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Everything posted by merz28

  1. OT Emily's room must be on the same server...............Shit bandwidth today
  2. yep B2 feeds suck today............not a good sign for a party
  3. I understand what your saying. However, at least she is working for her rent.
  4. Wonders if Ginger is sending a message to someone about bating on the Kitty pillow. Is it a gift from Sera?
  5. Quite possibly the last time Sera gets invited to B2 or B3
  6. Sick my ass. Sera is in bathroom putting on glitter makeup and going straight to the club
  7. oh well 20 minutes and counting before they party is a bust and they all head home.
  8. Yes and the only one on her phone besides Gina, which is directing the game through a phone app is, Sera the anti-social ICE queen
  9. appears to do just enough clickbate to maintain top cam. B4 Mila does some then B1 does just enough to put them on top
  10. Commence stall tactic.............. Ginger will get tired
  11. Seems like a proper time: Cuddle/Hand on crotch.................... oh wait I need to clean my shoes------- that should cool Ginger off.
  12. Haha I was just thinking the same thing. My exact words were "Holy Shit Gigi is back" now this should shake the trees.
  13. I am thinking there was a Barca meeting. All the tenants were gone at the same time and most of them are returning to their residence at pretty much at the same time. Seems a little bit of a coincidence?
  14. wonders why a fella would need a backpack in a restroom unless he comes out with a change of clothes????????? Doubtful
  15. I am thinking Sera would let Ginger stimulate her and not have any problems with it at all right now.
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