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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Nelly really enjoyed that didn't she! Totally spontaneous.
  2. And only a few weeks ago, if not days, she rejected his anal advances again and they really looked awkward for some time afterwards. I'd say unless she initiates it, which is unlikely, Bogdan had better not even suggest it again in the foreseeable future.
  3. They forgot to put up the sign 'Under Maintenance', surely?.....
  4. Right up there with the best, Hope! And he's right up there too by the look of things!
  5. Picture looks good thanks, but the link doesn't lead to an mab file, at this stage at least.
  6. Interesting! 7 digit code compared to 5 digit code. Of course we seldom see any code on posted videos and pictures these days so hope our friend can find a way to post in future without that giveaway code and avoid being blacklisted as opposed to having their membership of RLC terminated! Good luck in sorting it all out. Take careRapStar48
  7. Even - and maybe especially - when they're playing cards together, the absence of the other couple allows them to be more natural and enjoy one another's company better, I thought. The obvious intimacy and trust between these two is quite refreshing and almost, but not quite, up there with the model couple, Nelly and Bogdan, who have magnificent natural chemistry and mutual attraction. We, the viewers, could be in for some very appealing captures and live viewing if we are around at the right time.
  8. These people you mentioned, as well as the site admins, can definitely lend you guidance on this. I am not technical enough to do any more than raise the issue as a potential problem.
  9. seems now they have full rein to do their darndest to entertain one another and us!
  10. It may be too late but others can advise you on how to obliterate those tell-tale number so that you can reload the links. But the damage may already have been done unfortunately. Others need to step in here to advise you.
  11. It may well be the video itself that is the issue. The numbers showing on this site are also a problem of course but the video needs to have the numbers obliterated. I am not the authority on this. But nobody else has so far mentioned it.
  12. But the tell-tale numbers in the bottom left hand corner may get you into some trouble which is something I'd be afraid of if I'd done this. Hope it's alright.
  13. How widely interpretations differ! Didn't see it but amusing to see how the perceptions of those who did were so at odds with one another!
  14. Are they still talking after the last session seemed to end abruptly with Nelly's unwillingness to go the extra mile? Or am I reading too much into the video posted by Hope which seemed to indicate that tensions were definitely strained at its conclusion?...
  15. NIce little bate going down in the GR right now but when I tried to refresh I got the dreaded message about unlimited viewing being restricted! Knew I was risking it doing a refresh mid-bate! :-))
  16. Just saw a thumbnail on the live feed at this place and talk about being on the receiving end! It was quite a feat bent over that chair, but she couldn't last too long in that position, obviously!
  17. Her face is full of intelligence, too. I find that far more exciting than looking at a girl like Chloe or Angie, for instance. Maybe reciting lines from Chekhov's 'The Seagull' or something?...any Russian-speakers know? we used to have plenty on here at one stage...…...
  18. An actress, like Zoya was, rehearsing her lines, surely?....can't emote on stage without body movement, unlike in the cinema.
  19. Yes, That's what I thought too. Apparently the 'old lady' isn't going to get lucky any time soon!
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