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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. There may even be more human toll in coming years from both coronavirus and the economic shut down.
  2. It is to me. Again, I still believe we will not know which country was closest to the correct policy for at least five more years.
  3. You mean the non-violent protesters who were throwing frozen bottles of water, bricks and other objects at the Secret Service? Or the non-violent protesters who the night before were setting fires and looting Washington D C? Also, the Secret Service gave the protesters three orders to disperse before they used smoke bombs and pepper spray on the crowd. They did not use tear gas.
  4. Anger also causes a lot of Black people to kill other Black people in the United States. Far more Black people are killed everyday by other Black people in the U.S. than are killed by police officers in a year.
  5. Who gives a damn what a Frenchman says about American politics? Take care of your own country and your stupid president.
  6. In my opinion, once all the facts are known, Dr. Tony Fauci will be remembered as the man who needlessly destroyed the U.S. economy.
  7. No, have them stay at home just like they are doing right now. Make clear to them that they are at much danger from the virus so that they need to avoid contact with other people. But allow people who are not in that much danger to live their lives normally or take precautions if they wish.
  8. So isolate the elderly and the most vulnerable from the rest of the population rather than isolating everyone. Everyone going to stay isolated for the rest of their lives? There may never be a vaccine.
  9. In the U.S. the $1200 payments to individuals are not taxable. If Democrats win this election taxes on everything will definitely increase which will cause the economy to go into an even deeper hole. But that is exactly what Democrats want so that they can take control of every aspect of people's lives in this country just like they have tried to do through the covid-19 emergency.
  10. I see government officials saying you can't leave your home, but I have yet to see a government official saying you must leave your home. If the economy reopens and you don't feel safe, then stay home just like you are doing right now.
  11. Will be even sadder if our reaction (isolating) to the first wave ends up being the cause of the second wave. If we isolate again we may just ensure that we have a third wave.
  12. I suggest people on here read a story by THE HILL just posted on MSN today entitled, " Massive hydroxychloroquine study raising health concerns about the drug under scrutiny from scientists"
  13. That's why I say it will take at least five years to accurately judge what was the proper strategy. It seems one common mistake made by most countries was not properly protecting nursing homes from covid-19.
  14. I just read a Reuters story from May 19 with the headline "Sweden tops Europe covid-19 deaths per capita over last seven days". But within the story is the following statement, "Over the course of the pandemic Sweden still has had fewer deaths per capita than the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Belgium and France..."
  15. But why did China not stop international travel from Wuhan when they stopped travel to and from Wuhan within China? In December Taiwan warned the WHO that the virus could be spread from human to human, but the WHO ignored that warning because China was saying it could only be spread from animals to humans.
  16. But in five years will covid-19 have done more damage in Sweden or in other nations? With no vaccine the disease will likely be with us for years. So you will need to total up the number of deaths over at least a 5 year period to determine what was the correct policy. Also, one half the deaths in Sweden were in nursing homes, so they made the same mistake with nursing homes that many other countries did. By giving more protection to nursing home residents they can greatly reduce their death rates.
  17. Did you even read what I said? Have five years passed yet? In the short term Sweden's strategy may look one way and totally different in the long term. You also need to consider economic consequences of the covid_19 decisions of governments. And you also seem to ignore the decisions of the Chinese government which caused the disease to spread around the world. Why did they stop the spread of the disease inside China but allowed it to be spread to the rest of the world by not restricting international travel to and from Wuhan?
  18. I have seen numerous doctors and covid-19 patients in the U.S. who have reported much success from hydroxychloroquine. I think those claims need to be more seriously studied and researched rather than just being completely ignored by the medical establishment. I also believe the news media and establishment medical people would have been less negative towards hydroxychloroquine had President Trump not been a proponent of the drug.
  19. And it is yet to be determined that requiring the whole population to stay at home was the proper response. In the U.S. states that did not have a total shutdown have had a lower death rate from covid-19 than states that imposed total shutdowns. In five years lets see how the Swedish covid-19 death rate compares to the death rate of other nations.
  20. Are you sure? Have they done a double blind study to determine that? Are or you just relying on anecdotal information about aspirin?
  21. But you only post results of studies that are anti hydroxychloroquine. Never yet seen you post anything from studies and doctors that reflect positively on the drug. How do you know there would not have been many more than 360,000 die if not for hydroxychloroquine treatments, and maybe even far less than 360,000 deaths if hydroxychloroquine had been more widely used? What I am really complaining about now is organizations like the WHO now won't even allow clinical studies of hydroxychloroquine? How the hell do you determine if it does or does not work if you are not even willing to allow clinical research studies of the drug?
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