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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is 2021 and this another Leora , influenced by another way of life and different interests and hobbies in Prague . She could have done that all this time but her priorities have been and still are different . She might occasionally do this ( which actually I believe she will do it just to show the fans that “ your Leora is always here and haven’t abandoned you “ ) but I highly doubt that she will continue and it will end like the Czech language lessons that we saw her trying to do online and she had to stop .. but let’s see and what’s going to be in the end .
  2. You are absolutely right , but then as it seems , either their business model or financial benefits aren’t enough to attract new and non repeated employees or they might have promised them in the past that whenever they think is suitable they will be casting them again ( kind of a “ thank you “ for working with us 🤨 ) and here they are , as promised by RLC for one more run .. They got lucky with Elian and Tesla , at least in the beginning, clearly new employees wouldn’t hesitate , what more reasons are behind of not being able to find people , who knows what actually goes on ?
  3. Let me repeat one more time till I become completely ridiculous 😂🤣😂🤣 When for the last 2 years , there’s a same concept apartment in another country and city and there are two girls there that they just walk naked , have their legs always open and being naked in an apartment that after the villa looks to be the best one , when in this apartment for the last 12-13 months the real life of the girls is happening outside and both girls simply eat / sleep / watch IPad and TV , they never have any guests , they never interact any socially with anyone apart from spending times together and above everything , they have a great income for doing as described , why should the same concept in Barcelona that has girls from the same country or nearby Ukraine act different ? Why should they bother to have guests , interact and so on when they aren’t going to getter financial benefits for doing so ? The conclusion says that when something starts becoming a routine and the RLC HQ didn’t stop it or at least say that this can’t happen for a site like RLC and the way they advertise the site to potential subscribers , at the end , we are left with all the things that you mention . And then of course everyone has the right to complain 😔
  4. The project says that you will be in an apartment full of cameras , nothing more .. it is up to you how to make more , even more or the most of the money .. Nana has been showing more and more week by week , her first days was bating undercover , then no lights / half covered and even till today you can’t really say that she will center herself on camera to present a bating show , Vivian does it for example .. The answer of what she’s doing it , it is the one that everyone knows .. you work to get money , that’s what she does .. had she worked harder 😁 , she would make more .. still , she earns as much per month as she could maybe earn in half a year , perhaps more ..
  5. Gina knows that Bruno has fucked someone else while being together since late spring 2020/ beginning of summer .. but as we have said , Gina loves this guy extremely much and of course he knows it and he can always turn things in his favor at the end with good bla bla 😎 plus , a good sex helps for the heat to calm down ( apologies , I know you don’t approve 🙃😁when I say this .. ) .. Bruno clearly cheated Gina on camera even in their apartment 😂🤣 some weeks ago with Stella , but since that day we don’t know what can be happening outside , to Bruno’s defense , why can’t Gina fuck someone off camera so as for her frustration to calm down ( I know I know , 1 in a million chances , Gina calms down by having some beers and that’s it 😂😂 ) .. It was for sure a talk about Holly a couple of weeks ago when they were really strong arguing ( even Bruno was “ crying “ .. ) and Gina appearing jealous if i had to guess , but I think info will be revealed at a certain time 😉 As for the first paragraph of your post , this is totally unacceptable from my side and it is the only thing that seems that I am having difficulties to deal with , but I am a very calm person in my life and if I am “ losing “ it , it means that this is really and extreme frustrating .. will do better , that’s not nice for myself and for the rest of the people here to go at this man’s level ..
  6. Always a privilege when the two top camera obsessed girls - Leora / Radislava - have these out of nowhere “ top cams battles “ 😂🤣 Radi has to fight with slingshots vs the missiles of Leora , concerning the cameras position and the luxury that Leora enjoys with the 3 LR cameras while Radi should just improvise in order to get this on her favor .. well , enjoying it as long as it lasts because it doesn’t occur often 😁😆🙃🤩
  7. Let’s see if she returns alone or we have an unpredictable Saturday night at Masha’s 😆🥳
  8. I know ☺️😁 But this is what makes life’s fascinating , positive thinking and that always tomorrow is going to be so much more better than today .. this can at least give you the smile before sleeping so as to be ready for whatever comes the next day .. pff, enough of philosophies , N&B have sex🤣😂😂
  9. She is a stripper 😂🤣😂🤣😅🤣🤣 another one ☝️ info from your amazing never ending info sources information ??? Please , don’t get more ridiculous here than what you are already for the 99,9% of this forum , a real joke of trolling opinions so you feel special and break your loneliness 😁😆
  10. You STFU because you say that he fucks Stella and Holly outside .. where is your proof that everybody knows ? Please , makes us the favor and go live your wonderful real life and leave this forum to us the miserable RLC subscribers .
  11. The problem when we use the word shy differs on the actual meaning here .. some girls ( well let’s say all ) have no problem being nude like they would perhaps do if they were topless at a massive public beach let’s say , but it can be shy for them to masturbate in front of cameras or even more have sex .. this is how I interpret the word “ shy “ under the RLC world rules ..
  12. They have destroyed in my humble opinion any spontaneous and unpredictable moments that we could have might got this summer by simply being there and the rest of tenants knowing that they are kind of “ totems “ for RLC and perhaps two people that they shouldn’t mess around and try not cause troubles ( only Masha opposed Nelly , Tesla and Elian backed off after the first extreme days .. )
  13. Everyone knows he fucks Stella and Holly 👻👻👻👻👻🤖👾💀☠️👽🤡🤡🤡😂🤣😂 You are the only one who says this because this is what you have formatted in your mind and now you just simply need any kind of whatever proof to prove your theories ( that I guess you got the info since you watch nothing from the never ending source of info 😂🤣😂🤣🤣 ) …. Your secret relation with “ the magic ball “ and knowing things for tenants that happen outside will never stop keeping me speechless .. you are one of a kind , the joke of this site 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  14. If Gina leaves, we lose the most interesting and by far best current RLC apartment , a place that you can see all , parties , sex, arguments , disagreements , tears , smiles , guests , unpredictability .. what then do we need from RLC unless an apartment like Gina and Bruno ? Leora and Malia spreading their legs while in the apartment , watching IPAd and Tv and pretending to do things for clickbait or real , both difficult to watch at times when Bruno and Gina argue and nice ( when guests like Bruno’s brother and amazing GF that we call her Cleopatra ) moments when they have sex and simply live normal lives ?
  15. Credit when they do things and praising ( like today in the morning ) and serious complains as they have deserved all this time that they haven’t been offering any special content .. I think you are too strict with your comment and perhaps for once you could give a good word .. it isn’t all the time bad as it was proved , I think you also recognize that , as things happened completely natural , no prime times , no shows .. I expect that you would be more fair when they deserve to be ..
  16. Since the “ incident “ that put the things in motion in this apartment and prepared slowly the exit for Malia , this is the most we are watching Leora - from that day - spending time away from the apartment the whole summer perhaps ,most of the times alone , many times entering and exiting the apartment . As mentioned , many things happening outside of the apartment currently that seem to affect the whole “ things happening inside “ for the upcoming autumn / winter months .
  17. Cleopatra more amazing and pretty day by day and even more comfortable with the cameras , a great “ discovery “ out of nowhere for RLC that hopefully stays around no matter what .. I hope Gina gets the vibes for her presence and the gradual popularity .. fantastic teasing , excellent sex , well done 👏👏
  18. I think she simply doesn’t know what to do , her head is like a mill 😂🤣 I think she wants to enjoy but her being shy and not clear and certain of showing in front of cameras , it causes this turbulence . I will disagree that it is for the views and insist on my “being confused and shy girl that doesn’t clearly know what to do and how in RLC “ because if she wanted the clicks , she could easily be always next to Tesla and make shows , be naked and have legs open so as the cameras record her all the time and so on.. I think she’s a very slow progressed girl , someone that in comparison to others had different idea of what this camera world means and inside the villa , she’s discovering herself ( how to be with others , complete strangers and different personalities and live together ) , she’s learning things and grows up ( English lessons , boys that they see her differently than perhaps the guys she had in Russia - very surprised for example when she told recently her guy not to touch her face because she hates it - ) day by day and in general , it is like you have taken a girl from a small village that had no idea of the big and real crazy western world and habits and you told her “ this is the life , learn fast and survive “ .. that’s how I see Nana’s presence with RLC , as I said , a pure character and not the girl like the majority who knows how to “ walk and behave in public “ ☺️
  19. Speaking with safety 😂 after the morning incident in B2 and some small shades of hope with Anna’s session .. I am also a fan of Vivian but as we all admit , her current status isn’t allowing any things except some bates and camera teasing 😈 I disagree with Nana , for me is a pure character that evolves really slow , this is due to her being shy , I can always remember her first bates , the not so much nudity like now , a general “ I am here to learn “ approach that had two different worlds collide , the nuclear bombs of Elian and Tesla and the character of Nana who is the less experienced in my humble opinion and always under control of what to do on cameras and not letting herself loose so as to enjoy completely her stay . B&N for me ( this is my only point I agree with Harley ) should have been past from the villa as it is clear that causes lots of controversies and it is clearly not easy for the rest of tenants snd whatever has happened also with N&M , plus this is a subject that causes also lots of heat from the subscribers and forum members here , the voices telling that this can’t be anymore are as equal or perhaps even more like ginger last year and Irma that the majority couldn’t stand anymore . The hope that was created let’s hope that it sparkles even more and more of real life things will be shown on our screens .. every change like this in B2 , so very much pleasantly welcomed ☺️
  20. A great comment , but honestly , this was a really bad period and perhaps this ultimate surprise ( especially from the apartment that has gathered the most heat ) that no one has seen it coming ( it could have been Lola as there were indications because of the beard guy on her birthday ) it has balanced a lot for my taste the recent disappointing period . An unexpected tenant , a real life and not caring for cameras sex session as it was completely unorganized , seeing Anna BJ as a champ and swallowing ( face reaction showing that she wanted to give the pleasure to her partner but she didn’t like the sperm and that’s why the instant disgust look but then it was fine ) in her first attempt with this guy on camera , well , this is the RLC moments I am all the time wishing and hope to watch . Normal life things without the thoughts ( as possible as it can get ) of the cameras , people trying to behave in human way and not caring of being recorded .. that was a great RLC moment for me and as good friend ed2 says … THANK YOU ANNA AND PARTNER ☺️😇🤩🥳🤗👏
  21. And when all seemed lost for RLC and everyone was ( rightfully ) complaining , here comes the most boring ( rightfully characterized also ) apartment to surprise us all 🤗🤗 and explain of course why Anna got the master bedroom 😎😎😉😋😋
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