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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Benfold i just made a comment on what you said.Also it a good thing when Blue & Bonnie say some thing never going to happen. When we say these then you no it will happen. That way we say thing like that so it will happen and also make us look like fool. LOL
  2. I did not say she was never ever going to use it again and i did not say that any one in the apt not going to do any thing. I said it going to be a while before we see any entertainment. You are miss reading what i am saying. Are you from the USA or another country. If you are then some time you read thing different
  3. I watching A & M taste a beer and you can tell 100& they never tasted a beer before and Amy was checking the alcohol content in the beer
  4. Blue & Bonnie are thinking the same thing and we my not be to far behind you as you say.... time will tell
  5. Ok guys some of you no there been a problem With camera 5 in Ilona room. I email them last night again about camera 5 and suggested there might be a light bulb that burn out in her room. So this might be why it UM
  6. One more thing. Why would they get a BF when they have a visa and they have to return home or go to another country to do another photo shoot. They can't take him with her unless he got money to travel with her and imagine if she did meet some one she like he probably has a job. friends and family so he just no going to pack up and go with her. These girl are probably finding a guy to spend some time with while they are there then they move on to the next town and the next guy
  7. A BF to me is some one you been dating for a good while so how can you guy say they have a BF when they not been there that long and if they had a BF then they would not be spending the night with them like Kamila spend the with her BF and if it was a BF that came with them then why is a girl in the apt. The BF would have to pay for a visa,plane ticket ,Hotel and food. That would cost more money then the girl make in the apt. These girl are meeting total strangers and that it.O it some one they no. How in the hell do they no them if they live Ukraine. Talk about me not masking no sense. Some of the stuff that said here make no sense
  8. Now all of you say you watch RLC for different reasons but there are a lot of us that watch for the sexual activity. I love to see the girls go out and have some fun but when they go out and have sex then there no sexual activity in the apt. For example Irma been going out almost ever night sense Ilona & Irma done there show and now we don't see Irma do nothing in the apt sense she been going out and the same with Polya and Ilona The girl started using there toy then they started going out and now no more toy so that till me there having sex out side the apt Just my thought
  9. Now why would a girls do that. It call rumor. The girl my not won't you to see what there wearing so they change there outfit in the entryway so that way no bad rumor are started. And if you been on here long enough you no these girls read ever thing about what they are doing and wearing.
  10. Harley. I think you are right. I have seen some girls get dress and take a bag to the entryway and change into sexy clothes then go out and come back and change into the clothes they had on when went to the entryway. Now how would i no this. Will that easy to answered. I guess some of these girl think that we think there gone and some of them have forgot some thing in there room so they come out of the entryway with a different sit of clothes on & some of them have tried to cover there outfit with some that was hanging in the entryway
  11. 17:13 Irma is gone. Irma Wash her hair and took a shower and put on make up and she pack up her beach but she did not put on her bathing suit she just put it in the bag so it look like she going on a date and then the beach
  12. It been 7 days since Irma use her pink friend and you no when she go out that she not going to use it when she get home and she should be about ready to start her period so that going to be another 7 days so she out. No entertainment from Irma. It look like Polya infection is stopping her from using her pink friend and her infection could last for a few more day or it could last a month.Forget Ilona and Stella. So i fill safe to say there not going to be any entertainment from apt 1# for a while.
  13. Yep she going out. She in the down stairs bathroom putting on make up. I guess we won't see her till 2 or 3 in the morning. She came home last time at 3:30 AM
  14. Dreamer sorry to here that. I trying to help you and there only one why to join and that through segpay. I going to bed now Good night and i say a prayer for you
  15. Dreamer 24 PM sent and i for got you have to till them how much was coming out so they can find it . It $44.95
  16. Kristy x BF is there. I think he been there about 30 min. It 4:01 now. They are both dress and in the bed holding one another
  17. Yes But there a good side of this. They don't have jets in this tub so we won't see a 4 foot bubble bath like we see in apt 1#
  18. Ok guys this is what i got. The reason there not camera on all the balconies because there open balconies and the only place to put the camera is above the door which will show you the surrounding building and it could give there location away. Other words it a security risk for the tenants
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