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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Daniel in the house , another try to reapproach Olivia ? 🤔
  2. Fiora and Radislava could provide a nice sauna show , I think Radislava will go crazy with Fiora’s skills ..Add a bit of Harley and oh la la 😋😋😋😆
  3. It’s beyond me that the hating comments are back for a guy that honestly , I still personally try to find out what he has done wrong ( except if it is that he has made Leora angry and Leora has been a saint and she has done all prefect being next to him for more than 1,5 year and keeping the door always open ) … people say that it is Leora’s life and that she should do always what she wishes but when this guy possible appears Leora shouldn’t text with him and close all doors .. So , Leora has her own life and she should always do whatever the hell she wants but no , when Leora’s Boyfriend appears she should do differently for her own sake like anyone knows in details the relationship she has with this guy and what she should do . How anyone can tell that with the failure of Zena recruitment hasn’t been the one that she contacted him first ? How do we know that when she was outside she hasn’t got any contact with him ? And how funny and coincidental , as soon as Zena vanishes , he appears … please 😂🤣😂🤣
  4. Second surprising appearance of Radislava in short notice in B6 , a very positive and nice development 😇👏
  5. I can’t understand that Masha is allowing this problem getting bigger and bigger and not ending it with a serious discussion to Elvis , it is like also she doesn’t know how to handle the situation or not knowing her cats .. the cats have been for a long period the only company for Masha and the ones that kept her strong and brave at sad times , I hope in a good development with this situation .
  6. We stop then , this is B4 topic and we are off topic both and I apologize personally to the rest of the members here on off topic posting .
  7. Another great indirect message send with both Ulyana and Olivia ( Russians ) on the same table with Kylie , Rus and Tata ( Ukrainians ) , following the very first ever dinner we saw in the villa a couple of days ago with the current cast all gathered together .The people show and give the message that stupid politicians are blind to see ( like always ) ..
  8. Can you understand that Putin if he wanted he would have occupied Ukraine if he wanted the country to expand Russia ? It isn’t an expansion invasion , he would have bombed Ukraine and that would be it . The first 24 hours he entered Ukraine without resistance , read both sides and not either propaganda . Ukrainians and Russians have dozens of common things than differences , after 60-65 hours the sleeping giant European Union decided to wake up and force measures that have now brought Putin in a difficult situation .A country that has nuclear and can detonate anytime , it is very little what any country can do , as I said , he could have Ukraine in 24 hours but he believed it would be easy marching like he entered .The social media and the out of nowhere decision has turned the world against him , it is funny because the same things happen in other parts of the world I don’t see any protests like stop bombing Palestinians or Middle East countries and so on … Both countries know that they have rights and they have made mistakes and that’s why they negotiate after nearly 100+ hours . Putin has already lost credibility in the eyes of whatever people might still believed in him but simple Russian people and the country of nearly 180 million people has nothing to do with decisions of stupid people . Still , Ukraine isn’t any saint either , it is the biggest refugee country of Nazis but of course since it is Eastern Europe and outside EU or NATO no one seemed to care except suddenly with the way that Putin handled disastrously the situation . I repeat to you again , there are no winners when acts of war happen , only losers and luckily our generation has not experienced it like for example my grandparents or for older people in the forum , their parents .We are all the same , white , black , yellow , red , I don’t understand what you want to achieve with your post . Putin could have within 24 hours Ukraine , very easily and very simple if he was doing what we have seen other nations doing “in the name of terrorism “ .. Think again how easily he marched and entered Ukraine and how he slowed down the pace when he surrounded Kiev ..It is facts carefully watching and analyzing and not reading what the Ukrainians or the Russians say or the fake twitter posts ( imagine there are battles nearby and soldiers care to tweet ..) ..People have died and as always , instead of thinking that people like you and me died , we try to think which nation has more power , which can influence the world more and bla bla bla . I am Greek and I live next to a country that nearly 40 years ago invaded Cyprus and the island was divided in two and nobody till now says anything when there’s a fake country not recognizable by any World organization but of course nobody cares ..So please ..
  9. You ask me , i answer … I answer , you don’t agree because you have another opinion or whatever . Like many people , you just comment and comment on what someone else is writing but like many people , you are avoiding to give your own opinion or thoughts . And that’s our difference , that is , right or wrong , hate it or liking it , I always have an opinion and the balls to post it . You are one of the judges of the keyboard , hiding behind your electronic device and judging / making fun of other people’s thoughts and ideas but NEVER expressing your thoughts of what YOU believe . That’s more BULLSHIT than mine and in my village sounds like the sound of hens , chickens and roosters “ Ko Ko Ko Ko Ko “ 😆😆 Stand still and make your thoughts public , let the others here know what you believe since you are judging other people’s ideas no matter what they think .
  10. 12/400 , 388 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 5 months and 15 days Tik Tok
  11. Gemeinsame Sprache, gemeinsame Religion, die Menschen dieser beiden Länder teilen viel mehr als sie Unterschiede haben. Russland marschierte am ersten Tag problemlos, bis es Kiew erreichte, wo es die derzeitige Verteidigung nicht erwartete. Wenn Russland das Land besetzen wollte, würden sie es bombardieren, wie es überall passiert, aber dann würden Tausende Opfer zu beklagen sein, und dies würde die Welt in einem sehr gefährlichen Konflikt erreichen. Es ist kein Krieg, um Grenzen zu erweitern oder ein Land zu besetzen, sondern um einen politischen Status zu schaffen, der russlandfreundlich für zukünftige Zwecke ist, anstelle des derzeitigen westfreundlichen ukrainischen Präsidenten. Die Art und Weise, wie Russland dies zu erreichen versucht, hat dazu geführt, dass die Welt Putin völlig hasst. Die Ukraine ist das Land mit den meisten Nazi-Kernen in ganz Europa, aber das ist keine Entschuldigung für die Invasion. Es ist Politik, die westliche Welt aber nicht gegen Russland, sondern gegen Putin. Es sind so viele Dinge im Hintergrund, die ich sagen kann, aber wie gesagt, es ist Politik, und ich höre hier eher auf. Es ist alles ein großer Fehler, denn wie immer zahlen die Menschen den Preis für die Verrückten und die Mütter, die ihre Kinder sterben sehen.
  12. Tweety didn’t have enough as it seems and she’s hungry again 😋😋😂
  13. The same with ulyana during the dance class , the only one that didn’t participate .
  14. Loraine ..Pff , stunning , no words ..Talking about the beauty of this woman and how little on the other hand can be with passion 😔
  15. Ich möchte hier nicht in die politische Diskussion einsteigen, denn was zählt, sind die Menschen, die jeden Tag sterben. Ich weiß genau, was ich geschrieben habe.
  16. It’s not the first time people changing their minds .
  17. It seems she has left a message to Leora ..
  18. It might be that tenants are returnees or locals , let’s see ..Whatever the case is and no matter how hard and painful it is all , life continues for everyone .. Only the people who are living where the war actions are happening know really what’s going on in their lives , all the sympathy of the world goes for them .
  19. Zena changed her plans and she decided not to participate ..
  20. StnCld316 Posted 7 hours ago Start using #32. My eyes cannot stay open much longer waiting for the end of this page. Another proof that it is a mistake the limit of the only 20 pages 😬
  21. Well , hope StnCld is ready to modify the topic as Zena will be the new tenant sooner or later , let’s see with her name 😁 and what she chooses .. I guess the famous “ Malia’s room “ should be reconsidered .. exactly two years after , the scenario repeats itself , Leora who wanted to be alone she gets a roomate .. let’s hope she won’t get bored with her very fast 😁
  22. Leora will always have next to her people that are “weak “ personalities , people that she can be the boss let’s say . It was the same with Malia , she also had the superior attitude when Denis was appearing , I don’t see any difference so far with Zena , a girl that she will do as Leora suggests . Don’t get me wrong , it is fine , but it is the way to always keep like this control of the happenings .. For example , imagine Leora being in a Barcelona apartment , she wouldn’t wish to be the “ second in command “ let’s say , obviously her personality and for sure the RLC value she has are also reasons . Another example ? She could never have Masha as a roommate for example , this would be war 😂🤣 .. maybe that’s why we haven’t seen her visiting Kitty or Kitty visiting her despite following one another at Instagram .. Kitty and Leora appearing together on cameras ? Top ratings ever for RLC even if they were dressed like nuns ..
  23. Malia became a tenant immediately if I remember correctly when she showed up or might took some days , I don’t remember exactly.. I don’t see any reason why Zena should be considered a tenant , she has no clothes in the apartment , personal belongings or anything suggesting that she’s more than a friend …Of course , she’s the one who brought back the interest in a very boring apartment , an apartment that was losing even loyal and eternal fans/subscribers due to a boredom repetition ..to be honest , it is Zena currently who draws the attention as the - ala Malia - tactic seems to work with her too , tune in and maybe she does or show something more ..in my eyes she’s just a friend and I am happy that Leora trusted someone to enter her “ nobody but me and known people on cameras” realm .. Leora understood very fast how to turn the ratings decrease and criticism on her favor , look how hot the topic has become again …As i have said , with a possible roomate , Leora will manage her outside activities easier as she won’t need to care so much while being absent , even overnights .. if it wasn’t the unfortunate event in Ukraine , we would have been seeing more on cameras sharing between the two I believe .last but not least , i say that there’s absolutely no chance to see Leora doing anything sexually on cameras ..the maximum that this apartment will always offer are masturbations and only if Leora decides to completely leave her past life behind and in a way bury it and start a normal life also on cameras ..Leora’s boyfriend was from the beginning against appearing on cameras so , with 2,5 years remaining till the major aim is achieved , that is Czech citizenship , I doubt for anything more than masturbations .
  24. If there were no cameras , possible 😁
  25. You are forgetting that she’s not getting paid , why should she do anything ? For whatever we see , she’s just a friend and nothing more , even seeing her nude is beyond any expectations , even in Barcelona when visitors or friends visit , it is the “ talk of the day “ appearing nude or doing more . Of course , it is an interesting and all of a sudden friendship developing so fast which for sure creates so many theories and speculations but I have said my opinion when Leora was explaining exactly the RLC project to Zena and I think the facts indicate that she’s soon to be her roomate . Let’s see .
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