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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. So, you think we're all liberals here? Meaning, uneducated, misinformed. Other than you? There are a few liberals here that IMO are intelligence, but blind. Those I respect. Next time I promise you, I'll keep it short. I thought you know me by now.
  2. I don't expect you, Professor, or any far-left "pea-brain" liberal to understand my intentions or anyone's post for that matter. It's hard enough for me to understand liberals when you don't live in their sheltered cocoon of participation trophies, artificial, fake, false, imitation, imitative, unreal, counterfeit, fabricated, caring and feel-good lies. Those of us who labor in the real world professor, who built this country, who make it work and who defend it, deal with reality. Most liberals don't! And that can be bemusing, or baffling because when they speak, they sound like visitors from the planet Nimrod. Now, some liberals do understand the real world. They are the cynical liberal icons, the ones who know their entire ideology is a scam designed to wring power and wealth from the gullible. (that's you ) These liberals are the ones who demand we double energy prices and trade in our cars for seats on scuzzy busses driven by union drones because of global warming. The fact that it never actually gets any warmer won't stop a liberal from hopping into his private jet and flying off to ink a deal to sell his network to some Mideast oil sheik for a zillion petrodollars. (excuse me for being off-topic) If you are a liberal who believes that your liberal heroes believe in liberalism, you are a sucker and a fool. Maybe even foolish enough to let your daughter take a drive with one across a bridge. "Liberalism concerns the minimum wage and the delusion that labor should be valued, not between those who provide it and those who pay for it, but by you based upon your subjective notion of "fairness." The hard truth is that you are worth precisely what an employer will pay for you, and nothing more. Take it from someone who employed a lot of people – if I was to pay more for you at the unskilled bottom of the ladder, assuming I don't cut low-end positions, that money is coming out of everyone else's raises. Yeah, you warm, beautiful, caring, and compassionate paternalists supporting raising the minimum wage are going to pay for it because I'm sure as hell not. Unlike many of you liberals, I started out flipping burgers at "Burger King," for $5.10 an hour. I didn't have one of those fake internships or create one of those bogus charities high school kids today manufacture to impress the admissions flunkies at overpriced, unworthy colleges. I worked. I wouldn't say I liked it, but I learned valuable skills. These skills made it so that today I don't have to bag fries, mop out toilets, or toil as "Michael Moore's muffin wrangler." "If you need the government to set you a "living wage," it's because you have failed to make yourself worth a living wage. A higher minimum wage is merely a subsidy to ensure you don't have to put in the effort necessary to earn what you want." I'm unclear why failure to work hard, gain skills, and not do the stupid things that lead a mid-age man to be making minimum wage, morally compels me to give you my money. The fact is, liberalism depends on a considerable number of Americans being losers who can't support themselves. "Broken or nonexistent" families are the root of most of society's "pathologies,"' and they are also essential to the Democrat "demographic model." The party's very existence depends on there being a pool of serfs desperate for handouts distributed by Democrat overlords. If 90% of Americans were self-sufficient and refused to trade their dignity for a few scraps in the form of various welfare payouts, there would be no modern Democrat Party. In other words, your party must keep you weak, ignorant, and helpless to survive. The Democrat mascot shouldn't be the donkey; it should be the tick. (IMO) In closing, "Liberalism is magical thinking promulgated by cynical exploiters upon the eternally gullible and the chronically lazy." It's a political Ponzi scheme, and today's participants are the unlucky marks coming in at the end of the grift. Liberalism will collapse of its dead weight. And when it does, you true believers better be ready for the hard truth that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  3. Proves my point! Reasoning professor. Yes, it can be bullshit on both sides of the debate or aisle. The fact is, I'm right. I was a Democrat because my Dad,(rip) was a state official. So, you can imagine the debates we've had mostly during the holidays. (sad) At least my liberal friends aren't complaining. Why, because we are raking in the bucks. And you're not! With the money, we pay for all kinds of Gov't handouts. Until such a time, the raging liberals bottled up with anger should do us all a favor and stop barking. Maybe you can use the time between now and the end of the investigation to educate yourselves, about what impeachment is, and more importantly, what it is not.
  4. I can take the heat, with no questions asked. How do you access being the bad guy? Does it come naturally to you? FACT: 5 things liberals never use in arguments: (There are a lot more) 1. Logic 2. Reason 3. Facts 4.Truth 5. Critical thinking. Etc. I wouldn't say I like politics in general because I feel like everyone focuses more on arguing about an issue than actually trying to fix it or solve it. I stopped posting about politics, because you liberals already have your pea brains already made up. No room to even plant a seed. I was a die-heart liberal. What change? The stupidity of the far-left. Whoops, did I share my opinion online?
  5. It's all too easy for people to confuse impeachment with removal from office. It's not in the interests of the self-serving government to educate the masses to the point where they are smart enough to see through the bullshit - because then people will be too smart to vote for them again, as it looks significantly worse for the Democrats than Trump.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean, the poetry or like Harley said, "That's some deep shit?" (Video)
  7. I use Agave, all natural. But Sugar is Sugar. We suppose to consume sugar from fruits only. I eat a bag of Organic frozen Grapes a week. which is an addiction. I’m only allow a cup, and my cup gets bigger everyday. I needed to cutback after watching this video.
  8. Sugar is all around us, and it's tough to tell when you're getting too much. Let's take a closer look at sugar, what's healthy, what's not, and which alternative sweeteners you can choose instead.
  9. I don’t know the name. The reason I Googled it, a few songs ends with that phrase. Am I wrong? Excuse me Harley, I’m not all there. The VA has me on lock-down and I don’t like it. I gave them a piece of my mind and I ended up in the fourth floor in Lake Nona facility. The rest, is history.
  10. Which one do you want to hear? A few songs with that ending.
  11. I'm still trying to get out of my basement. Does the"Hagie Store count? They're from India. Hehe - Rarely, one will find a basement in Florida because of the water level. I personally, love Canada, amount other Countries I've visited. To explore and meet people off the beaten tracks is, first of all, seizing the opportunity to meet aboriginal communities, discover their way of life. Visit isolated villages and come to understand better their customs and traditions. In short, it is an unforgettable experience, allowing exceptional encounters while being close to nature. From coast to coast, each province will seduce you in its own way and have many surprises await you! Incredible encounters are to come and various outdoor activities are very popular, especially during winter. Cloud lives in Canada.
  12. Happy New Year to everyone. My resolutions for 2020 is to be nice and play nice. Cut down on my Videos and get involved in helping those in need. Regardless of their status. A philanthropist, without the fame. My main goal is to pressure the Gov't. For those few who slept through class, or have no idea how much a Congress Politician makes or benefits. (both parties} This is clearly an amazing idea that must be passed around. My disagreement and opinion. I Google and cross reference everything I posted. Let's see if congress understands what people pressure is all about. Salary of retired US Presidents .. . . . . $180,000 FOR LIFE. Salary of House/Senate members .. . . $174,000 FOR LIFE This is stupid Salary of Speaker of the House .. . . . . $223,500 FOR LIFE. This is really stupid Salary of Majority / Minority Leaders . . $193,400 FOR LIFE. Average Salary of a teacher . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .$40,065 Average Salary of a deployed Soldier . . .. . . .. $38,000 Here's where the cuts should be made! Congressional Reform Act of 2017 1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. 2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose. 3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do. 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. 7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective immediately. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work. After all, one becomes a millionaire after leaving office, and No one is talking about it. FACT: Debt ceiling: If they pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. Makes perfect sense to me. The 26th Amendment ( granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds ) took only three months and eight days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 - before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc. Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure. The people in America will hopefully get the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.
  13. ipiratemedia

    CBD Oils?

    I tried the Gummy Bears. Sucks! What works IMO is RAVE VALS. PURE THC. But unfortunately, Military Veterans are not allowed to indulge. So we're stuck with Ice -Packs and Heating Pads. Opioids, are only giving to Veterans with deep wounds, and the ones who are grandfather in. Hope it helps.
  14. I will not play at tug o' war. I'd rather play at hug o' war. Where everyone hugs Instead of tugs. Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug. Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins. Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. ("ss") MERRY CHRISTMAS CC JB - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM
  15. Beautiful voice. My friend loves Country music, she likes a song called "Honky Tonk Angel." by Patty Loveless. I've been watching College Football Championship games, and it's not over. I'll listen to it later. Vince Gill has a remarkable voice. In the Video, He talks too much. I know he has a sense of humor — thx for the share.
  16. SECRETARIAT - Known as big Red! The greatest Horse ever. I was reminiscing about the past and can across a family picture album with a few pictures of Secretariat. My dad and my grandpa, spent a lot of their time, at the Horse track. Enjoy! SECRETARIAT is just a Horse, for those who did not know. No Animal love!
  17. If I may, your right, it's a female preference. Like you said, "fresh, clean, and healthy down there!" I was curious to know how many Women actually use Creams, beside douching, so I Google it. I couldn't believe the market for so many Creams and their uses. Fucking amazing! Creams to tighten the Sweet Spot. Like Creams to make a Man's "manhood" longer. Chafing, Redness, do to Menopause. Moisturizer & Personal Lubricant, and the list goes on. I guess I'm one of those Prim people, who always shower before Sex. I love watching the lather travel down their backs and between the crack of their Ass. A man can accomplish a lot this way.
  18. Thank you sir! Not only it’s Veterans Day, it would have been my Mother’s birthday. Yesterday, was USMC birthday. A lot to celebrate. Thanks for thinking of the Vets.
  19. SCARY LAUGHS Dynamo flying (MUST SEE!!!) Amazing | Edd China | Sofa Car
  20. I am truly amazed how today's kids are so talented, all because of youtube and other platforms. @Dave 27 would appreciate such heavy metal presents.
  21. True., I say, Yankees or Dodgers.
  22. I have always enjoyed reading your post-@HarleyFatboy I am a die-hard Yankees fan, so you must know how I now feel. In all my years of meeting professional athletes, I can now say, my friend, Dave Martinez, is a "WSC" Manager. He's parents Lilian and' Ernesto AKA Lefty. The twin brothers, Eric and Ernest, who also had careers in the minor league level. Sister Miley. They are going to hold a get together in Ocala, Florida. I am going to bust his balls by wearing a Yankees cap. I hope Cole signs with N.Y. Yankees
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