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Everything posted by groomy

  1. The girl who talks with Felix in kitchen. She would be very interesting tenant. But with current rules and penalties, Game over quickly. But very-very interesting&mad.
  2. I found on the news. Exploded gas in room. Now 48 units (firefighters, Emergency, police) work + ambulances. Police closed roads in all quarter (this house nearby).
  3. Near them there was an accident (gas explosion), they talk about it. Guests cannot get there - roads are blocked. And they, too, are on the nerves (in next house - some windows are broken).
  4. Yes Nyu&BF + girl&Bf. But then in VH too much epic&good&mega content. Perhaps now they survived and kept apartment. But not in 2018. If I remember correctly. It was originally planned for Misty and someone else girl + probably guy, but no relationship. But Misty began looking love. Nyu find Bf for stable closed relationship. Ana - found love too (or still old love). The whole concept with hot free girls and local guys broke. But again - they used the pool because A&A buy it. Nyu in Ana house better and more interesting. Without pool.😉
  5. Lol The only VH pool - which was at least minimally successful or interesting = first (despite very old cameras and distances). And achievement Sex In The Pool - Still in 2018. All other pools are just FAKE marketing&advertising anchor. Subs all go to this apt - pool here!!! But real no any interesting activity.
  6. Well, you are communicating with VHTV community manager. Ask him. My opinion - if it is profitable, then why do it better? As long as pay for cheap and old cameras, boring participants and empty apartments, nothing will change. When 75% audience stops paying, then there will be changes (or VV). It is also profitable for managers. Cameras can be used for 2-3 years in 10+ apartaments. Or purchase on Avito (used). And it won't just change. 2k or just high-quality new ones are more expensive. A joint support program (with VH money) is probably needed. But for VH CEO better to invest in another website with gifts or webcam service.😉
  7. Lol. Jab now writes what I wrote in June-July. No problem is old performers are leaving. For personal reasons. Or problems with law. Or other reasons. This is normal. The problem is that there are no any NEW interesting people. This or webcam. Or hermits. Or sofa holders. I start wrote about this issue in December.
  8. Well she planned arrange yoga classes with followers in cam apt. I wrote about few weeks ago.
  9. Not true. VH have in june 40+ apt - now ~30, few weeks ago 25. Right - current VH standard is no quantity&no quality. Judging by "no screenshots", she did not have Yoga Party. Sad. 😩
  10. This - people. Last time when I heard (first days August) they were at stage of choosing an apartment and ordering required amount cams.
  11. Wow Jab, you're complaining too.😉 I haven't been here for about a week. +1 - Czech place. Failed my 5 second test. Apparently - in other places +/- old boredom. Even those two swing couples from Lilka and Mira did not open now. Although then there was stage - apartment rent is literally tomorrow, in 3 days open.
  12. It's an easy workout for her . Sara Bell WWW.LEGALPORNO.COM Model starred in 32 scenes
  13. Agency have hot new girls. But I'm not sure if they will come here. And maybe best german porn star now.
  14. 0% - But by the way, VH is still using the top-bar in twitter But now we have a lot of ugly (or very specific) boring people.🙈 This boring Leonie. Or This boring girl better? Or this boring girl better? I repeat - main question who is new. Now there are simply no new people for last months (except for Webcams and very specific people in +6 GMT). New apartments are planned: - Guests from Lilka and Jakar who are go to Stifler's city now. So-so - 50/50. Zero chances for epic. But interesting apartment or strong average level is possible. Or Ju-Ju level, this is also possible. - Guest couple in Mira. They were in Mira&Henry first apartment in 2018. The expectation is same as above. There are no wild new people. There are no beautiful new people. Earlier, when the beauties left, replaced with new ones. Now average-scary level or 35+.
  15. 11 hours and 30 min in this for 3000 rub Or 1 hour 25 min in this for 4000 rub in lowcost But I don't see Roberta at Lilka apt now (on guest cameras) - so she might be in Cuba, Dominican Republic or Africa. And she was participant, and it wasn't interesting judging by her topic. Now she is guest for few of days - and already asking to return.👵
  16. Surprised that she is. I thought Courtney (or fastGirl lived together) was coming. Or even Juliet/Anica. They also wanted to talk about returning (but Roberta, she's always good talk with Mira). Well, that is, how it heard a while ago: former participant, about year in project, in the theme (swing). By the way, guest couple can become participants with their own apartment.
  17. Just to note - she changed manager. During period when Stif was in troubles, she went to Mellisa and Sergio. They opened it. Perhaps she returned to Stif, perhaps not. Yes, relationships are toxic. However, in Russia (and in world) millions families live in such relationships. This is choice Alice&Alec. As well as Misty's choice (to stop being main headliner of all project and live with boyfriend). The difference is that Misty&Bf bankrupts, because then without orgies, interesting events - 15-20$ day. Alice can be in project for a long time (until 75% of subscribers do stop paying $ in SleeplyWebHouse.tv).
  18. I don't know the latest changes (sub base) in general. But a month ago, you can open an empty apartment for $350 and do nothing (zero tweets, zero activity) - it would have brought 500-600$ in end month. And these were words of half-manager participant.😉 The only reason why +20 empty apartments did not appear, because rules, if an apartment is empty for several days, VH turn off apt and also give fine $100. Ju-Ju just lives here. Free apartment. She planning few yoga and astral meetings. But either it's too early. Or the energy of this place, evil cameras and all of this forced to arrange meetings in another place.👰👲🙏👸👵 No any new information.
  19. Love is blind.🙈 Alisa&Bf is complete copy Misty and her Bf.
  20. But you wrote = Of all recent reopened I can give credit only to L&J (or rather to their guests and opportunities - because this city have one of strongest swingcommunities in all Russia).
  21. Thousands of posts about nothing - mean nothing. Right now in open forum, I see a lot of junk posts in profile topics. If I were you - I would even say that this is special&planned admins&Jab increase number of posts. When something happens in specialized topic, there is always a lot of activity, somewhat less than in the golden time, but enough. Lol - What???? Where are these hired sex workers!!! Show them to me immediately! I only see lazy students doing nothing 24/7. No less lazy new people. Webcams. And the remaining old members (Mira, Beverly, etc.). Old people go to worse and much more real - Alisa for example.
  22. Well - they easily gone to another forum or made their own private. Is their right. I don't think life goes on private forum. Why? So nothing happens. No one will lose anything - without seeing private content of level - Val is asleep or some girl is washing in shower/preparing food. Inside? Nothing serious. You will find out about the future apartment 3-4 days earlier. And? When something happens in an open forum +10-15 pages with content and discussion are immediately done. I also see no reason to write in topics where nothing happens, or post if there is something interesting. Therefore, VHTV admins more likely stolen forums - who go their project to such state (or decided to change audience, to those who would pay for naked cooking, shower and sleep). And RLC also decided to try to die. Lost last contentmakers, stayed with Leora and girls' fans. Both major projects are in worst condition in history. This is main reason for decline popularity of the forum.
  23. Just to note - Kos is clearly planned about to AVN award - 23-rd supporting actor😃😁. He participates in almost all European releases Tushy, Vixen, Blacked. But no one sees him😄.
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