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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. They are still sleeping on the sofa bed in the GR. I wonder if the bedroom is being fumigated or something and they're spending less time in the LR too at the moment. Perhaps it's related to their dog not being able to go into those fumigated areas? Just a hunch. Maybe some Russian speakers know what's going on as it's only October and shouldn't be freezing cold just yet if there's a heating issue in those bigger rooms...
  2. Nelly is just gorgeous in every way. So natural and such a nice temperament and disposition. Wouldn't we all have loved to have a woman like this in OUR lives! She knows how to please Bogdan and she know show to please herself, which is a perfect combination. Plus she cleans naked! :-)))
  3. After seeing Hope's latest video offering I'm inclined to think that these two are slowly getting there and that he is trying to please her as much as himself which wasn't the case when we first encountered them. She looked willing to please but at the same time ready to tell him when it wasn't doing anything for her and to try another approach. I think over time we'll see more and more experimentation from both of them as Adeline loses more of her inhibitions and he loses not only his selfish tendencies, but the condom once in a while for oral and or other games they might play. I really think she's at last more than just his receptacle, although it's taken some time to reach that point. Hopefully soon we'll begin to see more and more interesting things happening and a lot of what we're seeing is quite natural for a couple as they learn about one another's needs and bodies. My take at least.
  4. One of your very best, Hope! Imagine if Adeline was doing that balancing act all day long, rather than doing push-ups, just how fit she'd be! She looks like she'd losing her balance, but practice makes perfect, so Doctor Bubbleobillo prescribes more and more of the same. Repeat daily!
  5. I think you summed it up perfectly. Absolutely zero mystique. Sometimes women are easily led into doing things that are not in their own interests and both the tattoos and the breast surgery fall into this category.
  6. Perhaps the central heating has failed in the bedroom and living room, or they wouldn't be using the GR and opening the day-bed up to a full size? Seems Leora is keen to express herself, but can only 'shake it all about to compensate for the lack of exercise and mobility at the moment. They'll all be going stir crazy if this keeps up! Maybe a good time for the keyboard warrior to hop on his bike and head off into the sunset, cold as that may be, so that the heroine can do great deeds on behalf of her loyal followers. Or is that asking too much?
  7. Her own devices are currently in a tasteful shade of brown and snowy white. We are always open to more variety and imagination in Leora using those devices. :-))
  8. Leora channelling Audrey Hepburn. "Who's that pretty girl in the mirror, there? Who can that attractive girl be? Such a pretty ME!"
  9. Hope: We are not worthy of your massive generosity with these videos and photos. You're getting better and more generous by the day. :-))
  10. Bravo! Thanks for being so generous with your time and efforts
  11. With the dog in the room - no way to lock her out, with Paul around to smell a metaphorical rat - she had to be extra discreet and you'll note that she let the dog wander out, before letting herself off the leash and then using her shirt collar to chew on to stifle the audible squeals. :-))
  12. Inevitably, Leora went to the bedroom to complete her performance, no doubt influenced by the risk of being disturbed at any moment and just general unease at the thought of being 'sprung' Maybe we'll get to see this some months from now when it's shared on some other platform...can't say I blame Leora for moving away from the LR in this instance.
  13. It's international. And although the translation software could be a whole lot better, I, for one, have no problem with that, as otherwise our French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Italian-speaking and Russian-speaking friends would not share their views with us and as far as I'm concerned it adds another enjoyable dimension to the general comments pages.
  14. Thank you! And thank you very much for your understanding, too. Got to the file in time to download and watch it on zippyshare. Cheers!
  15. It's only a text file. Wasn't able to change it to .zip despite the option on the screen to do so. This is too complicated for the 'non technical users', as we call ourselves. GIve us the mab or zippyshare options and we can cope. Anything else, we need to go to IT school to learn the basics. Which could take some time! I know I don't speak for everyone, but for many of us who need more user-friendly links. But thanks for posting the photos at least.
  16. Part one was deleted by windows security for me too. Must have been suspicious in some way of other for Windows Defender to bar it
  17. Fingering on the fiddle all day has her primed to finger around and fiddle with herself to her heart's content!
  18. and when I tried to take it from mab over and over again it kept hanging. Possibly due to lack of space where I was trying to save it to but also mab has been known to slow or stop now and again. A repost would certainly be appreciated as I must have tried last time six or seven times to download it without any joy. It looks like a good one too...
  19. I understand some French and maybe a little Italian too so I appreciate that both languages do have many qualities (as well as quantities) that English does not and so poor is the automatic translation into English that it's almost better for me to try to understand the original Italian than the garbled English translation. If anyone can come up with a superior piece of translation software than what Google provides then I reckon they could make a lot of money one day! Great to hear your views Moreau. Joan of Arc was far too long ago and England is still a nation of shopkeepers, many of whom are thinking that Europe is full of foreigners. Such short sighted fools! Vive la difference!
  20. I do wish I understood this......it's been rendered in English, by translation software, but it's not a version of English that's comprehensible to this reader, unfortunately.
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