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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. Are we certain these people live in Russia? Sometimes I wonder. Looks like San Francisco to me. (Attachment Purged)
  2. Here's an old and extremely familiar RLC image:
  3. Antares: I was not aware that CC has blocked UL access. ??? Granted, UL is time consuming for people who don't wish to sign up; it has download limits; and even my Atari 800 with a 300 baud modem in the old days could blast UL out of the water on a BBS download. I seldom bother with a UL post. Occasionally, when I have downloaded yours, I have found them to be very good. We appreciate your presence on the board. There is no reason to damage or destroy CC over this posting matter, especially when there are so many other alternatives available. A civil war in the Ukraine and a half-dozen other places in the world are enough. No need for one on CC.
  4. Wow. I could actually download a video quickly and efficiently from CC without hitting my fucking daily UL limit and wasting hours upon hours! Thanks! Reminds me of the good old days!
  5. RIP NL: I barely remember Jade 1. I was a newbie at the time. I had no idea how complicated the CC game could be. Nor how much fun, creative, and intelligent CC members could be. I mean, they're all still fuckheads, but once in a while, they're fun fuckheads. That's important to squirrels and intel agents. Nor have I ever covered my tracks by hiding my true nature. Everybody who speaks English can immediately identify my prose. (And there is also a member here who mimics it quite well.) ;) And I have always been loyal to my CC friends, even if they're fuckheads. As far as your death problem, and your need to get out of that box, we'll ask our expert, the illustrious Dth, to get right on it. I believe a Zombie would be a terrific addition to our team. One look at you and TBG --- and the enemy will surrender immediately. Obviously, our group may need code names. We'll start with you. You can be Mr. Pink. 8)
  6. Simple. If Kiko is as good of a script kiddie as you say, I wish he would fucking buy his babe a really high quality, thick, juicy and properly cooked steak and decent California wine to go with it.
  7. Bingo, buddy! Nailed my little squirrel ass perfectly! Dang you're a smart artist! ;D
  8. Whenever I tune in to this couple, I NEVER SEE ANY DOG ABUSE.. Accusing people of animal cruelty is a serious matter. Post the evidence, please. Or STFU.
  9. Woody: I like his interpretation, and his execution is amazing. Very good choice, and thank for for introducing us to this master. 8)
  10. Nick can't help it, having been raised in Watts by Norasmum. So I thought I'd post something nostalgic for our pirate friend:
  11. Wow, Van, you missed all the excitement!!! Here's a synopsis: 1) The empty Coke bottle in N&K's living room has migrated towards the TV entertainment shelf. 2) Leora had a big crying/screaming fit. Paul was actually pretty calm about it; Scooter hasn't reported in yet with the details. 3) I'm pretty sure Maya enjoyed her nudity, but I was asleep at the time. 4) Alma has been replaced 24/7 by Goon Boy. 5) Nick's still an irritating troll, but we all know in our hearts he's correct about the RLC monastery. Still, he's an irritating troll. 6) Some of us are considering forming a hash-tag army and taking over the world cuz the current world leaders are all cheap bastards and we're fucking bored.
  12. Where the fuck are the Russian speaking CC members? Huh? Dammit! At least I can figure out the Spanish speakers' thinking about the Alma situation, because they have the juevos rancheros to post. You Russian speakers are a bunch of pussies. Maybe you're afraid that Vlad the Impaler will screw you like he's screwing Obama. I mean, nobody wants to take it up the Crimea without lots of lube. Moving right along, everything has calmed down, Paul is playing guitar for Leora, playing with the dog, and Leora is done with her emotional melt-down. And, despite a lousy microphone, Paul is actually playing decent music, barring cords down the neck of the instrument, and I do believe this is a decent quality guitar. Looks like a basic Guild design, but it's probably a Yamaha or other such knock off. If anybody can identify the brand, let me know. And if anybody can identify the source of these horrendous emotional outbursts, let us know. So far, despite some very good research by some members, this couple remains an enigma.
  13. Yes, but at least you're a "Paid Member," so you can see videos and pictures of Nora & Kiko eating soup and watching TV.
  14. I think we should set aside one dollar from each CC membership and use that to upgrade N&K to Progresso soup. It tastes as good as Campbells, but has more meat & veggies, so maybe Kiko will fill out a bit more and Nora will have more energy. Maybe we could send 'em over a decent bottle of California wine if there's any money left over. They like wine.
  15. Fuck you Foamy..you left out the sweet and lovable Skunk I'm hurt. :'( PEPE: My heartfelt apologies. Being the only one here besides myself who has brains enough to have a furry tail, I've always considered you to be the sharpest tool in our shed. Therefore, to make amends for my criminal negligence, I will immediately provide you with -1 Karma, buy you a stiff drink at Old Dude's, and publicly announce that you too are a fuckhead. Same for Dth, another of our favorites. We'll need his forensic expertise. TBG: Thank you for getting me over the karma hump. I always knew I could count on your friendship. You're a true dependable fuckhead when the chips are down. RIP NL: Norasmum, of all your friends, is not invited. Bring along Big Al, or Swampy, someone with a tail -- anyone -- EXCEPT Norasmum. That woman will nag us to death. Besides, her command of English is the same as Nick's, and I don't need such grammatical vexation when I'm trying to concentrate on my important Camcaps duties. And where in God's Country is VAN?! We can't get anywhere without THE MAN.
  16. Leora, Maya/Nora, Meerkat. The girls are pretty; but the cat was just plain cool. 8)
  17. It's a Democrat poll. Vote early and often. No limits were set. The worst that can happen is that Admin will have to borrow from Communist China in order to afford the added bandwidth. ;D
  18. I really appreciate you fuckheads rolling out the welcome wagon for me. Just dig up Woody and Pirate, and we'll make this zone rock again. 8)
  19. 'Sup guyz! I'm Foamy. As you know, Squirrel was killed in a horrible tire advertisement accident. He was pretty old; his film career was washed up, anyway. The guy was smart; but he was too much of a nice guy. #6 stepped in, and did an OK job, but the goddam Rover balloon got him and he's undergoing a rather nasty interrogation procedure. And he's been officially erased from reality. Again. At least I get to inherit his bad karma. I'm sure they were beloved by everyone here (except Nick). But they were not edgy enough. I'm edgy. As all hell. So be nice to me, or I'll stab your eyes 'til you bleed. And be sure to check out my videos at youtube. And like them. Or else, you cheap bastards . . .
  20. Very well, I'll rephrase that for your benefit, my dear friend: "Who do you want to shag in the Oval Office until the cows come home?"
  21. Since Squirrel died in that horrible tyre advertl incident, there have been no polls at CC. I'm trying to rectify that, for your edification and amusement. The line-up has changed on RLC: there is a new crop of members at CC; the girls have gotten older, fatter, more boring; the boys have become mostly useless appendages to the RLC welfare system. Therefore, it's time to take inventory. Vote for your favorites.
  22. Torrance. Really? You could have done better than that... ;D ;)
  23. #6 I thought you were smart person , if you sit all day watch 24/7 they eat sleep and watch TV what's wrong with you all , are you that lonely do you live middle Sahara ? or RLM pays you all
  24. Gee, Mr. V, you sound like Nicky Boy. Humph. I wonder. ???
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