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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. She is so desperate, she just doesn't learn,.. does she.
  2. He's horny, so of course he's back. I noticed he's very quick to cover her up with the blanket, so we can't see his precious girlfriend. But someone needs to remind this asshole that some of us here pay his rent for him.
  3. I don't think I was entirely wrong about it all,.. But maybe your right. I do admit that I let this idea get the better of me, but I don't feel I was entirely wrong in my views over this, as even Noraluver did state that he was explaining to Vika about his father cheating on his mother that day when Vika went into his bedroom early that morning and said something to Kiko. Bur even so,.. Your right, it's time for me to put it to bed.
  4. The dog at least does have more energy at times. I am getting so tired of having to second guess anymore what is being said. A note to RLC: English is a language that many European countries can speak. It is still the predominant language of this world,.. The language of commerce. More books, plays, movies, songs have been written in English, than in any other language. How about putting in some 'attractive people' in these apartments that can actually speak English?
  5. Leora was in the bathroom on the toilet for quite a while, I though that maybe she was starting to get Paul out of her system, if you know what I mean.
  6. Yes,.. It's time for someone new to come into that apartment. With Kiko, there is never anything exciting to watch.
  7. How pathetically sad, and funny. Two girls will to share and give themselves to this guy,.. and he's gay.
  8. It's not by accident that Kiko is by himself in the bedroom playing with his phone, and Nora is in the living room on the computer. Both are quiet. Nora had tried to infuse a little excitement into their lives by granting Vika permission to share her husband with her. But Kiko is NOT interested in girls, and now Nora is very disappointed that Vika is gone, and that her dud of a man has let her and Vika down. Even with Nora, he only does what is necessary and far too infrequently to keep her around. And always in a dispassionate way. Never anything exciting or spontaneous. He doesn't foster or enflames a girls fantasy,.. There is no sweet feeling of her feeling like she is being taken. HE just doesn't care all that much for girls.
  9. Well, that's up to RLC,.. If they had any brains at all, they'd make a new contract with her alone.
  10. I think the maggot is finally talking to her on the phone. Any translators out there would be appreciated.
  11. Yes,.. She's going to go hunt down her passionate, romantic, Lancelot,.. Paul!
  12. She looks like she's getting ready to go out. Strange time of night to be doing that, unless she is going to comb the city for her long lost lover,.. Paul? Lover? That would be a waste of time. Go find someone else Leora, you'll thank yourself for it in the morning.
  13. Where did Mr. Dud,.. El Kiko, go? Vika did not seem very happy with him early this morning, when she first was up. But then I fell asleep, so I don't know,.. maybe she was just tired. But if she's gone, I doubt it was just that.
  14. Well, I'd hate to see her leave, but it is a strange time of the night to be doing such a thorough house cleaning,.. unless it's just to keep her mind off of her 'one and only'. I don't know what kind of lucky rabbits foot or charm Paul must have,.. But he is so ill suited for her it's not funny! She need to open her eyes, and wise up! And to RLC,.. Let her keep the apartment,.. We don't need anymore Alina and Anton's, or Alma and Stefan's, or any of those type of uninteresting, boring, people filling up this place.
  15. I think she meant who knows how to handle and take care of a girl. Or,.. She could have meant someone who will put a crushing fuck on her.
  16. That would be extremely helpful. I will you in advance.
  17. Well, I can tell by the look on her face, and by the way she put the phone down, that she is still trying to get Paul to talk to her. Girl,.. Please,.. Just find someone new. Someone who like yourself takes pride in himself and in his appearance. Someone with at least half a brain in his head.
  18. We're going to need some good translators here, just in case she starts to talk to someone on the phone, so we'll know if this is her getting ready to leave or not, (I hope not), or if RLC will send some decent looking guy around with flowers to say,.. This is our new contract with you, and if you don't object the apartment also comes equipped with me. Or, if you don't like me, you can go find someone else.
  19. I hope what I'm seeing right now, is just Leora doing her normal house cleaning, and not her getting ready to vacate the premises. She energetic, and cute. And yes, as we all know somewhat naïve and immature. But I always thought at heart that she was a sweet girl. I just think she would be so much happier with a guy who wasn't so pathetic and worthless as Paul. My one word description of Paul is,.. Yuck!
  20. Where's Kiko? I feel asleep, shortly after he and Vika woke up.
  21. I'd like to see her keep the apartment, and just bring some new guy home and into her life. But I know that would be too much to ask.
  22. She seemed upset with him earlier, but who knows, maybe she was just tired.
  23. Vika looks at the lap top in the blind spot in the living room. I don't think she sits there to hide from us though, instead it's probably with the cord and all just easier for her.
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