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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. I write this poem for you. I hope you like it too. There is nothing I would rather do than spend my time making a queen out of you; You deserve a crown, a scepter and a throne, your beauty so breathtaking, my weakness, is for you alone. Sometimes I’m sad, and life gets me down, but I always know I can turn that around, by closing my eyes and picturing you, the source of my joy, my angel, I thank you.
  2. OK, after watching the Videos, which took forever. Let me make myself clear. She tried Anal a few times and backed off each time. Now, was there any penetration, of course, that would be the reason she felt uncomfortable. So, in essence, everyone here is correct. She never entirely had Anal. (at least not in the project) My apologies... The blow-job, it was lame, sixty-nine position, I was not able to capture her sucking the bone. But she was in that position. So it happened, but not as I described...You guys are on top of your game. Kudos to you all! Unusual remembering Kamil how I felt so sad for her in B-1 and then she meets Kristy full of life, and now, Kamil is riding the Gravy train. I'm happy she now dictates her own life. But like most people here, "time to move on."
  3. I don't understand the level you speak of Homie? IMO, I don't see it as "degrading." Some people aren't as fortunate as you and me and Spy, soaking up the Sun, and "having Pina Coladas in the rain." in the BEST place in the USA. To me, there the smarts ones making extra money, instead of people trying their hardest to please others by trying to fulfill their perverted needs, so they can watch and read the B/S. Those are the weak-links in society. At one time, a loner never had a voice because of being shy, or ugly etc. Now, the internet makes them become "Errol Flynn" or Audrey Hepburn. Hey, why not share the goods? Why not, if there's money to be made? The ones that do it solely for excitement are the ones that are missing the realization of profiting whether it is through a Cam or having a real job. I don't expect these young people; mostly Kids to understand the value of money because most don't have any clue about the reality of life itself. Women and men love receiving attention and validation without accomplishing anything, and social media is their weapon of choice. Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, and more, have turned into a male n" female-attention buffet for the attention whores everywhere who feed their vanity by fishing for “likes.” The more shameless ones use them to engage in real-life depravity, where they allow rich people to defecate in their mouths to satisfy their materialistic orgy. (so to speak) You can expect any woman or man who makes a habit of putting up their selfies online to be a narcissistic shell of a human being devoid of any humility or decency. For women, I think it’s safe to say that social media is the worst thing to happen to them since the sexual liberation of the 1960s. IMHO! I personally enjoy the women in all of my Videos that I put together...Sex sells, and the bright ones know this. So keep on Camming and make that money, because, in the long run, it comes in handy. Joey
  4. BB is 100% Correct! I have all the Videos of Kamil, from being a wimp to becoming a Women, in fact, I have Kamil, Jessica, and Megan on Videos. The rest, do not concern me. Out of sight - out of mind... Sorry, but I don't and won't ever share the Videos, so don't ask!. I don't trust anyone on this site - EVER! I was banned by RLC five fucking times because of pricks here. I laugh at the fuckers, because I never paid for it, and I still don't! If it weren't for one person on RLC, I would have reign fucking hell on RLC!
  5. Hi Clara, you make my Mondays feel like Friday and I love it. Love the Sexy cutout skirt, better that way. (IMO) it shows you're lovely "ASSETS".
  6. LMAO! THEY SURE LOOK UN-HEALTHY...Must be the "Mexican jumping beans". lol
  7. Who doesn't! Our feelings are mutual. I like them both.
  8. Nice Stats... Lucky you. While you entertain Kathy n' Molly, (if that's who they are), I'll entertain Clara.
  9. Hey Clara, I missed you so much. I missed your sizzling touch. I missed your embrace. What a funny face.
  10. STATS EXPLORING "THE DARK-SIDE OF THE MOON." AWESOME SHOOT! Clara's perfect ass has no face, but I'm sure Stats knows how it taste. It's all flesh; except for that little hole, it's a personality, not a troll. Sometimes even the person doesn't know what their ass is going to show. "Behind every woman is a man, trying to do her doggy style." Joey 😛
  11. Good question Zoifan>> I had no idea, until @squish post.
  12. Good day to you Clara, Your personality is what makes you sexy, always! I fear no man who has practiced 10,000 kicks. But I fear the woman who has practiced one kick 10,000 times...You both are true warriors. Joey
  13. " BOND Joey 0069." I do have Videos of her from Hawaii. I'm sure I can locate them on my external HD...
  14. If you are wise, you will let the tears flow as freely and as often as they must. Some people will never understand how much we love our pets. But that's OK, our pets know...There was nothing left to do today but hold you close and help you on your way. Be still, my little cat, be well, be free. I know you're somewhere new and loving me. Her favorite chair is empty now, where she would lie and sleep. But the memories of Musi happy times is always yours to keep. I feel for you both; I lost my little Charlie (duchound) last year. I'm down to my Cat, who I love deeply. Who else can you yell at with the look of anger and receive no response, my Cat?
  15. Lol. Where are you locating these pictures...I see you have a picture of my good friend Olga... The one on the right! She's a beautiful good person, but NOT educated. I'm sorry to say...I know, who cares if she's giving up the pussy. I need someone to stimulate my mind first.
  17. Yes, they do! Take only the best from this beautiful year, And you’ll finally see The real happiness, my dear. May your whole life Be a permanent holiday! May the road of ongoing light Pave you a wonderful way! Joey New Year...
  18. Yes! That's why our motto is "The Few - The Proud - The Marines." Over a hundred men stood on those yellow foot-prints at 0300 AM - Only 48 of us graduated. This is NOT during the draft. The new Corp! (no difference) Better bunks! I too grabbed my nephew the same way your father, did you. I don't know why I did it, or I know, till this day, my nephew fears me. Something I'm not proud of. I still have my bad days when I witness a man's abuse of a Women, Child, or Animals.
  19. BADASS! I tried writing a book about my experiences, but my tears get in my way. I assume it will take me as long as it took you. The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. What amazes me, how you stuck out in the open during a patrol, worst than urban warfare IMO. Thank you for your service. VIETNAM was brutal! We lost a lot of military personnel, especially my Marine brothers.
  20. My resolution, to be stranded on an island with Clara and Ary... No crystal ball or physic can tell what the future holds for us. And that is precisely where the thrill lies. The reality of living is ‘uncertainty.’ Not knowing where the mystical road of life leads us to, but bearing a little hope and faith, we keep walking ahead. Living in a constant state of fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety about your past or your future is only going to ruin the beautiful aura of today. Someone had once told me, “Live each moment at a time. Take each day at once, and you will find your life falling right in place. Faith and hope are two of the few strong drivers of your life.” This makes sense. As a kid, I always wanted to be a grown-up, and now that I am technically a grown-up, I can’t help but miss my childhood days and wish I could go back and never grow up. Let us face it; we can’t undo what is done. Neither can we replay the past, nor can we fast-forward to the future. All we have with us right now is our present. Do not ruin your gift with the regrets from the past or the worries of your future. It is very crucial to keep your life simple to save yourself from being trapped in the messy web created by yourself, by the complex thoughts in your head. The more you complicate your life, the more you will push happiness away from yourself. And I was also told, “It’s all in your head. The day you learn to control your mind is the day you will be the master of your life. Do not let your mind control your happiness, be in charge of your happiness and the controller of your life.” There are going to be monsters fighting wars in your head, sadness is inevitable, people will come and go, but all of this will shape you as a person. Growth comes from the battles you have fought alone, scars and wounds that are left on your body, hurt, and the agony that your inner demons have caused. The minute you set yourself free from these demons, you will triumph over the entire world’s demons. You will become dominant and unstoppable. Moreover, remember, influential people, are not the ones who make no mistakes. Instead, they learn from their mistakes. We all are humans, after all, we are meant to fall and rise, and there is nothing called as perfection. Don’t let the word ‘perfection’ bewilder you. Perfection is nothing but a state of mind. If you can go to bed without any regrets, you have lived a perfect day. Do not judge yourself by the standards that the society has set for you, rather set standards for yourself and set your definitions. Don’t nail yourself to the cross for something that made you happy but not the society. If your conscience allows you to do a particular thing and that’s where your happiness belongs, then leave the society behind and go for it. Be powerful. Be strong. A happy life and new year await you. Joey
  21. Brings back memories. How good of a bowler were you besides knowing the Engineering part of it?
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