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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Now that is a good trick move the sofa to bed position, turn the lights out.. and then they disappeared to the bedroom... looks like the guest may be staying the night.... Mmmmmm interesting perhaps.
  2. If you were a boy or girl friend would you not go too said parents with them. As for some interesting scenes with them I do not think so.
  3. Nice big screen put up in the living room while they are on their PC/Lap Tops which is like 12 hours a day....
  4. What does an 18 year old girl supposed look like I wonder. I have seen 18 year old's look more like 30. Anyway welcome Polly and Ray to VH - TV.
  5. What is it with Rasta Furry Ass hair doo's... no where near Jamacia.
  6. Hell fuck no... going by your avatar.
  7. Worrying news dear friends I have a feeling that the link to all Russian cam sites will be cut off in the coming days or weeks because of the attack in the UK of a former Russian Colonel and his daughter. A horrible chemical weapon was used 8 days ago and they are seriously ill in hospital along with a British Police Sargent who went to their aid. Also the British public in the area at the time could also be at risk from this attack. https://twitter.com/BBCBreaking?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author Question: after all this time he and his daughter have been living in England... WHY? If it is on Putin's orders this man is out of control.
  8. I think the Vodka helped... shame it was too late in the morning.
  9. Thank you Mira and Henry... I hope you had a good time.
  10. The recent video of the three-some was very good except for part 2 when Eva seemed to duck out. to early.
  11. Also the Teddy Bears legs are open and looking rather smug... or satisfied after Vera laid on him. Butt then again I would wouldn't you...
  12. She is in what I would call a dual world one with Sid and the other (who knows, no good guessing). Sid is in the virtual reality syndrome with his gaming etc., he does love Em at great deal but she is looking for more excitement and attention. Question who is the other young lady with Em.
  13. Hi all what is this web site that a lot of the residents go on:
  14. Can't wait for some body to start a site called After Life now that would really be spooky. The way RLC are going that is what is going to happen.
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