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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. First off...you can leave out the "on vacation" part of your statement. Everybody knows that "on vacation" doesn't mean shit! That was put there to give the girls free will and a reason to be gone and spend hours and hours away from the apartment/big house. A reason to go out everyday and fuck around and then come home and put on some kind of bullshit show. That's the only reason for the "on vacation" designation!!
  2. You keep thinking that Moos, you and everyone else in your little group, it doesn't bother me that you may get misleading information about these girls!!
  3. Ok Doxie, then that is why I haven't seen it LOL. I never go to the picture or video threads anymore. I just come on the forum and read what I'm interested in and then leave......thanks for explanation.
  4. I figured you had seen it in the picture or video threads but wasn't sure. Thanks for the clarification! You are correct Doxie, it is not the same on here anymore and I'm not speaking of the recent changes. I'm speaking of lots of things that get left out of the forum that people just don't talk about on here anymore. I can't put my finger on what has happened to this forum, if it's all gone to PM's or the mods crackdown on anything said about what happens outside the apartment or does the Replay feature have something to do with it, I just don't know. I get on here about 3 times a day, catch up and then get off the forum. Glad you are doing good, that's good to hear! I'm hanging in there myself. Could be better but could be worse. Take care my friend!!
  5. What's up Doxie man? Can you elaborate for me please. Are you talking about a video posted to CC? I don't look at the pictures or videos anymore so if that is where you seen it, I can not confirm. Good to hear from you Doxie and I hope all is well with you!!
  6. You know that's right!! I gave up RLC for a number of reasons and one of those reasons was for all the time the girls spent outside the apartment. These girls are employed by RLC because of those of you that pay their ridiculous monthly fee. They are there to work a job (GOV means nothing) and spending more than 50% of their time outside, IS NOT working a job. I'm not saying they can't go out every now and then but when they pull the kind of shit that I read about and I'm told about them, that would piss me off as a subscriber. Their vacation starts when they leave RLC not while they are there and supposed to be working!! I feel sorry for those of you that support such a lame site! As for Ksusha, I'm sure she is just like the rest of the girls that grace the doors of the GOV!!
  7. Get used to it Fagen, it will never change. RLC will fill up the big house trying to capture as many first time suckers that they can. It will not continue to support them mind you, it's just the beginning of the end because RLC never has cared about their customers!! Thestarider said it the best when he compared RLC to a book that is incomplete by having the last two chapters missing. RLC is exactly that way and always has been where the GOV apartments (their biggest money makers) are concerned!! My buddy tells me that he doesn't watch many apartments because the video feed is so poor. He mentioned Matina's place, KK&K's place, of course Taya's place, Desiree's place is one he has always complained to me about, and a couple of others that I can't remember. He said the feed is so grainy that it's getting to the point that it's not worth it!! Had RLC reinvested in their business by upgrading their equipment to deliver the best feed humanly possible to their customers, they would be much better off. Instead, they always try to do a work around by cutting a lot of feeds resolutions to ease up on their equipment. Unfortunately this is where you are wrong. RLC does have an archive but you will never be able to see it without the right password. I stumbled upon this a few years ago out of curiosity and I can tell you without a doubt that they do have an archive!!
  8. I appreciate you taking the time to do that SC but it wasn't necessary as far as I was concerned. I didn't care one way or the other!
  9. It's always good when things like that happen to us. In the summer between my junior and senior year of high school I used to work for my cities traffic department. We maintained all the stripes on the road, installed crosswalks and repainted others, installed street signals and traffic signs, etc. etc. etc.. One morning we were on our way to do a job at a rather busy intersection in the city and had stopped at a red light. Myself and my buddy were in the back of the truck and the full time employees were in the cab. I looked over to my right and there was this very nicely dressed lady on her way to work who had stopped right beside me so I could get the full effect of what she was doing. She raised her right knee and raised her dress, opened her legs and started playing with herself the whole time the light was red. I told my buddy....hey Tony, get a look at this. He moved over to my side of the truck bed and we both watched this very attractive lady play with herself for a good minute to minute and a half. When the light turned green she moved her leg back to the pedal and gave a little wave to us and went on her merry way to work. The guys in the cab of the truck were totally oblivious to what had happened and kind of pissed off that I didn't get their attention so they could look. I told them that had I let them know about what she was doing then they would have made it where I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the show....they said good point, you're wise beyond your years LOL. That day when we were wrapping up the end of our day, I jokingly asked my boss if there was any way we could increase the time on how long traffic lights stayed red LOL. It's funny thinking back to all the crazy things I did and witnessed in my younger years and how I ever made it this long. I really miss those times now that I'm much older!!
  10. Some cultures are very superstitious, believe in the reading of cards and palms and all that stuff. I personally do not believe in any of that stuff but due to the nature of some, I can see how something like that could be very effective!
  11. I've never seen that live but I have seen it on videos before and it's freaking awesome. Jimmy "frickin" Page rocks the guitar!! Great post Rammer!!
  12. I don't know how many points I had and it really doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad to see all of you that it does matter to stepping up to claim your points. I'm sure the Admin will make right with each and everyone of you. Noldus ought to have his totaled up in a few more days 🙂
  13. I know the only reason Megan is back is because it's her turn in the rotation but I think you guys are going to be disappointed in her this time. I now there is quite a few of you on this forum that watched the orgy show in B2 and think she's all that and she is pretty from what I remember of her. You have to remember that all the participants in that orgy were highly under the spell of the magic water and unless that same magic water has traveled to B4 with her, I think you will be disappointed. At any rate, welcome back Megan, there has been a lot of guys wanting to see you return!
  14. Caught up and I must say, this forum really sucks in this day and time. Nobody wanting to say a freaking word or speculate on anything. What good is this forum without speculation and here say? Goodnight all.
  15. You are too easy! Stand on your own two feet and don't let these guys beat you down!!
  16. WHAT.....not so many who smoke anymore????? Have you lost your freaking mind?? All I have seen in the past and what I read about now on this forum is often these people smoke. The Europeans keep tobacco and other substances in business!!!!
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