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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I totally agree but I also can tell you that in my 58 years I haven't watched more than 5 Miss America pageants. All of those five were with my late wife. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if it wasn't for her, I never would have watched any of them. It's a show for the women in my opinion and them dropping the bikini contest and the gown portion of the show, I personally don't believe it's going to make that big a difference.
  2. Isn't this topic the same as the "general chat topic"?
  3. LOL this has got to be one of the funny's of tonight. Just how hot was it? Were they going down on each other or just rubbing all over each other. Define hot to me!
  4. It worked fine the way it was when I first joined this forum. Now, they have added getting points of some kind to pacify those that cry the loudest. Give them a pacifier or tell them to suck their damn thumbs but quit giving in when they make a decision (Admin & Mods) to change something!!
  5. Trust me when I say this......what you all have done will not solve a damn thing!!
  6. The system worked without a flaw before they went to the general chat. They went to the general chat to appease the very few that have bitched about them trying to get back to the very way it worked in the beginning!!! You have not been around long enough to know the history of this very forum. I do appreciate your comments on the subject however as it gives me reasons not to become a premium member again!
  7. No sir, you and the other 14 didn't like the other system. Your little group is just a smidgen of what participants there actually is on CC. Like I said, I'm happy that once again the little click of you got your way, and if you believe that I will sale you a thousand acres of land in the Texas hill country for a penny an acre!
  8. I bet you are more happy than flies on stink......once again you few have gotten your way!
  9. One thing I must say or it wouldn't be me is this......The Admin and the mods have once again given in to the very people (the 10 to 15 people that have been mentioned) that put up the most posts in this forum. This will solve nothing as far as new membership is concerned!
  10. I totally understand your concern and want to emphasize that I am on board with it. Whatever it takes to get more people involved and not the same 10 to 15 posters is great with me. I think you do an outstanding job and realize when something needs to change. Keep up the good work as far as I'm concerned.
  11. I know and I totally agree and as someone else might have said.....hell, it might have even been you, but somebody said that they should stay to themselves and out of the common areas when the girls are there and I have to agree with that as well.
  12. Point taken.....carry on with your lighthearted self!
  13. I care when it comes to people doubting stuff that can be seen and heard in the apartments and making in my opinion, rude comments about it! As for him staying clear of the girls, his ass shouldn't have been there this long in the first place!!
  14. This is a thread was created by "legrandrobert" and I just added to it to say how you feel about the visiting boyfriends of the girls. From them getting in the way of things happening and putting a damper on things, to stating how long they should be allowed to stay, to talking about them having or wanting to be in every event. Whatever is on you all's mind about the boyfriends......this is the place!! From reading some posts it seems that it is more than time for the boyfriend of Candy to go. If that involves Candy herself then so be it. I was told that it seemed like Candy didn't want him and herself to play with the game with the girls tonight.......I don't know what any of you seen as far as this goes but I can't blame her. The other girls at least some of them I'm sure love to flaunt and tease their bodies at him and it seems like he is getting used to that idea and Candy may not be. What do you guys and girls think?
  15. I missed that topic and I'm sorry. I will move my post from the one I started to the one Robert started. Please forgive me forum members!
  16. He might have made a mistake on the time but do you doubt it that it happened?
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