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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Megan went out and came back in and was waiting for some one to come in the apt. Now the apt is UM 00:12
  2. Polya probably took a bus or trolley and Ilona is waiting on a taxi. They do take a long time to come. I seen Adele ans Danya wait a long time on a taxi or she could be waiting on a car to pick her up like Adele & Danya
  3. I just thinking about the way apt 1# was before we heard about there might be new owner. And after what i am seeing in Apt 1# i can see there has been big change made in that apt with the girls behavior. In apt 2# is the way apt1# used to be
  4. Well i can say there has been a big change in RLC. apt 2# is the way RLC was now apt 1# is the new change. Back before june 1 the girl did stuff out of the blue and they act more normal. Now the girls in apt 1# act like there waiting on there next phone call to be told what to do next. In the the old day you did have one girl go bate then after she was done the other girl go bate. Also in the old day the girl did't do certain thing on pacific day. The girl done thing on there on time. The only bad thing with the old day was they had viewer fee and that what made the girls stay in there room
  5. Well it look like ever Wednesday we can expect a show out of the girls. For the past 3 week They have done a show on ever wednesday. Now it look like there planning there activities for the next 6 day for out side the apt or you can say Ilona has plan Irma activities out side the apt. So now it look like that there a schedule, if so then you won't have to spend so much time watching and waiting
  6. From what i saw Amy is still in Barcelona. I think RLC had a talk with her yesterday and she did not won't to stay in the apt no more and RLC made arrangement for her to stay some where else. If that the case then Megan could be going over there and hanging out with her ever day. We have to wait and see. These girls can leave any time they won't if there not comfortable in the apt and Amy my have a schedule plane ticket and she can't leave Barcelona yet but she don't have to stay in the apt
  7. Well guy i going to say good night now and i be back with some more it will never happen prediction. LOL Bye
  8. YES i told you Blue & Bonnie was your good luck charm. When i say nothing going to happen you can bet it going to. Irma lighting the candles
  9. Ok guys Amy put in a pad last night and the earlier today she got a pad a clean underwear and put them on so it starting to look like it her time to start her period
  10. I trying to keep RLC on there toes and i spend so much time looking at RLC tell i can see what they have done with the camera. Also i give RLC a very detail letter so this help get the problem fix
  11. There was a problem with camera 5 in Ilona room and i email them about this. What they done is took camera 2 and put it in Ilona room and put camera 5 back where camera 2 was. The reason probably was the living room was not being use that much and there was more going on in Ilona room and they my not had a camera to replace camera 5 so they just switch them for now
  12. clivebb. I have had good luck with them and i get a different response. That why i said to say this. (Hello Please send this to RLC management team ) If you start the email off with this then they will forward it to RLC management team. If you like the girl (Natasia ) then please send them a email and start it off like i said and see what kind of reply you get then by doing what i said
  13. I have done email RLC with a very long detail letter and now i need your help. The girls that was at Kamila apt monday night that put on that open masturbation show is what i email them about. I ask them to please sign her up for the project. I also ask them to try her out in one of the Barcelona apt and if she did good there then move her in with K & K.I need you to flood RLC with email if you like this girl name (Natasia ). Please send your email to ( [email protected] ) and start it of by saying ( Please send this to RLC management team ) Then till them how much you like her & you won't them to sign her up. Thank you guys
  14. Thank you. I was going by Ilona period and we have seen Irma start her 2 or 3 day after ILona start her and i was going by Polya and her putting pill up her pussy for her infection and if you no some infection can take a while to cure and with a infection it could be tender down there. So this is what i basing my opinion on and also Ilona and Stella sharing a room. Just what i see and that why i said it could be a while before you see any sexual entertainment
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