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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. winnlove. There are a lot of member on here that from around the world. So some time the way some one says some thing my sound different to you. Please if you not sure what some one is saying then ask them to explain it a different way & you can use to PM. I never seen you on here and i not been on here to long but it sound like you was saying i did not no what i was talking about That why i use ( I think) or ( My Be }. Some time i get thing wrong and some time not. I only try to say what i see
  2. winnlove. Did you not read ever thing i said. First i said IT LOOK LIKE THERE GOING TO THE BEACH. Then i said it guess i was wrong on guessing there going to the beach but they did PUT ON BATHING SUITS so this give you the IMPRESSION they MY BE going to the beach. Do i need to explain in another way so you can understand it
  3. and all so wearing bathing suits. So i guess i was wrong on guessing there was going to the beach. O well
  4. You got to remember Irma was asleep when it went UM and you no that housekeeping got to come and clean up and make up the bed so it could take 12 hour to do all this and Irma did do a few thing a few day ago that kind of look like she my be leaving. and also on top of all this some one my have come in early to do some work on the apt my be that the reason why it went in UM early
  5. Where we at . 9 hour and 20 min in apt 1#. It really starting to look like a new girl is coming and some one is leaving
  6. Lyree Hello I have to agree with you she is very attractive lady and she is fun to watch. She look like she no how to turn on a man
  7. Kristy and some guy brought in all that stuff that in the corner of the living room. Now it look like it all belong to the new girl. Go back in to the archives and you see where i told ever one that a new guy was moving in and they brought in all that stuff and it will prove what i am saying
  8. Also i just notice all the stuff Kristy put in the corner of the living room might be the new girl stuff. I need to go back and watch some more to be sure
  9. That it and they did add some thing to it. Now Megan and Amy are out on the balcony with there drinks and grapes and they did close to door when they went out
  10. Megan and Amy just open a bottle of what look like some kind of liquor. It is 100% not wine.It that creamy looking stuff and the bottle was sealed like a liquor bottle
  11. Ilona is on her period so she probably took a shower to put on a new pad and with Polya & Irma still asleep it starting to sound like some one there to do work in the apt. Irma was taking photo of the camera equipment a day or two ago so this might have some thing to do with it being UM. The last few time it was UM this long was when the cable man was there to fix the WiFi and on another day was to fix the plumbing and paint the guest room
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