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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. "Dazed and Confused" I have grown to enjoy watching this all Women rock band, who calls themselves "Zepparella." Mimicking The legendary "Led Zeppelin." IMO, the music sounds acceptable. But the lead singer is no "Robert Plant."
  2. Fact! Every time you eat and drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it. This is the difficulties in changing one's diet. "If I told you there are diets that could cure cancer, arthritis, fatigue, irritable bowel, reflux, chronic allergies, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease, migraines, depression, attention deficit disorder, and occasionally even autism and that it could help you lose weight quickly and easily without cravings, suffering, or deprivation, you might wonder if I had gone a bit crazy." But it's true. And the story goes like this. First, I've lost twelve members of my family going back as far as twenty years to all kinds of diseases mentioned above. I needed to know why... There's money in sickness NOT health. A Doctor is in the business to treat not cure. If we don't educate ourselves, you will never know the truth. I change my diet with-in the last ten years, not once have I fallen ill internally. (colds, stomach, migraine, etc.) No shots of any kind. I have posted Videos on this thread, but it seems that no one cares to hear it. The best part of this approach is that you don't have to trust me or any "expert." You have to trust your body. It will tell you very quickly what it likes and doesn't like. "Red meat causes cancer. No, processed meat causes cancer. OK, it's both red meat and processed meat. Wait, genetically modified grain causes cancer (well, not really). No, aspartame causes cancer. No, this food coloring or that one causes cancer." Everything we eat causes cancer! If you are continually putting in information that is making your body toxic, sick, and fat-hyper-processed industrial junk food, (meats) sugar, flour, chemicals, additives, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, inflammatory foods, or what I call anti-nutrients-it acts like poison in the body. It inflames your gut and your cells leading to whole-body inflammation that you experience as pain, allergies, headaches, fatigue, and depression, and that leads to weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. This approach can work faster and better than any medication. The power of a simple diet change, by getting rid of the bad stuff and putting in the good stuff can often reverse the most difficult-to-treat medical problems and give people the experience of profound wellness, even if you don't have a severe illness. It is something everyone should try just once. I'm not telling you to give up everything, just do it in moderation. I do not eat beef the number one course for heart disease and cancer. If there were one thing, I would encourage everyone to do, take just one week to see just how powerful drug-food can be. There is nothing to lose but your suffering. It doesn't take months or years to see change. It happens in days or weeks. There is too much information that I would like to share, but as I said, it's hard for people to change. To me, it's selfishness knowing they have a family. The Documentary "Forks over Knives" is by far the best advice I can share. If you don't get it, then expect the worse. Forks Over Knives JB - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM
  3. Good day to you AIt0na_07 - Is it possible to distinguish insult from criticism? How? Insult is considered harmful, should we prohibit that? How? I know you already know the answer. If anything I'm learning a little more about the way you think. I say that with enthusiasm. (every country is different, and I genuinely respect that.) Yes, it is possible to distinguish between insult and criticism. But it's not easy! Both insult and criticism are negative statements about a person or their actions. But what is negative is subjective. Someone may intend to insult a person but if they are confident about their person or behavior they don't have to accept their judgment. Why would they? The difference between insult and criticism is the intent. Critique intends to point out where they have gone wrong so that they can correct the problem. The insult intends to do emotional harm. The intention is difficult because it involves guessing that is going on in the other person's mind. (example) Is it clear from the context that the person wants to hurt you? Then they are probably trying to insult you. But even then you don't have to take the insult. I'm a man, and sometimes women use the word "man" as an insult. (to me anyway) But I don't have to take it that way. What people say about you doesn't change who you are. No one appreciates unsolicited advice on how to live their life. Consider the source and feel free to ignore them. Or you can think about your relationship with that person and what you want from it. And talk to them about how their unsolicited advice makes you feel — just a thought. I'm bored like @Robwin
  4. Can anyone imagine what life would be without music? All those great, beautiful songs and compositions, and a lot more. CLASSIC ROCK JB - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM
  5. I've always enjoyed watching Megan, very mature for her age. (except shucking Oysters) I reason everything out and usually analyze my tastes too thoroughly to succumb to them blindly. And that's my chief defect, the real cause of my weakness. But this young lady Megan has taken possession of me in spite of myself, in spite of my fear and my knowledge of her; and she possesses me as if she had plucked out, one after the other, my every last aspiration. The fact that I can plant a seed, and it becomes a flower share a bit of knowledge, and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return from Megan it's worth the few months of my obsession. lol.
  7. How am I supposed to make life choices when I still use my fingers to count and sing the whole Alphabet to see what letter comes next. I used Grammarly on your post. Are you happy now? The American English past tense form is Spelled NOT Spelt. (spelt Is only a common word) So, if you're in the United States, you should probably write it like this: The past tense of the verb "spell" can be spelled in two different ways. In your case "Spelled correctly." Not Correctly Spelt! My apologies to those who have to endure classroom ethics. Let's get back on topic.
  8. Last I heard, they voted against Scotland's independence in 2014 for so many reasons. Better off together - (The pro-union) Fear - (Many Scots are afraid of how an independent Scotland might change their day-to-day lives) Status quo - (keeping the status quo was the safest bet.This include the question of currency) Prestige & pride - (The 'Yes' camp had wished to seek Scottish membership of the European Union) The economy - (The UK government pushed the message that Scots would be financially worse off after independence) Scotland dreads Brexit. But is it enough to boost sentiment for Scottish independence? What say you? Politics, Power, and Money is all that matters in this crude world. The craggy Scottish capital is ancient and modern and pretty to look at. It's home to posh bankers, throngs of international students and the video-game wizards who created "Grand Theft Auto." That city has buzz, politics, creatives, and soul. And it keeps topping the lists of "Best European Cities" in which to live and work. When I think of your country, I think of William Wallace. "FREEDOM" and of course, my favorite, The Palace Buildings. So many Castles. I would love to Metal Detect in the Scottish Fields and Waters.
  9. Tell me something, is it hard for you n' "numbnuts" to believe that there are a few here like myself who enjoys conversing with most of these women on RLC n' VHTV? Leora is a friend to most of the guys who hang on her thread. Leora is NOT our lover. I never cared to watch any of these girls bate. Bating does nothing for me, except Lingerie. Once their naked time to move - on... So don't assume you think you know what lurks around these forums. Nothing personal - These young ladies enjoy chatting with the CC members. Figure it out; you might get lucky, like most of us!
  10. Out of respect to the find people here on CC, I am going lite on you her majesty, who is one verb short of a sentence. Hard-ons don't make you think less. They make you feel stupid. Which makes me think you must have one 24/7 - The bottom line is, insults only hurt when they come from someone I respect. You ignorant little slug of a troll!
  11. The flag of the United States of America is special - because it is a symbol of what my country stands for. The American flag represents freedom, individual rights and justice with a sense of respect...To me, the American flag means freedom and national pride.
  12. Missing someone you cared for and love is hard. Never able to see them again, it's even harder. We know you are here. We can feel you around us. Our only wish is that we can see you again. Some lose don't hurt for a while; they hurt for a lifetime. The Video's how a few here feel about you, man and women alike. And endure the pain that comes with it. That's the thing about pain; it demands to be felt. So laugh if you must, Leora was one of the rare ones, so effortlessly herself, and the world loves her for it. Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. The Sounds of Silence.mp4
  13. Sad but true! Let's say, A few here know. Whether you believe it or not.
  14. I don't think Leora would ever consider being a Hostess, since she has a college degree, like Paul. A quote from Leora, "why do people think Russians are homeless or not capable of moving on with their lives." I already posted she owns an apartment, flat, or Condo. She has family and friends. I don't believe she would do anything with RLC considering there is always the possibility of another shutdown. (but the temptation might be overwhelming) Doing it on her own, possibility.
  15. To BB she is all that! BB n' Belle go way back...But I will agree, there are a few hotties out there still.
  16. Love the avatar! RLC got what they deserve! Most of them do have a place to go. (mom n' dad) As for Leora, she'll be-back, the cams are her life and she has her mother's flat. (RIP) I believe I posted a week ago that "Paul won't have any problems meeting someone else, that fits his needs." I guess she found out. Remember, there are two sides to a story...
  17. I love the picture on the left. I prefer the mystery, "ooh, I wonder what's underneath!" and "oooh this woman is thinking about sex, and maybe I have a chance!" Of course, that isn't always the case, but that's how I instinctively respond to seeing it regardless of how I choose to act on that response..
  18. Not that I care about any of these young ladies. I used to like my women like I like my oval office — no sign of Bush. I instead vote for Ashley, I don't want a little girl's vagina; I want a woman...
  19. I don’t believe any of these girls do it for love or money. More like, “I need attention.” I personally, won’t do it for love - except if it’s my girlfriend.
  20. Yes! She’s going to be a trustworthy wife one day. Paul will have no problems finding a girl that fits his needs. Leora will be doing the same thing she does every day. The camera is her life now. So be happy with that. She once told me, “it’s all show.” I have to agree. Jessica from the past B1 says hello to you all. I don’t know who she means — more power to you.
  21. Leora has already started her new venture in life. Less bating, and focusing on her responsibilities. (An educated guess!) Most here know, Leora is more of a conservative woman. What type of new experiences are you suggesting Howard? Obviously, Leora does not care about any internal influences. (alcohol, drugs, etc.) IMO, Leora senses capture the necessary information that her mind uses to generate associations. The more she exposed herself to different situations, people and places, the more fuel she will give to her mind to make connections. She'll welcome variety in her life, travel to Florida, try out new foods, read different books and magazines than usual. She doesn't need to be afraid of doing things differently. Leora can do it all without any man if she wishes it. The happiest couple never has the same character. They have the best understanding of their differences.
  22. Yes, my old acquaintance. IMO I thought she lost her popularity a couple of years back. I did know, RLC was going to block a few Flats. I posted the day before. (good-guest on my part) Summertime is when business's experiment. Members are fortunate not to have me as an owner. I would have two Cams - One in the Kitchen and the other one in the Hallway. People tend to enjoy the outdoors during these times. Well, have to go, I have a beautiful friend from parts you know, Forest Glen...Doing a night dive off of Palm Beach, Fl...
  23. Sorry Blue is not my color! There is a lot of GIRLS way better than the Goddess NOT the "Queen!" (a preference!) If you're on RLC at this very moment, you'll see on the viewfinder she's NOT even in the top 5 views. (Demographic is everything) Why is that? No more Lurkers...
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