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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. Maybe they really live in socialist California, where a $60 billion dollar train between Merced and Fresno is more important than a water storage system, and brown water will be the new normal... Do we even know for sure if RLC isn't entirely filmed in a studio? No. We do not.
  2. I'm sure your apology is accepted. Welcome to the board. Be advised that we often go off topic here: we're not sterile like reallifecamfan.com. Once in a while it can become solemn like it did here. Honestly, when not playing "let's pretend" like children, empathy for other humans can be transmitted through this medium. We are, indeed, a complex group of people here at CamCaps, and oddly we form tight anonymous friendships with people we'll never know -- in-between wandering off topic --which, in this case is due to news our friends' losses, and is necessary and appropriate. Welcome to CC. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it once it sinks in that this is no ordinary board.
  3. Nonsense. I was laughing at Swampy's small penis. He's the one watching your every action, and I just happened to visit, hoping to look at cool Caddys. I'm sure Kitten, Tay and Emi would attest to the power and size of your Peterbuilt.
  4. Did you ever have to use a Phillips head screwdriver to undo an Allen screw? Or an Allen wrench to undo a Phillips head screw? Whelp, that's how my posts work out these days... (And Emi has PM'ed me and has attested to the fact that your penis is quite large and pleasurable! Just thought you should know... ;D)
  5. "Daughter" is the correct spelling in the English language. Noras Mum, as a native Russian speaker, has an excuse to misspell this. For Nick, it's simply a poor reflection on America's socialist public school system.
  6. Alma_BigAss: Gracias por el mensaje usted. Una época de cambios, que vendrá sobre nosotros.
  7. My sympathies for both you, Van, and you, HMIFC. Your sorrow must be great; I've undergone it too; I commend you on your strength and service to your fellow humans. You've earned your ticket to Heaven; a place that could only be built by something higher than ourselves.
  8. Yes, Alma is hot, and she's a good woman, considering her youth. :-* The book in front of her is a treatise written by Vadmin Zeland regarding his "philosophy" of "Transurfing," and how to do it. Vadim's works are best-sellers, particularly in Europe. He is, of course, a Russian, though I seek to make no connection between Russians, RLC, or our Spanish-speaking RLC couples. Or New Age stuff. A brief description here implies something that many of us older men and women experienced decades ago in our own youth. Many youths study this subject, thinking they can find reality from expensive books and study lessons. (We didn't have Zeland, of course: we had Crowley, Leary, windowpane and Mexican shake instead.): "The book contains 78 essential principles of Transurfing theory. It is a wonderful practice course for those who want to learn the basics of Transurfing in just 78 days. This knowledge will help you realize how illusory the world around you is. At any moment you can make the only right choice and also reach your goals. Materialists are concerned with overcoming obstacles they are creating themselves. Idealists are always in the realm of dreams. Neither of them knows how to control reality. You will now learn how to do it." I'm a old squirrel, so I'm skeptical about such commercialized nonsense, but I'm glad that Alma and GB even think about such concepts. Plus, I'm stuck here in CamCaps (a challenge in Reality itself), surrounded by people who just come here for sexual gratification and can't hold a fucking decent intellectual conversation without a goddamn phrase that includes "cunt, "bitch," "whore," or some other English cussword, or deriding the other people on here. This place is obviously populated by a whole lot of mother-fucking cheap bastards who live in their mom's basements playing pussy-ass on-line video games. while they jack off their tiny peni. Now, before my head explodes, please call Nurse Leora to administer my medication. Thank you, and have a nice day. :)
  9. Very well. I will announce to RLC that I want a 19-year old Rhodes scholar who is totally subservient to me, has a body like Leora's; can affect internet viewers with the empathy eliciting talents of Nora; is an orphan (No fucking in-laws allowed), has a credit rating in the 800's, a terrific Dunn & Bradstreet report, worships me as her lord and master, and wants me to handle the $576,000,000 she has in her bank accounts. I'm sure you would agree that these are simple, reasonable demands.
  10. It would probably be this:
  11. I think she'll get a warm reception by the Lora Lovers. Hopefully she'll keep a schedule, not fight with her mate, and dress nicely for work. And adopt a cool cat.
  12. Hey, guys, maybe we could get Noras Mum and Nick to move into an all expenses paid apartment together -- perhaps N&L's or L&M's old places-- I don't care. But since there's no love making going on over at RLC, maybe RLC could sponsor a juicy knock down, drag-out fight on a daily basis!
  13. If you can set up a threesome with me, Nora, and Leora, I'll even let you stand in the corner and watch! ;D
  14. Yeah, and some people have even accused NL of being Kiko, the mastermind of the whole CC and RLC operation. It's endless. Make up what you want to believe, report what you actually observe: that's about all we can do. Reality here, or on RLC, is simply unknowable. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epistemology/
  15. Thank goodness. Nick vs Norasmum would certainly be far more worth while to watch than 90% of the RLC couples now days. Besides, Nick and Norasmum speak the same official Troll language, so the hurled insults should be terrific. Now, if only translate.google.com could add Troll to its translation services...
  16. Something the United States should follow. I think you should post a thread about this in Old Dudes. We'll join in on the discussion. Since the more intelligent and interesting people have left RLC, we need some stimulating intellectual discussions at CamCaps. Personally, I believe that responsible citizens have a right to defend themselves against predators, whether they be burglars or tyrannical governments. Especially the latter, since they are responsible for wars and democide. (I just don't want people shooting squirrels. Rats and birds of prey are OK. ;D ) Post it: I'll be there if I don't fall asleep and go into hibernation.
  17. Look on the bright side: it won't be an ideological war this time, since both Putin and Obama were both trained by the Ghost of the Third ComIntern. 8)
  18. My TOR won't load ANYTHING to the RLC home page whatsoever anymore that is graphically oriented. It will, however, display the text pages for the TAC, FAQ, etc. But no apartment maps, picture frame, names of apartments, etc. Native installations of Ubuntu Linux need an Adobe Flash upgrade to do it: All this has happened in the past couple months. I think they simply upgraded software to newer, more guarded standards, and decided to go on lock-down. I don't have any particular problem with that, since they are within their rights. Like UL, I simply don't shop there anyway. Still, all of this updated Internet stuff is becoming increasingly restricted and unfun very quickly. I'm actually more worried about government controls and surveillance of the Internet than I am about how RLC protects its "intellectual" property.
  19. Now that would be entertaining to watch, lol. Methinks it would be best to never get on this woman's bad side... :o
  20. StnCld316: Thanks for the info. One never knows what to expect around RLC anymore. As In Hibernation said on another thread, it's a new era now.
  21. Whelp, this is just fucking terrific, goofballs. >:( A goddamn thread on the subject of "Kinky Stuff" . . . I'm busy closing up shop on CC & RLC, because the best woman is gone, and you come up with this shit. >:( And suddenly, because of this thread, I have to waste my limited time, because you were all too thoughtless to notify TBG that this thread existed beforehand. Damn. Now I'm gonna have to lose another 10 minutes PM'ing him and Dth to take care of this thread. You should have contacted the Masters directly. Always consult Licensed Professionals FIRST! Geeze! RLC's bad enough, but now even CC is getting pathetic!
  22. I was going to post "Lola" by the Kinks here, just to incur some more negative karma, but that song, although on topic, belongs in our Old Dude's Jukebox thread. So I won't. Otherwise agreed. And avoid the post-op stuff. It's not real, and never looks good. You can't make an X from a Y no matter how good a surgeon you are. As for clothing, I prefer women without clothing, and prefer men covered by large, heavy tents (self-excepted). If God wanted men to be women, and beautiful women to be covered, It would have designed things differently. Just sayin'...
  23. This is how I grew up with Russia. We had more A-bomb drills than fire drills. And never once were on lock-down. I always hated it if I was assigned to be the curtain monitor...instant fried kid... https://archive.org/details/gov.ntis.ava11109vnb1
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