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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. on ne sait pas si c'est à cause de ces exhibitions sur cam4,perso je pencherais plus pour une mise au point sur le fait que blue fait rien de ses journées et pas grand chose dans la maison et que çà doit commençer à agaçer serieusement sabrina en la connaisant un peu depuis le temps. perso je vois pas blue rester longtemps ici,y-a aucun avenir pour elle ici en restant dans cet appart,rlc ressemble de plus en plus à un squat pour personnes en difficulter ou un foyer pour jeunes complétement perdus,y-a qu'à regarder l'appart de suzan/hector en ce moment,c'est vraiment un bon exemple de ce qui ce passe sur rlc actuellement. j'aime bien blue quand même,çà me ferait de la peine de la voir partir un jour.
  2. big explanation in this moment between blue and carina/sabrina ! maybe italian member can make some interesting traduction?
  3. i have noticed in this appartment after some days or weeks,many girls come here turn in depression and stay in bedroom all the time and do nothing, i think some activity every days like games,sport or something like that between all girls can help the girls in relationship for be more happy here and have more positive energy in this appartment,for the moment this appartment is super boring for watching,i wait next girls and i hope with more energy and more mature
  4. i think it's good couple but the problem is they not spend many time in the appartment,in 2 weeks i have see this couple like only 3-4 times on free cameras, when they are here the rest of the time they are in guest room with no sound so personaly im not super interesting with this new couple for the moment
  5. i have thinking about that today why there is no camera kitchen and maybe the reason is very simple,the kitchen is not finish and vv prefer finish the kitchen for put a camera after(the cam 8 look useless for me,maybe this is the camera kitchen for later) there is no reason for have not a camera in kitchen ! ps;kitek your help is welcome for make some traduction for vv too,yury include,thanks. edit,last vv tweet: During the moving we broke one of the cam, we are waiting for replacement. Probably ll move cam8. Might be done around WED. so we have the answer now
  6. i understand nothing with the plan,for me there is no shower in tver,it's probably the shower for voro we can see on the plan,i don't know but for the moment the all tenants in tver have take shower in bathroom.
  7. there is no shower in tver,it's a bathroom with bathtub with one camera, i have send a tweet for voro for they had a camera in kitchen,it's curious to have no camera in kitchen and yes the bedroom's name is not correct in voro,i think vv will fixe that later. sex in voro now but in night vision for sure for not change ! i don't remember the last time i have see color sex with nelly/david
  8. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    ivo is on camcaps in this moment !
  9. for the next fight it's not the police will come,it's the russian army with paul
  10. lev the handicaped is back and the first thing he doing it's take the playstation pad for play football, nothing will change with him,he desesperate me,i really hope he don't want renew his contract in may and leaving for good like yury have hear on the phone the other day after the fight but not sure that's happen
  11. nice bathtub but there is shower cabin again too ! too bad i think nelly will use the shower cabin like as she did in the old voro appart
  12. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    i can see on the prevew thunbnails the cam 4 stay blocked in night vision when the light is on in living ! there was alot of this style of problem in old tver appart,i hope vv will fixe that now in this new appartment
  13. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    i think the party will be better in voro,look the living room in voro,it's very nice and perfect angle with cameras for see good party
  14. new voro online,whaouuu this appartment look nice with big living room and big nice bathtub,i can see just that for now,i wait for see bedroom, voro look better that tver now with what i can see for the moment
  15. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    im just not super happy see jacqueline again here in this new appartment and i noticed it's the same cameras models we had in the old appartment,the quality video is good just good but not very good too, it's just my little regret in this new appartment,vv have not upgrade the cameras quality
  16. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    hey yury,im back after a little break with camcaps,what guys do you think about this new tver appartment? i think it's not bad ,the appartment is more bigger,i just hope the tenants will not use the curtain in bathroom, it's for that i prefer waiting for the moment for take suscription for be sure they not use the curtain for take shower and i wait too today for see this new appartment for voro
  17. the return of yulia (guest blonde) was short,just the time to fuck 2 time in the dark and bye and just after the other guy guest return, i suspect that was an operation of demid and rlc for try get more suscribers with the return of yulia, i complain for the guys have take suscription for see her yesterday,the boring life can continue now in this appartment with dasha/demid, i agree with you tripod,fuck demid,i hate this guy,what the fuck rlc doing for save this couple again here, the unique chance we have for rlc remove this couple it's stop watching this appartment defenitly
  18. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    tver start to be a cyber coffee for play video games,ivo akira and now this new guy will play all the journey video games
  19. why there is nothing possibility in this new version forum to delete the account? i have send email to admin but nothing answer,i just need delete my account for personnal reason for create new account,someone can help me for delete my account?
  20. what time loosing for watching this appartment,i really don't understand the members continue pay for watching this boring place, it's all the concept of this appartment need to be change,not the poor girls come here every month for make a little money because they live in poor country
  21. nora needed two months for find the new girl aida after the departure of ilona ! too bad work nora you need find another job ,you are not good in this one, kiss you snaky and co.....
  22. nora is the best nightmare rlc have made,i understand now why we have this all shit casting in this appartment now ! because it's nora make the casting for this appartment,it's clear,
  23. yes some problem with this new forum version
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