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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. Little Foamy T. Squirrel has the brains and the balls to stay the fuck outta this thread! (But you'd love the vibrating action, girls...)
  2. Hey, you're showing your age. In our day, they didn't even want to shave their legs. I liked the bra-less trend, but sometimes I was fearful to venture into the jungle. Never knew what you might find you there... :o
  3. Maya and Stepan treat their dog very kindly. They are both very kind people, and everybody loves Maya. That's a given fact. And they are normal. Stepan wears a Communist T-shirt, on occasions, but I'll ignore that. He's younger and he didn't know what it means. They have friends and family, and they host parties. They treat their pets nicely. They enjoy their friends. I like that. They have a nice relationship and don't fight. I have no problem with this couple, their fish, their cat, or their dog. And everyone loves Maya -- Just because she's so goddam honest about herself.
  4. If I don't get run over by a car, or a cyber-war doesn't break out, I'm going to faithfully post the absolute best rendition of the Star Spangled Banner for all my American friends who are veterans and citizens of the Federal Democratic-Republic of the United States of America. On July 4. I do that every year. It's a habit. That should keep me off your shit list!
  5. I would suggest you are better off ignoring RLC entirely, and going for a nice download of "The Consolation of Philosophy" by Boethius or ""Also Sprach Zarathustra" by Nietzsche. These are both excellent reading experiences, and though I prefer ink-on-paper (finely printed), my Kindle owning intellectual friends absolutely love the convenience of their Kindle machines. You would need to watch RLC for the entire lifetime of the Universe to gain a fraction of the wisdom of the books I have just mentioned, and you'd probably fail. 8)
  6. Dang, tbg150; I will never understand your madness. Only things that I do and say should be understood and obeyed. The key for our OP, Mr. Pink, is that there should be a several empty bottles of fine California wine strewn about upon the floor, along with underwear and beautiful Russian/Ukrainian girlfriends craving my squirrely attention. That's the goddamn clue. I mean, get with the fucking program! I mean, do I have to send this concept to you in Kriegsmarine Enigma or Morse Code?!! --Yours Truly, [signed] Pissed off Squirrel...
  7. God fuckin' dammit! (I only say that to attract attention. I'm really a very well-mannered squirrel.) That's the best link ever posted on this board! The power, the myriad emotional feelings, the mathematical perfection that can be elicited by such perfect performances done by masters is exquisite. Consider it bookmarked. Thank you for the link. And you're still a terrific fuckhead. I cannot find another way of thanking you enough, or giving you a higher honor. PS: As Lord and Master, I have ordered that your Caddy radiator hoses never be besmirched by any squirrel. They will obey my orders...
  8. I actually believe TBG's shit. From experience. Pulled out an F250 mired in mud up to the bed with a fucking piece of shit Ford Scout II. Two weeks later, replaced all the U-joints and clutch plate. Every fucking year. That was just a "maintenance thingy" for this poorly designed monstrosity. Worst fucking vehicle I ever owned. It kinda pissed me off about Fords, but the Aerostar Van held up well, and the '57 Ford Fairlane with which I learned to drive, was a great machine. That sucker's worth money now. Hauled ass. I can rebuild nearly everything. Gimme a four-banger and it's a done deal. But I've never fixed or rebuilt a Caddy, or made love to Nora or Leora or Maya. Never had an opportunity or a need... I just added that in as a tribute to the big guy who knows classic machines.
  9. Best video link posted on CC in ages... I think TBG will let you sit at the bar now at Old Dudes... ;)
  10. Mr Pinky???!!!!!!! Mr Pink is my name!!!!!!! Pink by name Pink by nature. And Squirrel, who is the mistress/concubine....surely not Nora or Leora or Maya (Leomayanora for short)? Oh, my goodness! You seem to be worried that one of your babes is cheating on you. You're a detective by nature, so I suggest you look for squirrel hairs, empty nutshells, and delicious California almonds under the pillow! :)
  11. They certainly know about CamCaps, and they're certainly here, and they certainly participate. To think differently would be naive.
  12. Right now, I think CamCaps is the one flat-lining, and RLC should be named "Real Life Mausoleum." Even a monastery has more excitement. And if you don't like the way I run my totalitarian society, start your own. In the meantime, I'm gonna take a long nap while DMCA kills the Internet...
  13. 11. "You may not enter the competition if you are related to any of the RLC tenants: past, present or even future (you may know something we don't!)." Does a concubine or mistress count as a family member? I mean, it's sort of a relationship, eh?
  14. Christ on a crutch! This project is falling apart as fast as RLC! OK, forget the colors...I give up. At this rate I'll get a DMCA takedown request just for being a cartoon character!
  15. Now that's just going to dang far. I'll be gone from CC for a while. It appears I have a lot of radiator hoses to chew up....
  16. Calling it the "Affordable Care Act" is even a greater travesty. The bronze plan is twice as expensive as my policy from the Bush years, and it doesn't cover much of anything.
  17. You're gonna miss all the fun. I mean, except for the feet fetish thing, it's a pretty famous movie around here:
  18. I hope you're correct, "itsme." It's really easy to get paranoid now days. Really easy. Here's a fun starter site for those interested in the subject of cyphers. I don't think it includes a section on my favorite, Kriegsmarine Enigma, but it's very interesting how cryptography works these days... http://www.secretcodebreaker.com/codes.html The site's information, like all things technological, is somewhat obsolete, of course. But not the concepts...hide it either in the open, or hide it where it's least expected, or make it look like unimportant trash.
  19. I fucking can't believe all the fucking bullshit messages I'm getting about this. You know who you are. You know your fucking colors. I need a Mr. Brown cuz TBG gave me a bunch of shit, and now I wanna know if this hard ass mo'fo can stand in for Harvey as Mr. White. And Harvey Keitel is whoop ass god tier when it comes to this amateur hour shit we're trying to pull off here. So here's your goddamn script in like, 30 seconds. Memorize your part (in both G-Rated or R-Rated versions) or go buy new radiator hoses. It's your fuckin' choice, punks! Get it together and do it: let me know if you can do the rehearsal without bitchin' and complaining: I'll be discussing important issues off-stage with Miss Scarlett while you dudes pull off this heist...
  20. Look, this ain't no city council meeting. You do what I say, even if you think you're the king fuckhead around here, Mr. White. You better make Harvey proud, or you'll be the guy with your fucking ear chewed off instead, fucking deformed for life. So ya'll better get the script down quick: https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AqgqsbIbvuTUW2WadwPlQiWbvZx4?p=bunnies+%26+reservoir+dogs&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-239
  21. So far, yes. We old dudes enjoy slightly more exotic stuff, since we've seen pretty much all of it already. Of course, we do have our limits:
  22. I hear my name? ;D ;D ;D While we're at it, fuck San Diego. Without me, they're no longer classy:
  23. Gee, guys. Are you suggesting I should occasionally check into RLC to find out if something cool is happening? Cuz I just did, and everything is, well, kinda boring, except Alina's cat is walking around thinking he could replace Meerkat. That could be stiff competition for Maya's cat. Oh, and I see somebody's at Katya & Ruslan's home, but dogless. Let me know if anything else happens over there at RLC land. Thanks... :D
  24. Somehow, I find this post hilarious and entertaining. Perhaps I'm not doing the medication as directed by my Obamacare physicians... ;D
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