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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Of course, there will be more cases with an open economy because there is more exposure to the virus. The key point is how many of the infected Swedes were hospitalized and how many died? Also, need to profile the hospitalized and dead according to age and underlying health problems. What the correct strategy was will probably not be known for at least three years. It will be interesting to see how the Swedish covid-19 infection, hospitalization and death rates compare to the rest of the world in the next two years of the covid-19 pandemic. The shutdown strategy might look better in the short term, but the Swedish strategy might be the better long term strategy. The Swedish people may develop a herd immunity which will protect them from covid-19 in the future, whereas people who live in shutdown economies will not have that immunity. Developing a vaccine for covid-19 is no sure thing, we have been looking for an HIV vaccine for 35 years.
  2. Per THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER The World Health Organization has just praised Sweden for its approach in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.The WHO said Swedish approach is "model" for the world. So the world economy was unnecessarily destroyed?
  3. I would never want you censored. I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself talking about things you have no knowledge of.
  4. At least a governor can fuck up only his state, that's the beauty of a federalist system.
  5. The vast majority of deaths from covid-19 in the U.S. have occurred in states and cities run by Democrat governors and mayors. Those states and cities also have the strictest economic shutdown rules in place.
  6. The situation is different in each. Governors should know better than the president what is going on in their individual states. Also, governors are the ones who closed the states, so it is their responsibility to know when to reopen.
  7. You said the President of the United States told people to poison themselves. That is a lie.
  8. If he did that, you and Bean would be two of the first people to call him a dictator, and Nancy Pelosi with Adam Schiff would accuse him of abuse of power and start new impeachment hearings.
  9. Remember the guy in Arizona who supposedly drank fish tank cleaner because President Trump had promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine? That was the story the guy's wife told the police. Now the police are investigating her for possibly poisoning her husband. The couple had a history of a troubled marriage with the wife previously charged with domestic assault. Also, it turns out she was a big Democratic Party money donor. Will be interesting to see where this goes. Of course, you'll never hear anything about this from the mainstream media. ( Story is in the April 29 edition of THE SUN ).
  10. That you actually believe that he told people to poison themselves is even more laughable. Of course, being truthful is not one of your stronger traits.
  11. "WHO warned the world in late January of the danger of the virus", president Trump stopped travel to and from China in late January. When he took that action he was called racist by Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and other Democrats. Also, on Feb.24 Nancy Pelosi was on tv in San Francisco encouraging people to come to Chinatown to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Just recently Gov. Cuomo confirmed that most of the cases of covid-19 in New York originated in Europe. He said, ' we closed the front door from China, but we were late in closing the back door from Europe'. And when Trump did close the door from Europe he was again criticized by both Democrat and European officials.
  12. No, makes more sense to set up containment of the most vulnerable members of the population and allow the rest of the population to conduct their normal lives with some precautions like wearing masks, maintaining distance from other people, and frequently washing hands. Still will not know for a number of years whether the Swedish strategy or containment strategy was the correct way to go. Lets see whether Sweden or the containment countries have higher death rates from covid-19 one, two, and three years from now. Containment may have been a better short term strategy, but the Swedish way may have been a better long term strategy. Dr.Fauci has already said he expects covid-19 to return in the fall, and Chinese health officials have said the disease will not fade away but in the future will reoccur every year.
  13. No, your logic and math is flawed. Evidence now indicates that covid-19 is much more contagious than the flu, but less deadly. Also, testing in the U.S. is now indicating that there were many people infected with covid-19 who never had any symptoms, never knew they were infected. As more of these cases are discovered the mortality rate will decrease.
  14. You denying the virus originated in China? Your other comments make absolutely no sense.
  15. Yeah, a disease that was inflicted on the world and the U.S. by China with the help of the incompetence of the World Health Organization. "containment measures would have saved at least 60,000 people, so if we adapt this in the United States, I think you can multiply by 4 or 5 this number?" How could the U.S. have saved 4 or 5 times 60,000 when so far we have lost only a little over 60,000?
  16. I'm not a Trump follower, just someone who cares about my country's future. Right now the foreign, economic and social policies supported by Trump and the policies implemented by him make much more sense to me than anything the liberal, progressive, socialist, Marxist Democrats support. Trump is the only thing right now preventing the Democrats from implementing policies which will destroy this country.
  17. And you sound just like a typical liberal progressive wanting to make a big deal about irrelevant unimportant events while ignoring major stories that expose the gross incompetence and dishonesty of the left.
  18. Only someone like you would be stupid enough to do that since you believe every lie the news media promotes.
  19. Looks like Putin just can't escape his Communist heritage. The Russian police detained a Russian doctor who alleges the Russian government is under reporting the number of coronavirus cases in Russia. I guess once a KGB thug, always a thug.
  20. You're wrong. Big to do about nothing. When are China and the World Health Organization going to apologize about their fuck ups that caused thousands of people to die? To me that is a bigger story than some comment Trump made in a news conference.
  21. But the news media did not report that Trump raised a hypothetical question with doctors at the news conference. The news media said Trump had told the public to inject Lysol or drink Clorox to treat the coronavirus.
  22. There are medical procedures performed today that If someone had suggested them when I was 20 years old that person would have been considered a total kook. New treatments many times start out with an out of the box idea.
  23. Wrong again. Cuomo talked about an investigation of nursing home deaths last week. That's why you used the 4/25 date. So from 3/25 to 4/25 New York nursing homes were operating under the order to not deny admittance of covid-19 positive patients to nursing homes.
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