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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Spoken like a good little liberal progressive elitist White boy. So if "EyesOnly" doesn't agree with the the elitist know it all liberal progressive "letsdothis" he ain't a "real "Black person. That's almost the exact mindset of Joe Biden.
  2. Obama, the president who accomplished nothing positive in eight years for the American middle class your big hero? I can see why though since Obama's policies did much more for the European economy than they did for the American economy.
  3. If we had no vaccine for the flu it would most likely be more deadly than covid-19. Both diseases are deadly to the same population, the elderly and the sick. In fact, the flu is much more dangerous to young people than is covid-19.
  4. "Sleepy Joe" probably doesn't even know what is in the box because the box was filled with the policies of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and all of the other liberal progressive socialist Marxists in the Democratic Party.
  5. He is in the process of stopping the virus with new treatments and a vaccine or vaccines that will be ready in record time. And he is also fixing the economy right now. Too bad the Democrats will not help in the effort. The reason riots are not being stopped is because Democrat mayors and governors won't allow him to stop them.
  6. But you don't think, you get your talking points from the DNC and parrot your school teachers propaganda.
  7. You are boring. Just the same stupid line over and over. If there are many people like you in this country, America has no future.
  8. Just more garbage from a Trump hater trying to make a name for himself.
  9. Calling me an idiot still doesn't change the fact that you live with your mommy and daddy and are incapable of financially supporting yourself. Time for you to grow up, little duffer.
  10. You have no idea who Trump supporters are. They are people who are able to think for themselves and the people who make this country function. You are just a little parasite who lives off other people's labor and personally contributes nothing positive to this country. That's why you support liberal progressive socialist Democrats because of all the free stuff they are offering lazy losers like you. Mommy and daddy have supported you your whole life as a child and now you expect the American taxpayers to continue supporting as an adult. It is the Trump supporters who leaches like you expect to pay for all your free stuff. You've never been anywhere, never accomplished anything and have no real personal knowledge of anything.
  11. You couldn't make a monkey look like an idiot with your limited intellect. You sound like an indoctrinated child who doesn't have a clue. Someone who has never had an original thought his whole life, and totally has no ability to think for himself.
  12. No, I'll stay here in MY house why you continue to live in mommy and daddys' basement. Are your parents driving you to the polls on Nov.3, or are you even old enough to vote?
  13. You forgot to say that the President was standing outside by himself on a White House balcony when that photo was taken, but that would be too truthful for scum like you.
  14. And you are the mad child living in mommy and daddys' basement who has never worked a day in his life.
  15. Your comments don't even make sense because your mind is so limited and shallow. That's because you are a child with no real world experience, and all you know is the garbage that has been poured into your brain by our pathetic educational system.
  16. Your parents ever buy you that new set of golf clubs, little boy?
  17. No, he has been predicting what will happen, not what he wants to happen.
  18. But in the U.S. the Democratic Party claims that the requirement to show an ID when voting is voter suppression. They have gone to court numerous times to overturn state laws that require an ID to vote.
  19. Probably expelled because they refused to take part in one of your many wars.
  20. Democrats are trying to create so much fear of covid-19 that people will be afraid to go to the polls on Nov. 3.
  21. CNN and MSNBC being more fair minded than FOX is one of the dumbest statements I have heard in my entire life. All they are 24/7 is "We Hate Donald Trump".
  22. And before you go to sleep tonight, Stncld, be sure to check under your bed for Russian agents or little green Martians.
  23. But there is another important part to the equation. Sweden did not destroy its economy.
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