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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. jimbo at least you've got a sense of humour, with her being so unpredictable, you've more chance of predicting when Paul's going to get a job than the colour of the carpet, and as for getting bored with it, possibly before Paul gets that job, this is assuming he is out of work
  2. It just goes to show how different Paul is this time, compared to his last period of unemployment, this is assuming he is out of work, if he is I think we can look forward to some more of this teamwork
  3. This is not pick on Nicholas time, but I agree with jimbo, I don't know if you were around the last time Paul was unemployed, but this time things are already different, the last time you only saw her naked in the shower, rarely if ever anywhere else, Paul may be very clever, he's also very slow at times, but even he's come to realise who's keeping the roof over their heads. So please be patient, don't worry she knows all about us, and will find ways to keep us happy
  4. I agree, if you look at some of her paintings, she done looking out of either the LR or GR window, (when you're lucky enough to see them) they are of a landscape which matches the reflection from the kitchen cabinets. Going back in time they used to go out the LR or GR window for sex, and I don't think Paul is into exhibitionism some how.
  5. Foamy, you ask for a sonnet for Leora If I should think of love I'd think of you, your arms uplifted, Tying your hair in plaits above, The lyre shape of your arms and shoulders, The soft curve of your winding head. No melody is sweeter, nor could Orpheus So have bewitched. I think of this, And all my universe becomes perfection. But were you in my arms, dear love, The happiness would take my breath away, No thought could match that ecstasy, No song encompass it, no other worlds. If I should think of love, I'd think of you.
  6. Ich kann nicht verstehen, wie er auch auf nur 4 Stunden Schlaf funktioniert
  7. Anyone notice she's letting her garden grow into a nice little landing strip
  8. May I suggest you take time out to go through the archives for Leora and Paul, once you've sorted out fact from fiction you'll find there is some useful information in them example birthday's and length of time they've been together etc.
  9. Leora mit Paul zu sein ist etwas, das uns seit Jahren erstaunt, aber es funktioniert für sie, ich stimme zu, dass nur ein Feigling eine Frau trifft
  10. I hate to contradict, but it's only a few weeks ago when she came home he went into one at her grabbing her arm with some force and dragging her towards him while he was shouting at her, this was in the GR, so the only improvement I can see is he's stopped grabbing her by the throat. As they say a leopard never changes it's spots.
  11. Today Leora confirmed her Aunty was around when she arrived is anybody's guess
  12. The next National Holidays are Monday and Tuesday next week, so today Paul could be rehearsing ready for next Monday, or he's throwing yet another sicky
  13. You can always check the weather forecast, it'll give you some idea as to whether she'll be at home or not, example cloudy most of this week around 25C, this coming Saturday the forecast is 30C and sunny all day, but if the Russian/Siberian weather forecast is as accurate as the UK's don't whatever you do put money on it being accurate.
  14. I thought that was Wednesday the 9th, Victory Day, unless of course the Russians have slipped one in that's not on their list of National Holidays
  15. No, she started as an ordinary Reserve Police Officer, and then promoted very quickly so as you mentioned her education may well have played a part in her promotion.
  16. The uniform she wore was that of a Reserve Police Officer, and the last time I saw her in it she had Pips on her epaulets which indicated she'd risen to the rank of Junior Lieutenant
  17. While you and Scutus were deciding who's right in one world and who's right in the other, it appears everyone failed to notice Leora for the first time I've seen her since she's been in this apartment actually had stockings on yesterday, not to be confused with tights. As for contact with the tenants I know of at least four who were in regular contact with her via PM's and social media until the Trolls started on her, then she closed all her accounts, and that includes her CC account
  18. I don't think there is a building opposite, if you look in the reflection in the kitchen cabinets above the microwave it look like woodland you can see, also a while ago she was painting in the GR and unusual for her at the time she slipped up and showed the painting to cam, and it was a landscape painting that matched the reflection from the cabinets. As for looking out of the LR window I think she feeds the birds unless she's putting food out for her voyeur
  19. I see Paul's swinging it again today or his he going for week, if he really tries hard with Mon, Tue, Wed and Thur next week Russian National Holidays two weeks of work all for a few grazes. I must try that with my employer, damm I can't I am the employer.
  20. I agree any woman who sits around like that with her partner is at risk of assault with a friendly weapon, except in certain parts of Russia it seems
  21. Ní chiallaíonn sé go bhfuil míle smiles agat, déanann mé gach bata Leora
  22. La Naomh Padraig (Happy St Patricks Day) to all her Irish followers
  23. She's also got a black one and a white one, so I think it's what she prefers at the time
  24. Either way whatever every one say's compared to when she was in the old apartment when there wasn't enough of her to cast a shadow, now with the extra meat on her bones she looks a lot healthier, and I'm with Howard and wouldn't kick her ass out.
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