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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. At the beginning of the next debate I think the moderator, Steve Scully, should be required to disclose to the audience that he worked as an intern for Joe Biden when Biden was a U.S. Senator and that Scully was also a member of Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy's staff.
  2. What is with your infatuated with skunks? Do you keep them in your house to cover the smell of your own body odor?
  3. But communists like you never lie, do they? They just never tell the truth.
  4. Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think your Marxist propaganda will work with that big lie. And after the Soviets went right to the heart of Berlin they put the East Germans in chains under the rule of the brutal Communist Stassi until the Berlin wall fell in 1989. I hardly call that liberating the Germans.
  5. Fauci is on tv or in the printed news media almost every fucking day. And Fauci is not the on;y medical expert in the U.S. In fact, he is more of a Washington, D.C. establishment bureaucrat than he is a doctor. He probably hasn't personally treated a patient in more than 30 years.
  6. Confounds which experts? The so called politically biased "experts" who are always wrong? They see what they want to see and ignore facts that they don't want to see.
  7. I'll assume from your answer and your other comments that you are a White upper middle class high school or college student who still lives with mommy and daddy and who has been thoroughly indoctrinated with the bullshit liberal progressive ideology taught in our schools. As such, you are someone with very little real life experience.
  8. And what crime has Barr committed? So now we are going to start putting political opponents in jail just like in the Soviet Union?
  9. I don't believe in judging people by their race. I believe in judging people as individuals based upon the content of their character.
  10. I'm surprised that people in white coats didn't show up while this guy was speaking, put him in a straight jacket and escort him to the nearest mental institution for treatment of psychotic delusions.
  11. Here comes another conspiracy theory. What happened to the theory put forward one day ago that Trump was much sicker than the White House was revealing? You people on the left are totally fucking nuts.
  12. So says the paternalistic little white boy. Must keep Black people on that Democrat plantation, right?
  13. And if he doesn't vote for Joe Biden he "ain't Black ", so says Joe Biden and the little white boy, golfer06.
  14. Sorry to see you define yourself by your race. I define myself as being a human being. Too bad there are so many people who are so consumed with being Black,White, Hispanic, etc. that they no longer have the ability to be a human beings.
  15. Keep dreaming. Or maybe Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler can make up some evidence like they did in the impeachment hearings.
  16. Unless Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer with the support of the news media try to invoke some new rule of succession that overrides the U.S. Constitution.
  17. And Joe Biden has done so much for them,right? Like the 1994 crime bill which he strongly supported that was used to put thousands of Black people in prison.
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