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Everything posted by groomy

  1. 😁😁 VH have dozens of beautiful girls. Which got much less money than Val. And they did lot. Val (June-July) earned like Misty. Clair have better body - and she was 60-70% more active than Val. And her topic consists of complaints about laziness, calls to kick out - which was done by the way. Or Piper - who make parties and group sex without sharing. Or pro-swing parties makers. Now we have Lily & Sirius instead that. Or "old" couple who broke all furniture wild fuck. And they also lost the competition and left. They earned in early days like Val in June-July lying on the couch. . Or that company They all got less money than Val in June-July. Therefore - as long as you Pay to Val, she will do nothing. She earns in VH more than she can spend💸. Why do something else. This also applies to all project. Why start look new people like in pictures above? If VH now have more followers who happily pay for shit? If open apt - then to level of even more crap. Everyone will see who have eyes. Even Jab is already becoming main hater on VH Twitter. VHTV Community Manager's fairytale (about improvement quality content) is already half a year ago.😂
  2. Big mistake is here. If you pay, you vote for this content. Nothing changes as long as you and other subscribers pay. It will only get worse.
  3. In Sochi. It's simple, they make photos in legendary nudist beach. Where trains run in few meters. Well, they have pretty good twitter content. Hotter than in VHTV apartments.
  4. voyeur-house.tv Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic - Alexa WWW.ALEXA.COM What marketing strategies does Voyeur-house use? Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Voyeur-house. Level July. At end of June - in Helena apt dialogue (guys and another girl): - So, we all left. No one at home. And more than 50 (dollars per night or from 0-00 to 12-13 when they came) - maybe flies were fucking on the cams😅 or cockroaches arranged orgy. And some other jokes about ghosts/secret criminals who entered the apartment and etc. I bet she makes $45-60/day.💸 In golden times, such an apartment would have earned less than $10/day and gone bankrupt.
  5. By the way, activity from Saturday to Sunday. Before it was night battle of orgies&activity. Now. Routine family life in the dark with a clickbait headline (VH probably spent money on copywriter!!!) Boobs routine tweet +30-40$ for Val (Lisa with a naked cleaning boost her earnings by 7-15 dollars) Another empty promises Solo routine Sex in dark AND 4 TWEETS ABOUT ARCHIVES!!! I wonder when they will start promoting Misty, Isa, Courtney, Ana and other old ones?😃😄 Even webcam shit in in advertising ARCHIVE. Especially for Jab's satisfaction
  6. Hidden rooms are normal and even good. Nobody is going to wild&swing party until morning without drugs. Fact that drug-free zone is so obvious is VH requirement (or managers). Guests should be told where they can take drugs. And without any surprises like 5 pixels in reflection. Because if guest goes to a half-hidden area and takes drugs there in wrong angle. Support guy will see 5 pixels in reflection - he write an internal ticket for fine of $ 500 - apartment will be turned off - support guy will receive $50 bonus (10% money that was taken from participants). Total loss of apartment will be $700-800 - loss of all party income + fine + day offline. There are now three main reasons for the current boredrom&webcam only&safe activities in all houses: 1) A lot of money in project. Doing nothing - playing Horizon Zero, lying on bed, making 2-3 tweets of naked cooking and etc shit = x3-4 Russian salaries. If you combine various safe and common activities x5-6 Russian salaries. 2) No motivated participants. Nobody wants to make&save money for travel, new gadget, car, etc. Maximum planning is week at sea. Therefore, money they receive for usual routine is even a lot for their brain. 3) VH rules. You can lie on the couch or be at home 4 days a week and get $600-800/week. If you are having party - I don't know exact numbers, but 250-300 is real. BUT! If the guest will go to pee, and there he will secretly take pills/drugs -500$+day offline+others problems (VH may even be kicked out or x2 next fine). To make safe 600-800 dollars or 1200-1300 with the high risk losing everything? All participants answered this question, as you can see.
  7. Pay. Also pay webcam-workers apartament. Subs also pay for empty apartments. For me, if them sniff at least kilograms salts and mephedrone (or whatever is popular in Russia now) great - if it continue by good show or epic party. It certainly have more potential than empty houses, sofa holders and other webcam workers. An example of bad drug addicts: Stifler - he uses the "wrong" drugs, from them good (epic) time for him, but no useful activities for audience. Ian&Deborag&Val&Co - they use different "stamps" (cartoons in head), grass and other non-productive for audience substances. About this couple - they do something similar to home swing club. And not only home. It is somewhat similar to Ella and Isaak - but much more materially (money&donate based), less out love for art and desire to develop in this way.
  8. Well, they webcam actors from day one. Just wondering how gigantic shitlist is now? ~30 apts or more😃
  9. Well, there is a choice. Don't pay for this shit. Again, this is the only way to make the project better. Why participants do something if such activity brings in 60-90$/day? Why does VH have to change something if they are swimming in money? Well, as I wrote initially - this couple is not soft/solo. They have quite potential for current VH tenants (webcam 24/7 - do nothing 24/7 - fake tweets apt) - they may be above average level.
  10. I do not know. However, he still has a dead apartment - which still online. I tend to quarrel with participants or an overly expensive apartment (Ju-Ju apt in Moscow - 800$+ easy + 50$ utilities and internet = so not so profitable with empty apt). By the way, I'm not sure if there are work still slots-rule. You have 3-4-5 slots for apartments. Open new - first close old one.
  11. Soft swing - I do not know what they (M&H guests - not that couple) mean by that (they literally said in opening - "Not in theme, only soft"). However, this range is from - erotic games-warming up in one room - sex in one room to - warming up&sex in one bed - light touches&girl/girl kiss in action. This couple L&S - not soft swingers, they are in swing community. However, I do not know their limits, desires. They can be even like Courtney in start. Or like Ju-Ju.😉
  12. They (L&S and MiraHenry guest couple) declared swing. Their swing level 💩 is fully consistent with current project level 💩 = everything is fine.💸
  13. 10 aug - - Guests from Lilka and Jakar who are go to Stifler's city now. So-so - 50/50. Zero chances for epic. But interesting apartment or strong average level is possible. Or Ju-Ju level, this is also possible. - Guest couple in Mira. They were in Mira&Henry first apartment in 2018. The expectation is same as above. The first couple (this one) I do not understand their limits (then, and now - I do not watch VH last 2-3 weeks - only 5 mins check for few days). But they are not 100% soft. Mira&Henry guests - they were in first apartment as guests. And now moved from that city to M&H city. Mira and Henry helped them (apt + work in VH). But they are 100% soft-swingers and obviously not going to experiments. By the way, Mira and Henry have a vacation. Their twitter is most interesting of all this crap in 35 apartments.
  14. Well I was right - both swing couples have apartments. Here acceptance stage. Here - apartment search for first and viewing with apartment search second (mirahenry guests) Lol. Jab all right? Сommunity manager promised to improve content. I wrote in early summer - that nothing will improve, it will either stagnate or worsen. As you can see, I'm right🐙.
  15. 95% will return to current salaries. Now for $100 - you just need to make tweet level of bare cleaning or friend comes to us. 2 years ago its good level orgy or new activity. But put yourself in the company's shoes. You have epic composition - make 100+ videos to archive. And there are not many subscribers (average level for apartments 30$/day). Now you have the worst participants in history (even first 3-4 apartments at expense of Anna and Alex more attractive to pay than now). BUT you have the most money. Top by number of subscribers now. Therefore - if audience is hungry for shit. VH delivers shit in trucks. All new apartments in type of all rest.💩 This will not change as long as YOU pay.
  16. The recipe is simple - DO NOT PAY! Buy a subscription to TV serries, games and etc. See how it works: Scott/Deborah/Helena/Sheril/Allison and others - start to earn 20-25-30 dollars with such content. And they go bankrupt (leave) or start doing interesting things (the quality of content grows). VHTV owner sees decrease in earn money and kicks out current incompetent management (I still have confidence that new CEO this year). This will probably activate search for good participants. Fix rule - that killed hot parties. Investment in website and cameras. Not in new webcam services and gifts. As long as you pay, participants have more than enough money and will not improve. Why if there is more than enough money. VHTV owner sees good financial statements and does not delve into situation.
  17. Most likely at opening of new apartment. Perhaps Bradley and Jennifer, or Lilka guests.
  18. What for? Their strategy with Fake Tweets is works. This house costs around 1000-1200$ per month (so minimum 50-60$ day - NO TRUE INFORMATION just because i'm not watching - but I guess they have 200-250$/day now). As long as you pay, they won't do anything.
  19. If you found out that you can on couch, play in Horizon Zero Dawn (or is it in another apartment?)&watch TV and earn x5 day russian salaries in normal job - what would you do? The girl will go to normal work soon (when I don't know, maybe in a week, maybe in a month). The guy go into fairytale. Where you can do nothing and make money. This is the problem of all current tenants by the way. For example, the interests of students (Ian&Deb&Helena and etc) - just have room&food and funny pills. They don't want to go to the student campus. They want to live in an apartment. And have regular trip in astral worlds after funny pills. They make more than enough money. Again, information is about 3-4 weeks - but then biggest strategic planning (saving money) = going to sea for week. If nothing changed (VH stats), they no have any motivation to do anything. Here same. They have no any goal of making money. For example, like Domi - to travel. Or like others. Even banal iPhone. Lying on couch now = having more than enough money (x4 normal Russian salaries). This will change only when 75% subs gone. Complaints and communication with VH community manager will not change situation (all) in any way. If company have a lot of money. Why change or improve something? They are not interested in this.
  20. Work good. https://www.instagram.com/thesuperjul/
  21. Sasha is cuckold? 😄 Someone to be in villa. But why they chosen Sasha and the second girl? All Julmodels team is resting in Ibiza. Even Tory&Sam. https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9hx3mDgZc/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFL1xnDIip/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJV1x9DPpM/
  22. They came from another city. They need a startup. VH - will help them with an apartment for first months and give them a small cash pillow. Guy is just happy to sit and do nothing. Girl no. She also wanted to go work interviews in period M&H apt.
  23. How it works. Duty support - sees wrong actions. Hide apartment, writes an internal ticket (reason, time and who found it - if he found it, he will receive % ~ 10 of penalty). Then during working hours 9-18 - lead or other high person watch incident and makes decision. Usually a $100-500 fine (x2 for relapse) and careful del all incident time. Therefore, if the incident is at night, then the apartment returns at lunchtime next day. Here I will assume that participants sent to "V pizdu" and "Na huy" this circus. They already expressed dissatisfaction with work VH and rules. Perhaps this is last straw.
  24. When the first guy came in and they finished talking about explosion. He asked: - People (M&H or someone else from this swing community) told me that you are not in theme (wild swing) Allison - Only soft swing. And yet more - Allison is going to look normal job. She cannot be housewife - she quickly wants to kill someone and becomes bad bitch. In general, she will soon be leaving for whole day, for a regular job. They're here because the opening and M&H asked for help. L&L did not come. Either they are on vacation or they decided to leave thematic.
  25. Yes, black haired - sitting opposite Felicia. Closest to kitchen free camera. She have dirty thoughts (in sense of sex life) and she obviously will not follow rules (especially so stupid).
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