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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Freitag13 You my not no this but there are permanent water marks now in the screen. If you are sign up and log in and you post a photo from K & K or the new apt or the other girl apt or any other apt you will be ban from RLC within 24 hour. The photo you are seeing posted now are from the free cam. The free cam don't have water marks. So this is why some of us come on here and tell what going on. We are not going to loss account over some one that won't to see photo of what we talking about. If you really won't to no what going on then get premium and then log in and post some photo and you see how fast you will loss your account
  2. My be Rlc told Irma to stop using ther toy and doing thing so we will pay attention to the new apt and like some one just said my this will help keep the paying viewer they got. This new apt is just like the other apt when it first open up and look how long it took to finally get K & K. We all no what Lola going to do. She did't even give us a good look at her pussy and she never even rub on it. I think Irma & Ilona has done what they where payed to do now they are just waiting till there time up to go home
  3. They give these girl a set of keys and a pocket full of money and tell them enjoy your vacation o and how to hide from the camera.
  4. I like ever one on here and i respect all of you But when some one come at me i not going to just sit because i am a women and you think you can bully me.It hard to ignore them when they do this ever time they come on.Some time we can talk for two or 3 day and not have a problem with no one. But when these few get there sorry ass out of bed and come on here the first thing they do is start on Bonnie.
  5. Blue is my husband. We was on RLCF but i come over her because i like what a lot of you where saying and i still do.
  6. For those who have a problem with Blue & Bonnie then being your sorry ass to Tarpon Spring Florida and we meet at Publix grocery store and i show you what my husband taught me to do with BULLY. THANK YOU to the rest of you that has been nice to Blue & Bonnie. Sorry i had to lash out to a few member on here but they started on me first and they just won't get off of it they just keep bashing me. I on here just like you talking and there a lot of you that don't have a problem with Blue & Bonnie. Thank you guys
  7. Time to being in another computer. There 29 camera to see with 3 girls apt. Now we have 8 girl to watch so you need 8 screen to keep up with them
  8. Lola has her own bath room and the camera in there are good but in the main bath room with only one camera very bad position and it look like it has a glass on the side of the tub like in C & S bath room
  9. And just think you going to be there one day. LOL Enjoy your youth.
  10. Blue&Bonnie

    Tver - Split 4

    Ivo is diabetic and he been fucking all most ever day since he sign up with VV. My god the boy need a rest. The people on VV are not robots that you plug in and they go again. You guys think they should fuck 24/7 just to make you all happy. They need to rest ever now and then. There humans not a toy
  11. What we got is one sick Kitty. One bloody Kitty, One cage kitty and one kitty that look like it ready to go wild. I think that sums it up LOL
  12. If ever thing is right then what do you think the new girls going to show only being there 9 day and getting her on place. i think she not going to show NOTHING. Well what do you think
  13. See RLC is reading what we are saying. Some people was complaining that Irma was showing to much nudity. Now look at Irma. She starting to wear more clothes in the apt or it a sign that Irma time is all most up in the apt and she be leaving soon. If you been watching the girls apt then you no when they come in they will start showing nudity and doing thing sexy for the few week then stop or they will wait tell the last week they are there to start show nudity and doing any thing. Irma been giving us a lot but i think she about done entertaining us but you no we been wrong a time or two
  14. What we was told by you no who BTR is RLC is reading ever thing we are saying to try to improve RLC but what i think there going to be no improvement in the web site it just all talk to try lure in new viewer. Do you think that the paying viewer are going to keep watching all theses apt for another 5 years. And in the all girls apt what i see is the girls do like 3 show or do a little teasing for a few week and then they stop doing any thing till they go. I say the web site will be the same that it all way been just girls on vacation and fucking with our head.
  15. Remember guys the Almighty Pussy can get what ever it won't. It never goes limp and it all way open for business. LOL
  16. Harley Your right that where the money is and remember Elisa said that she was tired of modeling and Danya told her she could do nude photo shoot and make more money and if you do nude photo it tends to lead to porn
  17. I have to agree that K & K are popular but when K & K sign back up they done a lot of negotiating and got a lot more money for there popularity and now if there are new owner and what is being said by one of the new owner if he is part owner of RLC is K & K are getting more money then the new owner are wanting to pay them. So these kind of behavior we seeing out of K & K my be that RLC told them they don't won't them unless they renegotiate on a lower pay and K & K are not giving in. My be she don't won't people to get a good look because it might get around the modeling agency or other agency might be calling her to do nude photo shoot or some thing. These is all i can come up with and it could be some thing else who no
  18. He drinks heavy. He still live at home. And he has slept with other girl while he was dating Kristy and got no job
  19. As i said you see what you see and i see what i see. There nobody right or wrong we all see thing different Rita was a exampl. I just made a comment and that all . End of this conversation there no need in arguing over this. Water under the bridge
  20. RLC is a business and there here to make money. There girls get a job with RLC to make money.Here a example Do you bring your real life to work with you. So this is no different. Theses girls are not going to bring there real life to work with them. These girls are only hire to make RLC money. K & K are only here for the MONEY and they use us the viewer to get what they wanted by using there popularity. I heard they make enough money off of us to open two apt
  21. I think Irma is just a nudist. She had the opportunity to go all the way with Anna and Ilona and Irma back out. I think Irma is not really into girls Irma just playing around with the girls for the money. You guys think a min. When these girls come in the apt it a job and the more you do on your job the more money you make. If this is real life then the girls would pay for there share of the expanse then it would be real life But they are getting payed so it a job and not real life
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