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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. It's not a problem there are many old hands only to willing to help, all you have to do is ask, someone is sure to know the answer, and don't worry I have only been around for about 6 or 7 months and I still get it wrong from time to time
  2. robur, may I suggest just a quick look through some of the archived General Chat threads should do the trick, and it won't be life changing as long as you ignore the one's that are abusive to the tenants, and please don't take this the wrong way it make a change for someone to ask
  3. scutus, the the same old problem with newbie's they post on something they know little or nothing about, without as you say looking at the archived postings first, thus gaining some in site into Forum's history of events
  4. So you've seen her mattress, I have to ask this question on behalf of Foamy, and all the fury creatures on this Forum. With your aroma how did you get past Eva?
  5. pepe, it's safe to come out of your den, at the time of posting this she's home alone
  6. I'm with you on this, Leora's like a fine wine, get's better with age "Merry Christmas" to you all
  7. This is quite funny really because MGM is right, It is VK music when she was getting dressed this morning that was on her PC, now, if you had the volume turned up you would have noticed she was listening to music, and what make's this hilarious is that when she scrolled down and she clicked on what I assume was another link the music changed as if by magic, so before I made a complete arse of myself I made sure I knew what I was talking about unlike someone I know
  8. Is that all, so you have concluded that she's on a chat room without considering all the other options, don't you think that's a bit blinkered,
  9. Hey we can all see that, but please remember you can only stack it so high
  10. If you can see exactly what she's watching you must have a bloody good optician, or imagination, because the camera quality and lighting isn't that good, and to be able to see what's on her computer screen from across the room is far beyond brilliant.
  11. I've had that just go to another camera then go back to the original one it works, but the picture keeps freezing
  12. I'm with you she certainly gets my motor running, must check my blood pressure
  13. They have been together for a good number of years, so if you were see her pussy every day it's no longer something to get excited about.
  14. You two are really going to impress the Little One, and she's even got her Christmas Tree out, and the mention of tree will probably bring Foamy out to increase the competition
  15. jimbo, pepe, will you two stop it after all this is supposed to be the season of Good Will and Peace to all, that includes you two
  16. No you didn't educate me, even I know the difference between exhibitionist's and pornography, but if you were to give me a quick over view of Quantum Physic's, now that would be educating me, oh and by the way according to the Oxford English Dictionary this is the correct way to spell "behaviour" seeing has we are defining the English Language
  17. You didn't call any one out, you are having a laugh aren't you, you don't know me yet you called me uneducated, but I won't hold that against you, because the way you post in red and large font do you really need to shout to get your message across
  18. Omnipotent, an epithet for God, and you say we need help, this is the last I have to say about this on this Forum
  19. Howard, I hear what what you say, may I explain some people on this Forum actually do know her personally, and I know who they are, and not you or any one is going to get that information out of me, for you record unfortunately I'm not one of them. Yes there are some of us that leap to her defence, because she doesn't deserve some of the uncalled for abuse that is thrown at her, and by what you are saying you would stand by and watch an old lady get a kicking, it's the same thing, and as for my mental state I was certified sane a few years ago for a job I was doing so please don't judge us all the same Leora is comfortable with the body she's been blessed with and proud to show it of to the point I agree of being an exhibitionist, I don't think you could even think about putting her in the same category as a porn star, they do it for a living just like performing seal's all day every day
  20. pepe, how unlike you to be rude to a friend, how do you know jimbo's a jumbo, he might slim like yourself.
  21. pepe" newbie's usually do get it wrong, because they don't bother reading some of the archived stuff, before commenting
  22. jimbo, it's not that I'm counting but only 311 more work day's to do
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