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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Well, His dick if nothing else. O'l hammer head.
  2. Dear Kaplan, On behalf of those of us in the 'Old Folk's Home', as well as many others as well, We would like to present to you this prestigious award for all of your good works and deeds. As through your toil and patience (And precious uploads) you have brought both joy and fulfillment to many households throughout this fair land, as well as to those of us, (or me anyway), who are computer illiterates. On behalf of all of us,... THANK YOU.
  3. Yes, I agree,.. And they are the very shit from the Devil's own ass.
  4. I think he also intends to annex Mexico as one of our states. That would secure for the leftist pig even more votes for his precious Democrap party.
  5. He must have thought some of couldn't see without our glasses.
  6. Well, I've mentioned a few of the things that Leora likes, so I guess it's only fair that I mention a couple of things that Paul likes. Paul's favorite song is,.. "Tom Dooley" 'Hang down your head Tom Dooley' Paul's favorite pirate is,.. 'Captain Hook'
  7. Yeah, I seem to remember it from the Breaking News report on Fox once. That must of been the most daring thing that this poor couple ever done.
  8. I've pretty much lost all interest in Maya anymore. Whenever I see a picture of her my eyes are always drawn immediately to that hideous distracting tattoo of hers. I guess I'm just an old purist, and yes, it bothers me that much.
  9. Don't forget to sound those beautiful horns as you fly by them.
  10. No, No,.. Your on topic , and on target,.. Just keep shooting away.
  11. You are definitely my kind of guy. I grew up in Detroit Michigan, but have lived here in Texas since 1977, and as I watch so much of our country crumbling under those filthy, slimy liberals, I am glad that Texas is still sound. Though I worry about it over time, as this decease that the Democrats have seems to be spreading. Aside from being stubbornly stupid, liberals are annoying, obnoxious, and absurd. The males are often little sissy's that wet their pants at even the sight of a gun, and can't even protect their own wives or girlfriends, but instead call 911 and have to hope and rely upon another (Man) to do what was suppose to be his job for him. The liberal bitch, doesn't look for a real man for a mate, but wants someone that will always agree with her, and who will support her feminist agenda. Yet in point of truth, they do not respect these worms, and secretly hold them in contempt. Well, you know the score as well as I do,.. So take care my friend.
  12. She probably didn't want you or your dad to get lazy, and just keep putting it off.
  13. Yes, They've stopped running background checks since they got through with me. Welcome Cal.
  14. Alright Pepe, here goes.. I was going with this girl Barb, who was very cute, no exaggeration, but outside of fucking me, she usually liked other girls. One Friday at my house, as we were leaning against a couple of throw pillows against the wall, and listening to Johnny Mathis, she said to me, "Oh I hope you don't mind, but I'm having a few friends come by." A little later: 'Ding Dong' So I answered the door, and let these two girls in. One was very thin, and the other looked like a line man for a pro football team. Anyway,.. These two girls started to horse around with each other on the floor. They still had their clothes on, but were on all fours and just being very playful with each other. I then said to Barb,.. "Do you want to go upstairs?" And she nodded. So, Now in my bedroom, we were getting warmed up, when there was a loud pounding on the door. I almost didn't lock the damn thing, but was glad later that I did. The Bull Dyke was extremely jealous, and furious. And she kept yelling, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?" And I yelled back,.. "What the hell do you think we're doing in here!" Then it became untenable, and I yanked the door open! This bitch had daggers coming out of her eyes towards me. But she didn't know me the way that Barb did,.. And I ushered that fat belligerent pig right out the front door. Barb apologized to me right after, but I knew it wasn't her fault.
  15. I had the distinct pleasure of throwing a Bull Dyke out of my house once when I was eighteen. It's a long story.
  16. I too want to thank Kaplan0106. More than any other uploads I have always appreciated his the best. Because with all the others I have encountered either problems, or the download trying to invade or mess up my computer, or trying to get me to sign up or something And maybe the fault is with me, but I have always found his videos, easy, direct, and quick. So three cheers for Kaplan, as far as I am concern.
  17. How funny,.. Leora in the 'House of Mirrors',.. She'd never come out!
  18. But I suppose it's a good thing that Leora is a little vain, or stuck on herself, otherwise she wouldn't be so prone to show us so often her naked little body.
  19. Leora's favorite Disney show, "Snow White". "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" I think she still gets goose bumps when she hears that line.
  20. Leora: "Oh my,.. Look at all those mirrors."
  21. Leora's favorite fun house at the carnivals is the 'House of Mirrors'.
  22. I know Christmas came and went. But I was thinking of the perfect gift for Leora. A Vanity Desk, with a three way mirror. Also maybe a Sybian or however the fuck you spell it.
  23. Liberals are stubbornly stupid!
  24. If you mean guy on guy,.. Yuck! I hope it never comes to that.
  25. And on the topic of 'Wood', ( Sorry Squirrel ),.. I have at times in the past been known to polish my wood to a fine sheen, giving it that hand rubbed look.
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