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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I don't know how my son can be leaving the military when I don't even have a son. You are becoming totally delusional. Also, repeating the lie that Trump said deceased soldiers were " suckers and losers" just shows how dishonest and deceitful you and Democrats are. You are severely mentally ill.
  2. Actually, if you accept the Imperial College of London's prediction of 2.2 million Americans dying if nothing was done to slow the pandemic, then that means President Trump has saved the lives of almost 2 million Americans.
  3. No, talking about my state of Illinois, California, New York, New Jersey,and Massachusetts.
  4. It has already been documented that most Democrats will vote my mail and most Republicans will vote in person this year. The Democrats and the new media will do everything they can to hype the dangers of covid in an attempt to scare Republicans away from polling places.
  5. You are right, covid has nothing to do with the election. But the election has everything to do with how the Democrats and the news media talk about covid during the election campaign.
  6. I didn't say covid will disappear. I meant the covid hysteria will disappear unless Trump wins. But even if Trump wins the volume of the hysteria will decrease after the election. It temporarily disappeared during the BLM marches. Covid is being hyped right now for political purposes. If Democrats win the election they have issues that are much more important to them than covid, so the news media will decrease coverage of covid to accommodate the Democrat agenda.
  7. We've been told over and over that they are experts. and Trump should listen to them . To the U.S. news media and Democrats Fauci is an all knowing god.
  8. I will be glad when this election is over, so that all the hysteria over covid will come to an end too.
  9. How is it that Trump did nothing to stop the pandemic when Fauci and Birx both say he did everything they recommended?
  10. You mean provisions which make requiring an ID to vote illegal.The legislation also included provisions to financially bailout Democrat run states that spent themselves into oblivion with ridiculous social welfare programs and bloated government retirement benefits. That's one of Nancy Pelosi's favorite tricks is to load up a piece of legislation with a bunch of Democrat pet projects which have nothing to do with the stated purpose of the bill.
  11. And if you ever got out of your mommy and daddys' basement and began financially supporting yourself you might actually learn something about the real world. Or do you prefer to remain a dependent little loser the rest of your life?
  12. Those people along with all the idiots of ANTIFA and BLM are the last people in the world I would meet with.
  13. How can Trump fire them when they are not even on his staff nor working in the White House? The sources for the stories work at and for The New York Times.
  14. Wait and see all the chaos that is caused in this election after Nov.3 with mail-in ballots and then tell me the concerns were all bullshit. Trump had no way to improve it because voting regulations are set by each individual state, not by the Federal government. Also, we didn't have three years to improve the system because it was the pandemic which started in 2020 that was given as the excuse for the need of large scale mail-in voting.
  15. Nice try, but that document you referred me too just lists the rules and regulations against double voting. It says absolutely nothing about how to detect or stop the practice if someone is willing break the law. Again, there is nothing on the ballot to identify the voter who is casting the ballot.
  16. The issue is that there is more chance for voter fraud with mail-in ballots than with voting in person.
  17. Because Democrat candidates will be the only ones on the ballot under your one party rule.
  18. When a bunch of mail-in ballots end up lost by the U.S. Postal Service I can see Democrats screaming about Trump secretly ordering USPS to destroy mailed ballots.
  19. And if two ballots are received from one voter how do you know which ballot to throw out?
  20. Who would ever want to spend the rest of their life in prison for killing a piece of shit politician like Gretchen Whitmer? That is just further proof of how insane these fools were.
  21. So you have no problem with fraudulent voting? Probably because you and your party have plenty of experience at it.
  22. There is nothing on the actual ballot to tell who the voter is. And if anyone attempts to disqualify any ballot from a Democrat voting district in this election I guarantee you the Democrat election lawyers will yell voter suppression and file lawsuits to require those votes to be included in the vote totals.
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