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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. LMAO! Harley, well thought out. You sum it up in three words “piece of shit!” Lol Peace Joey
  2. Thanks for the Memories Howard! I remember 2 years ago, I was recording my first Video in Leora's Bedroom. (Which is something I do not miss, along with a few other APT.) I went off on my Effects and Transitions. I had Lights Flashing with Sounds of Helicopters, Swat, Music, Gunfire, and there was Howard, expressing his dissatisfaction, "What the HELL man, a Disco Tech, Gunfire, all you need now is a slasher right out of a Steven Kings Novel!" I believe, I disappeared for few months after that comment. LMAO!
  3. Many women, complained about the same things men do. With so, many problems so easily circumvented, (find a way around) why do most men see the rubber strait-jacket as passion’s equivalent of cruciferous vegetables and dental floss? One obvious reason, Condoms are effective in blocking pressure, spontaneity, and emotional intimacy.(Emotional intimacy is an aspect of interpersonal relationships that varies in intensity from one relationship to another and varies from one time to another, much like physical intimacy) Unfortunately, everyone's opinion is right on, as much as I like to admit. The use of a Condom is rare today. Just look at any intimate scenes in a Movie or TV show. When was the last time, anyone witnesses someone reaching for Condoms? As for these Apt. is a preference or the fear of pregnancy. When it comes to physical sensation, sex with a condom may not be quite as awful as dining with a sandwich bag on your tongue, but the agony isn’t that far-fetched. As thin as latex stretches, it still blocks a Cardinal feature of sex. The deliciously slippery feel of skin on skin. Jey
  4. Rebliz, you do know, how to get around it? If not, get a Free VPN, or switch out your MDM.. Also, you can call your provider, and tell them your IP is corrupted, and have them issue you a new one.. I hope it help! Peace Joey..
  5. Number 1 - Too innocent 2 - Wild 3 - Perfection 4 - Geek 5 - Butch 6 - Amazon! - Is only an opinion and preference.
  6. LMAO! I thought it was over with, considering most of these views are painful to comprehend. The people here at CC, in my opinion, are generally good people, and they all mean well. I enjoy reading, most of their post and I don't like to argue, and I know, I am guilty of this. I just get disappointed, when someone cannot admit the truth, while others believe what they want you to believe, and that's what hurts the most folks. We all have our ways of hurting someone's feelings and pride, without conscious, but I won't go there, is not fair to CC all the individual.. Peace
  7. Is Obvious Daley, Point noted!
  8. Lol. I too cannot understand Happyone, is all up to the individual, in my opinion. Also, condoms fail for regular users anyway. Statistically speaking, its efficacy has been grossly overstated by its promoters. After the use of just 10 condoms, the probability of at least one failure is 52%, according to (ready for this) the authoritative Contraceptive Technology and other sources.( Lol - I wonder if they have panels for an itchy Ass) 22 major studies of more than 40,000 condoms used during heterosexual intercourse in five different countries have found that 4.6% of all the condoms broke and 2.5% of them partially or completely slipped off, for a total failure rate of 7.1%. That means that about 1 in 14 condom uses results in failure. Failure results in exposure to all the sexually-transmitted diseases that a partner has and may result in pregnancy folks. Even the highest-quality condoms used in the most effective manner possible by educated, monogamous, adult couples fail at a high rate under real-world conditions. RISK - has ALWAYS been a part of our LIVES! Non-Sense is the correct view..
  9. That would be something I would NOT be interested in viewing. I have a hard enough time watching couples, let alone two men, not that there is any wrong with it, because people would be hypocrites to think otherwise! In my opinion, there's enough out there for people to fulfilled their lustful imaginations. I love Women folks, Period. My site, women ONLY, with an occasional slam bang thank you ma'am..
  10. I create these Videos for fun, and for Beta testing software for the last 2.5 years here at CC. I do not expect everyone to like them. That’s what makes us different. Most people here are baby boomers, a few care less about my Videos, put they enjoy the music. I do not make it a habit posting RLC Videos here anymore. Like others, we rather do things in private This post was for those few who imagined Angie in a thong.. if there’s no noise, I’m adding music...Sex, without music, is like watching two corps stacked on top of each other.. In my humble opinion...As for the last Video, it was collateral damage. Peace..
  11. NOTE: I normally post old and new Videos, when they are presented to me. I couldn't care less about watching any of these Voyeur Sites. I rather read one's post to keep me interested. Having been over a few months now, since my last visit to RLC, I decided to look into the New Girl's APT. "Wow." Not much of a Video, but an OK ending... If the file, is not fully converted, click on the Orange Download Tab, yes, you will get Spam, on every other click. All you need to do is X OUT OF IT!!! Note: The last part of the Video was collateral damage.. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  12. I am not what one would call a poetry expert. I have read a bit of poetry here and there on Desiderata and even dabbled in it as an emotionally tortured teenager. But for some reason, it can never quite seem to hold my attention, no matter how many times I attempt to get into it. For the most part, I gravitate towards those poems that give me some kind of inspiration. Your mind is your world, a secret place where your spirit and the spirit of what you choose to believe dwells. If you are a Believer, the Holy Spirit communicates with you in your mind. But if you're not a Believer, then the Devil rules your mind. And what so ever that controls your mind, control you and that is who you are and what you're going to be. The good and the bad fights over your mind every second. The mind is a Human home. It is the center for the processing of the Human body physiologically, physically and spiritually. But the spirituality of the mind is a more important intern with fighting with evil. To do the right things in judgment, decision making, reasoning, and thinking. That is why the mind is called the Battleground. I humble myself to all who read my post, and I respect people for who they are. But the truth is, in my years of study, I have only come up with two hard incontrovertible facts: there is a God, and I'm not Him. I PIRATEMEDIA PRESENT - What you need to know about the GREAT DECEPTION of MANKIND ... 2017 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xs22eo_ANSyJQw5tiPcP9A5se_eO-xBA/view?usp=sharing
  13. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Peace
  14. LMAO! You're kidding me, right? We are all perverts. The first thing with see when we click on this forum is TITS! I believe I have a few Videos of her reading Books and Painting. it was an enjoyment to me watching her read, Sexy as Hell! A Book lover never goes to bed alone. As a little Boy, I would spend most of my time in a Library, a world of knowledge and surprises, and it was free. I would sit in a corner, and lose myself imagining the Thrillers that I was about to consume. I always get a sense of excitement that gets the pulse racing! Non-fiction books came next, followed by biographies, both of which clearly display an interest in singles who are intelligent, and eager to learn about the world around them. Yes, you're correct about the Novelties, etc. But the truth of the matter is, we are definitely Perverts or Kinky, Deviant, Unconventional, Unnatural, Degenerate, Depraved, added to your list..Peace
  15. Good day to you my old friend. But Leora does NOT have Bipolar and she is definitely a narcissist to an extent. I do understand how you feel to protect the one that makes your fur sweat with excitement, and I can see how she favors the furry creatures post. (so obvious it insults my intelligence) Not that one would notice or would care, because It's all about the show and that's why we're all here. ( I'm a Rapper. lol) Bipolar is just a made-up word for profit, nothing else. We tend to believe everything we read and watch on TV. We want that miracle cure, a pill to pop to make everything better. Thanks to the DSM, countless millions are hooked on powerful antidepressants to cure a mythical chemical imbalance, while rates of mental disorders in children, including autism, bipolar illness, and ADHD, have rocketed. How is this possible? Simple, they have the POWER to control Human emotion, without a Blood Test, Without X Rays, only an opinion of a person with a degree. (Degree is good) For right now, let's focus more immediately on the matter of bipolar disorder: Is it a physiological or neurological disease? If so, when does it typically start? What causes it? And how should we define and treat it? Did you know there are CURES for every Disease known to man? But we are too lazy to research the truth. (Do you think Big Pharma is working on cures, why would they? because of the Trillions they gain to profit. In their WORLD is called BUSINESS. I have provided Videos below explaining how the Pharmaceutical is gaining POWER with ALL of these made up Diseases. Also, I added The Beautiful Truth. Powerful Videos. I guarantee you, if you watch the Videos with an open mind, you will be disappointed and pissed off. I have nothing to gain from all this, except to share with those few, who needs the education in knowing the truth and the truth will set you FREE! Peace.. Making a Killing - The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_YaBEoOuteASFNjaWdLYXREQms/view?usp=sharing The Beautiful Truth. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_YaBEoOuteAdzV1VkhVQ1NwalU/view?usp=sharing
  16. Good memory BB, you missed it by one Month. It was Oct 10, 2016 - While being ill, she was watching a Video that was playing the song, Moon River. I know this because I have the Video of her lying in bed, listening and watching the Video, with a humble smile...
  17. IN MY OPINION - We ALL have little bit of narcissism. The ONLY difference, Leora choose to share hers with the world.The reason narcissists are so judgmental of others is that’s the only way they can sustain the desperately required fiction of their perfection.They’re truly masters in keeping their self-contempt secret from themselves through regularly finding people in forums whom they can project it to. And to continually safeguard themselves from a reality that so frequently contradicts their grandiose assumptions and pretensions, they’re obliged to adopt a massive defense system, which they maintain with extraordinary rigidity. Deep down, most narcissists don’t really like themselves, let alone love themselves. And the more they boast, brag, and put others down, the more likely they’re trying to make up for deeper, largely hidden feelings of inferiority or unlovability. To point out one of her narcissist's characteristic. (besides not wearing underwears, always changing clothes, wearing glasses) Would be playing with the Dog. A dog’s readiness to accept you, and to give and receive love, exists totally independent of any efforts to cajole it to do so. Canines don’t know or care whether you’re having a bad hair day, or what clothes you’re wearing, or whether you’re rich or poor. As long as you give them some attention and don’t abuse them, they’re delighted to be your best friend. There’s really no need to try to please them or to win their affection. Simply throwing the occasional ball for them in front of the Cam to fetch will do the job nicely. (NICELY) It only makes sense then that such pets can temper whatever narcissistic inclinations she might possess. Simply showing up for the Cams vs. showing off the Cams. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they leave you. If you have any of these traits BELOW then you're a narcissist. TRAITS -1. An insatiable appetite for the attention of other people. 2. Generally prone to extreme feelings of jealousy. 3. Behave as if they deserve special treatment. 4. Commonly exaggerate their achievements, talents, and importance. 5. Extremely sensitive. 6. Have fantasies regarding their own intelligence, success, power, and good looks. 7. It does not take much for a person with NPD to feel rejected. Lack empathy - (empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of other people.) People with NPD disregard other people's feelings. 8. Many believe that only others - "SPECIAL PEOPLE" - are really able to understand their uniqueness. 9. May consider themselves as very skilled in romance; more skilled than anybody else. 10. Most people see narcissists' goals as selfish ones. 11. Obsessed with themselves. 12. Respond to criticism with ANGER, HUMILIATION, and SHAME. (sounds familiar) 13. Seem arrogant. 14. Tend to seek out praise and positive reinforcement from others. 15. They may be perceived by others as tough-minded or without emotion. 16. Usually, expect others to agree with them and go along with what they want. 17.Very easily hurt. 18. Whatever they crave or yearn, must be the best. Like I said, most people in this world have these traits, including The Goddess. Please don't come to me, with a cavalier attitude. Because I am also a narcissist! We all have our problems. So, enjoy the entertainment, as much as Howard enjoys my Videos. Lol. I'll get back with you later Howard. I am in the middle of being a narcissist. Peace..
  18. For the last three years, I have been posting Videos, for ALL members of CC, who are not able to access a particular Video. This is for them!!! I am sorry if you feel I mislead you. Plus, is my way of knowing, who to trust, when I do send out all the latest Videos, in Private. This is how a few of us do things around here. This will be my LAST TIME Posting any RLC Videos. If you feel I am being a Prick about this, well, I'm not. It's just hard for me to comprehend and this is not a reflection on you. Peace.
  19. Sorry, I had no clue how that came about, Thanks, I'll post the others.
  20. Your welcome, and yes sir, your only allow a certain amount of space, since it's free..No preference.
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