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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. So says the guy with the Caddy avatar. Myself, being a squirrel, I will tell you that all radiator hoses taste the same.
  2. Why buy an expensive chamois to clean and polish your car when you can have one of those?
  3. Hey Honey! Where'd you put my the car keys? 1633217293087.webm
  4. Usually gifs get crammed under Video or sometimes Pix. They're animated, so I'd put them in Video, myself. Unless they're static gifs, of course. That would be my policy but it might merit some discussion.
  5. They'll pass it and then write it then they can figure out what's in it. It's a skill Pelosi mastered a long time ago.
  6. LH divided by PH = Q? No wonder kids attend this class and never learn math.
  7. I'm considering converting my US dollars into something safer. Like a warehouse of toilet paper...
  8. Remember how small these numbers are: they might soon increase: http://usdebtclock.org
  9. Look! Just like Trump! Biden knows how to be a star on TV, too! Ahh, a magic show from the master of illusion, himself. Fake Views: White House Creates Video Set for Joe Biden Events WWW.BREITBART.COM The White House has developed a special video set for President Joe Biden for events that are broadcast online or include video conferencing. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/30/fake-views-white-house-creates-illusionary-white-house-set-for-joe-biden-events/
  10. Better to shut the federal government down than to have it destroy the nation.
  11. No. I do not make over 400K. And I've already beenaffected. And I don't believe it when the Democrats say that spending trillions of dollars will save money or that it has been paid for. Last time I got a promise from the Marxist Leftists, my medical premiums doubled, and I ended up changing doctors and policies 5 times. I don't want to go to the store anymore, either. Shopping at the grocery store is depressing, and the cost of gas, even with a plug-in hybrid, portends of inflationary chaos to come. Learn how economics works. But don't study with AOC. I question whether or not she can make a good margarita...This would mean that the woman, it, has no useful skills. Obviously, you don't have children or grandchildren. They will pay for it. And, if you make over $400K, you'll just pass it on to the middle and lowers classes, and your kids will go to ivy league schools. Good for you.
  12. The 19th Century saw the building of America and the largest yet immigration of people, and the immigration laws were enforced. Immigrants were expected to seek citizenship, needed to have a sponsor that covered all of their expenses (no socialist redistribution taken from other citizens), signed up at ports of entry, and were turned back if they had so much as a case of pink-eye. After that, they were expected to work to support themselves and contribute to society and community. If you think we should eliminate the United States and welcome in the whole world, then I suggest you contact your Congressional representatives and have them eliminate our Immigration Laws. Until then, President Houseplant is required by the Consistution to Enforce the laws as written. And, amongst everything else, he's fucked that up, too.
  13. Women who are victims of rape and incest certainly didn't make a choice to be victims. I was not referring to these people. I am explaining that women who consciously kill their child because of personal inconvenience should do so at their own expense, rather than having the government steal the money from taxpayers.
  14. I still think it's odd that abortion is so prolific now that birth control pills have been around for decades. Too poor to buy $3000 a year in birth control pills? Then you're either a pimp or a whore and you should write that off on your taxes as a business expense so I won't have to pay for it. I'm a little tapped out on providing food, drugs, welfare payments and health benefits to the vagrants, junkies, and bums that line our streets. Yes, I know babies are inconvenient. And yes, unborn babies are humans -- they have human DNA. But somehow they have no lawyers to fight for their constitutional rights whatsoever. But it is clearly unjust to force someone who is morally opposed to abortion to have the government tax them to pay for the abortion of other people who didn't take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions.
  15. Re: the current Administrations policy on election integrity: I'm sorry that black people can't get IDs. I think that is is a shame. This means that black people can't vote in the United States. We need to do something about that, because if they look young, black people can't buy adult beverages at a store or purchase a legal firearm; they can't fly on airplanes, and they can't drive an automobile, or get a Passport to escape such imprisonment: truly they are all enslaved. There is a way for them to do all these things, of course; but Democrats think that black people are too stupid to get any sort of identification. Since they're too stupid, they can't vote because of racism. Hence, we don't care about the qualifications of people who vote. Everybody votes! No matter what! And therefore, there is no reason to mistrust the integrity of our elections or protect the people's right to vote, because that would be racist. In fact, questioning anything about the government's policies is racist. Or sexist. Or unwoke. The Third Communist International should be very proud of their accomplishments.
  16. Hey, Golfer -- do us all a favor and tell your honey pies Psaki and Harris how to ride a fucking horse. Thank you. Besides, explain to them reigns are not whips. (I would think they would be familiar with the use of these items in the bed room if not at the border.)
  17. Game Time is ON! Let's rock: You now have ONE minute to list all of the Biden administration's achievements which benefit the United States of America and its allies. Get ready, set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)
  18. Yes, it's ancient, but it's a classic.
  19. Trump called Biden a "Loser." How do you guys feel about that? Myself, I think Trump is mistaken. After all, Biden and his state department routed the best equipped, best trained military force ever known, and beat them in record time.
  20. Yes. It's easy. Just apply to the Ministry of Propaganda, Beijing, China. Chances are, they all ready know about you from your on-line postings, so no resume will be necessary. Use the DNC as your reference. Joe has a lot of pull and influence with the members of the Ministry, so I'd say you're a shoe-in.
  21. So, one day Jesus is out at the golf course. Moses is his caddy. Jesus approaches a water trap, and lines up the shot. Moses says, "Don't do it. It's an impossible shot." "Nonsense. I've seen Arnold Palmer make this shot," Jesus says. Jesus swings his club forcefully, but the ball lands right in the middle of the water. "I told you you couldn't do it," Moses grumbles as he walks to the water trap. He parts the water, trudges through the mud, and retrieves the ball. "I've seen Arnold Palmer make this shot," Jesus repeats, and then he tries again, and again the ball goes into the water. Moses retrieves it again. "That's the last time. Look how muddy my feet are! You try this one more time, and you have to get your own ball." By now, other golfers are piling up behind Jesus and Moses, hoping to continue their own game. So Jesus takes a mighty swing, and the ball goes right into the water again. Moses just stands there and tells Jesus "You get your ball this time." So Jesus walks across the water, reaches down, and pulls the ball from the bottom of the trap. Another golfer, seeing this, shouts "Who the hell does he think he is, Jesus Christ?" Moses turns and says, "No. He thinks he's Arnold Palmer!"
  22. What kind of jackass would give $80.5 Billion dollars worth of military tech and equipment away to a terrorist state that wants Americans killed? No need to answer it. Obvious is obvious.
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