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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. To understand what all the fuss is about go to the Leora and Paul Videos thread where all the recent posts there provide a lot of explanations about what is wrong with pornlink and why nobody wants anything to do with his links.
  2. And mab has certainly proven to be the most reliable and efficient so I'm right with you there BBsq69 - the two links provided by Hope on a regular basis are both good ones and easy for the non-technical types to follow and make use of. These links from others that make technical demands which send you round in circles and are poorly explained and often lead to spam and no result are a complete waste of our time and should not be given oxygen on this site. Hoping those who do post like Hope, Howard and Mittsy will continue to share their unselfish work and provide just those two options, of which mab is clearly my own personal preference with the alternative not too far behind.
  3. Didn't we have this same discussion once before? I wonder why anyone wants to use anything other than the two efficient and regularly-chosen sites for this purpose. Mystifying why this occasionally still happens. Thanks Howard for stepping in with this sound advice. Again.
  4. Is that what they call a scalded cat? He's holding it the way some of us would hold a rabbit, though!
  5. Disappointing, It hints at things not being at all settled between them and some resentment is held, as happens from time to time.
  6. Controlling behaviour. Or maybe she has an assignation or he fears she might have?...
  7. Maybe just going to walk the dog. One can only hope. And upon her return get down to business....
  8. I think you do have a point. Unfortunately this IS real life and many people - even the most attractive ones in the community - do lead boring lives and lack imagination and empathy/sensitivity/thoughtfulness and certainly adventurousness it has to be acknowledged.
  9. I also find it a bit off the way she uses a roll of paper towels to mop up after him, rather than a box of tissues. It's not as if they are not living in a new, affluent Russia, with a smart apartment and all mod cons. I've seen this with other couples too, using toilet rolls or other things to do the mopping up. It must be said that Leora is much kinder to the environment and mops up after herself using her underwear which is about to go in the wash and I think that is far more pleasant a way of cleaning up. Or is there some reason why paper towels rather than facial tissues are not widely available in Russia when they are everywhere else in the modern world and are so much more hygienic?
  10. We should have read the signs! Stealing others' songs was only the tip of the iceberg
  11. Can't do everything, Hope! You already do well beyond the call of duty for us very grateful followers. Maybe we'll discover more about this situation as it unfolds.
  12. That will never happen. Leora won't get out if bed until midday at the earliest unless she has an appointment and has to go out early which is rare.
  13. Or leaving the friend in charge of Sam knowing he's not going to be idle...….
  14. May only be a matter of time then, if she's so easily aroused. May need a few days to become comfortable with the idea of expressing herself with them both, in full glare of the cameras, especially. A nice sense of anticipation surrounds these three, now and we must be ready for it when and if it happens.
  15. When she's ready she'll let him know. She's the one in control and if he tries it on without prior agreement she soon let's him know she's not ready for that. Yet.
  16. Yes, I remember. Seems it's the only time, but it was very well received by her many fans.
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