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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Very nice girl, well stacked... this couple are a bit younger which is nice. I wonder if they are swingers.
  2. So Polly is the long haired red head girl in bed at the moment and the other girl with Ray is who....
  3. Keep an eye on World Politics in the coming weeks, life will go on, well at least for cockroaches.
  4. Yes it is Em judging by that nice rear view with Guy 26/10/2017.
  5. Ok the cams are in Russia all by one in Portugal.... with this Nerve agent used in England and murders of several exiled Russians of late.... The situation between the Western countries and Russia will in the coming week, months is going to get pretty bad.... Cam sites blacked out; Zero trade with Russia; Football World Cup canceled.... I was asked do I live on another planet.
  6. Beaking news.... Another Russian exile in London was found to be murdered due to compression of the neck and was then subsequently hanged afterwards to make it look like suicide. Who else would be killing exile Russians but other Russians on who's orders? !!!! I leave this up to you to decide.
  7. I wish I was living on another planet because this one going to get a lot tougher to live on.... another Russian exile in London was found to be murdered due to compression of the neck and was then subsequently hanged afterwards to make it look like suicide. Who else would be killing exile Russians but other Russians on who's orders?
  8. Latest news is the Russian diplomats (Ambassador) have not given any explanation about the nerve agent used in Salisbury. Now 23 Russian Diplomats are to be expelled from the UK they have 1 weeks notice... tit for tat explusions on the cards. It was said in UK Parliament by many ministers that we like the Russian people but not the crooks in charge.
  9. Knocking shop is open Sleep for ten hours coming up - why start so late pointless in time spans for most countries.
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