes, I am sorry to say that only a fool would be so careless as to not acknowledge that in certain areas, or down certain streets, there are certain inherent dangers that would place your life as well as those of others you might care about in jeopardy just because you refuse to accept this rather harsh reality. Things just are what they are. Unfortunately.
  13. I am not here to spit in the faces of those that had jumped on a soap box in order to castigate someone whom I know to be a decent person. I'm not trying to start a range war between those that jump to certain conclusions or that might try to make themselves feel better by attacking someone for having the courage to speak his own mind. I would only hope that you would hold that same sort of contempt towards those black comedians that use that very same word constantly, for the mere sake of drawing upon themselves a cheap laugh, or towards those very uplifting, and morally sound, rappers, that have done so much good in the community by instilling a sense of self-worth to so many young and susceptible white girls. And just to be fair about this, You yourself have used stereotyping comments towards them. Dancing? Big dicks? Is that all that a black man should be noted for. Of course not, and I realize that you were merely trying to defend them, or you would have mentioned, car jacking, armed robbery, drive by shootings, rape, murder, or burning down cities, or leaving behind so many fatherless children. But to your credit, you didn't. So why do a lot of otherwise decent white folks fear Blacks? I don't know? And unfortunately we no longer have Nichol Simpson to be able to ask that very poignant question. But maybe it's because they have good memories, or are more willing to face the truth about certain things, when it's been demonstrated so many times before in the past.
  14. That was just what I needed,.. Thanks TBG.
  15. I don't watch ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN. I refuse to let those despicable, deceitful so called journalist feed me the same line of crap that they feed their loyal, liberal viewers. The fucking evil people that control or own these major so called news stations, don't give a fucking damn about your freedoms, or this country, or the very constitution that allows them so much free rein in what they may report or say. So after they had helped our enemies destroy this country, lets see how much they prefer working under the strict control and censorship of the Muslim caliphate, or that of their communist friends instead.
  16. Well, no doubt you've heard what those Muslim bastards have done, in killing those eighty men because they would not convert over to Islam, and then abducting their wives and children afterwards. We have got to get rid of these incompetent, inept, liberals that now hold the reins of power, if we are ever to be able to protect ourselves from these despicable Muslim cocksuckers! Barack Hussein Obama! You can hardly even say that name without needing to spit afterwards.
  17. (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). It does not work...what a pity! I'm very curious about this thin and big footed guy :D Would it help if I described it for you? My pictorial descriptions of things is pretty good, and it will probably get you hard. :o
  18. Yes. She would make a dutiful and responsible wife. She must keep Efim's strength up.
  19. No enticement there. No wonder they're keeping her under wraps.
  20. Why don't you blow it out of your ass, you fucking idiot. Of course he's not twenty five! But your so wanting to act like an RLC cop cadet with such common sense dribble about their rules that you don't even have a sense of humor. You un-paid, freeloading piece of shit here at CC. I can't believe I even bothered to acknowledge your stupidity! Was it the little divvy about the little pee pee that set you off? Did I hit a nerve with you about that?
  21. Yeah I know. If it were given to me to launch, I would have had a naked picture of them flashing up on the screen periodically, you know, one of those subliminal things, while you were watching some of the others at the time as an enticement of sorts. With a banner flashing: Go Premium! Go Premium! Go Premium! With maybe even some sounds of heavy breathing, and panting going on along side with this. Now that's called marketing. ;)
  22. Not being able to even see the couple before you take the plunge, is literally like buying a pig with a poke. At the very least, as an enticement to others, they should have had a still shot of them both smiling and waving at us. Maybe with the caption: "Hope to see you soon." They just aren't very good at marketing I guess.
  23. Sorry, I don't understand what was just said to me?
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