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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. jimbo, he's never going to make a living while he continues to stay up until around 5am looking at her PC then not getting up until around 1pm, personally lack of sleep I think was the main factor behind his outburst in the hall. It's alright working for an Employer as you quite rightly said they find work for you, but when you are self employed staying in bed until 1 or 2pm and then expecting work to come to you so isn't going to happen, you've got to get out there and look for it, and it's hard work promoting your service also you have be prepared to work 24/7 if necessary (I know I've been there) to be successful, I can't for the life of me seeing our Paul putting in those sort of hours to carve out a living. I would think he's trying to tap into a saturated market, if Krasnoyarsk is anything like a lot of Cities in Europe where phone repair shops are two a penny.
  2. She knows all the English swear words, just listen when she either drops something or something goes wrong out they come
  3. That's it jimbo, straight and to the point, so I can take it from your comment you don't like the guy, you're not alone
  4. She only shows us what she wants us to see, although it may seem she's in the apartment all the time, she does have friends outside the apartment, and as you've mentioned one could possibly be her girlfriend, here we can only surmise or should that really be dream.
  5. vous n'êtes pas le seul, mais je ne pense pas que ça va arriver de sitôt
  6. jimbo, as I've mentioned before we are already doing better than the last time he was unemployed, the last time if he couldn't see her for more than a few minutes he went looking for her, and he made sure she was covered up when sleeping on the LR sofa, basically no nudity except in the shower, and many a time he used to be in there watching her. This time he's out of work I personally believe she's calling the shots, as he seems quite subservient, and not the belligerent Paul of old, now. I've said that he'll probably throw a right tantrum just to prove me wrong.
  7. It has been mentioned in the past, especially when she finishes and a few minutes later he's appeared
  8. Don't worry he knows what's going on, but he used up an awful lot of valuable energy yesterday.
  9. jimbo, I think the only time RLC will intervene is if they are "none" compliant within the terms of their contract, until then RLC will let life go on whether we like it or not, and as you quite rightly said it's all about reality.
  10. You will see quite a few, someone posted that Paul used to work for Apple repairing phone's and that's what he's apparently doing now from home, working for himself, when he can be bothered to get his ass in gear that is
  11. Aussie, I wouldn't worry to much, it's european's pathetic attempt at being funny by putting his slant on Down Under
  12. I agree she's put on a few pounds fortunately in all the right places, but the diet may soon be forced on her because of the loss of his wage. The number of job vacancies exceed the number of unemployed by 1.5 and the maximum Russian unemployment benefit is 4900rb £54.96 or $71, a month, I should think that's considerably less than he was earning, and to qualify for benefit you have to regularly prove you are actively looking for work This takes us back to is he really interested in work, I would think the answer to that is no
  13. I'm afraid to say Paul's not making much of an effort looking for customers if he is working for himself, we all know Paul and work are two words you don't normally put in the same sentence so is he as usual relying on Leora, and only taking in work when he feels he has to? I agree Leora's very resourceful if and when she wants to look after her followers she will
  14. jimbo, I nearly put "stop her humping cushions" then I realised I better put dog, otherwise some may get confused, as they both do it admirably. I agree Aunty is due very soon, if she's not already arrived with her going out and getting the shopping today, instead of Paul
  15. jimbo further to your comment, and just having just seen Eva's belly it looks like she's finally had the snip, it may stop the dog humping the cushions.
  16. At the risk of being a bit basic, I can tell you where Leora is going wrong getting Paul's attention, she needs to put on her fur coat learn to bark and lick her fanny and she'll be quids in getting all the attention and more, well it works for the dog
  17. You still here, what your saying doesn't translate in to anything coherent, or to make it easy for you understandable
  18. It's not that difficult to be confused about your comment when there's only one woman in the apartment.
  19. Are you on the right page? There's only one woman in the apartment this Forum refers to, and she shower's almost every day.
  20. May I suggest you take some time to go through the archives, they are full of useful information for instance they'll give you some idea how long these two have been friends, and much more once you filter out the rubbish
  21. Those of us who have a memory will remember when beauty spots were all the fashion, It's good to see Leora's resurrected the the trend, at first I thought it was a mark on my PC screen
  22. Paul is Paul and he won't change, the problem is european having a downer on Paul, unfortunately ignoring him won't stop him having a go about Paul.
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