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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. This whole conversation is fascinating not just because of the ideas and analysis of the situation and the dynamics of the relationship, but because of the obvious weaknesses of the translation software. I find it very unsatisfactory when trying to figure out what the original posters are trying to say due to the inadequate translation software. Get the gist of it but may be on the wrong track altogether !!!!
  2. What brings you to that conclusion? Pure imagination or evidence you can point to? I'm curious. Not that I'd blame Sam if he did, of course.
  3. That was so good! Leora is hardly avoiding us! Thanks for the link Just Man. Can't thank you enough really.
  4. It's very strange that I couldn't find this video post from Just Man when I looked at the time it was posted and I still can't find it under this date and time where I'm looking. So for quoting the original post including the links I must thank you profoundly Amende and Just Man equally so. Oddly now I can't see any of the accompanying pictures, though. Very happy to have seen these two clips eventually. But now I can see the photos so that must have been a memory issue on my phone. That's good to know
  5. Not sure I understand any of this. All the posters who've generously posted for ages like Hope and Howard and BBQsq etc not to mention Just Man have enjoyed great support and thanks from everybody for their contributions which are easily accessible and safe for all, not requiring any technical know-how to download and watch. But a few recent isolated posters who provide links that strike fear and anxiety into the minds of regulars, used to links from mb and the like, suddenly find themselves targetted as ungrateful leeches. It's like someone came to the playground where everyone has been happily playing for years and bringing his toys along to share with them, but after a few happy playmates don't especially like the toys he brings along, he's taking away ALL the toys and going home. Classic dummy spit. Or am I missing something here? I thought we were all getting along so well these days, too.....
  6. A very well-reasoned response and my suspicions are definitely similar to your own. A shame as we are a group of like-minded and generally agreeable and genuine individuals. There's always one who has to spoil it for the other well-intentioned members.
  7. Doesn't look as comfortable as the previous carpet..... Video hasn't shown up yet, in the videos section, but these gifs are a great start as another wonderful week gets under way.
  8. I shall have to look up George-Louis De Buffon. I had not come across his name before. Some women may object to coming second to the horse but then many of them do tend to be attention-seeking at times! Breaking in a horse may be an essential skill for a horse owner to possess but breaking in a woman could well be a life-long experience for many of us!
  9. Lost in translation, I'm sure, but who is this 'Comme' and who indeed is 'Buffon'? I know only the Italian goalkeeper, Buffon and Comme I know not, unless it's How at the start of a new sentence being capitalised?....
  10. Am assuming that both occupants of this apartment are either music students or professional musicians who need to practice at home as we often see Efim drawing the bow over his double bass. Suspect that Nelly is a violin and guitar hobbyist rather than a serious musician. But she does have many strings to her bow, all the same.
  11. She's done it many times before, the dog being there does not worry her, only the barking or distraction for the viewers later, or sometimes Paul when he's in another room and unaware of what Leora is getting into.
  12. Not the first time this has been mentioned. Doubt it's something he does by choice. It looks like Chloe can't stand having him coming on any part of her body, front or back, and insists that he keeps it well away from her. Surely there's no way he'd get any extra kick out of coming in this way.....
  13. How safe are these to download? It asks for allow on downloading notifications. What kind of notifications would those be? Am I being over-cautious in assuming it's spam or worse? Mab is so much more reassuring in this regard....
  14. Is this one getting skinnier than she used to be? Or is it just the way she's moving? I thought she was a lot more chubby than this
  15. Wonderful! Who wouldn't be lured back to RLC with Leora weaving her magic on here. The audio was excellent too and much better than when I watched it live complete with constant hanging. Thanks a million!
  16. Oh for a decent translator system to be invented!! The ones we are using are total crap!
  17. Was that planned, I wonder? One minute Paul was there and then when I checked again he was long gone and Leora was well into her routine. As soon as she'd finished and cleaned up I noticed he was back again. It was almost as if it was a planned interlude...... Certainly aiming to please her loyal subjects is the Goddess.
  18. Yeah that was the thing I missed. Understandably as it's usually just negative drivel that he spouts all the time. Hope Klohn is right.
  19. How do you know this? I must have missed something. A blessed relief if it's true
  20. He must feel even sicker than he already is when he sees her as fresh as a daisy within minutes of having given it everything to achieve her objective and then come back into the room looking ready to do it all over again at a moment's notice. Not that she'll be able to. Yes he played his part but significantly, for me at least, was her openness with him in seeing her in full flight when there's nothing in it for him. for a change. No furtive rubbing one out for Leora, she's so relaxed and genuine about her needs and I think knowing how difficult it is for him to show his emotions - her loving kisses and cuddles were barely exchanged due to his awkwardness I am sure - he deserves our praise this time for being a good sport and putting Leora first.
  21. The poor dog has absolutely no idea what is going on here...…..she's never seen anything like it before and doesn't know what to make of it! An obviously sick, or maybe hay-fever-suffering, Paul is being urged to help Leora with her daily tasks on the couch, though heart is willing spirit is clearly weak! Leora is giving him every chance to contribute and it will be interesting to see how this one ends up! The dog might learn a thing or two as well....
  22. Simply wonderful collection of gifs. Out of this world for us Leora connoisseurs. Who said having Paul home would put an end to decent action?! This is some of their best and certainly YOUR best work! Leora's little shimmy at the door as she left the room was surely intended for us and how delightful it was!
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