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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. Gee, Mr. V, you sound like Nicky Boy. Humph. I wonder. ???
  2. Listen kids, I'll say this exactly once before I depart: PIX OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Post the evidence or quit ragging on these people. It's not proper intel procedures to make judgments without data and evidence.
  3. The proper response should be: "I guess you're happy to see me." Always wear safety goggles, and cover your wallet. Safety is job #1 when engaged in such arduous work. :D
  4. I use everything but IE. And I generally operate with TWO monitors. I load one with either the google, bing, or other translator, and copy and paste between the CamCaps window and the translator window. I have tried the in-built "Translate page" functions on the web browsers in the past, and gotten totally tied into knots. Go ahead and change the language on your TV and you and your unsuspecting family members will understand what I mean...
  5. When a young man becomes an old man, he starts to appreciate -- and get highly turned on by -- the diversity of women he has experienced. Memory sometimes makes the dick grow stiffer. Men have various estrogen levels of their own: women have varying amounts of testosterone. Still, unless you are a homosexual male, you should learned to enjoy the variations of the XX chromosome ladies. They're 100% female. And, incidentally, the ones with a bit more testosterone operate at hornier levels... :)
  6. While I'm still here, I have decided I need Admin to give me a macro whereby I can automatically "Like" every picture that people post of Leora. It would save me a lot of mouse clicks. Thank you and have a nice day. :)
  7. België? The sentence structure looks like the usual provincial Latin as spoken by the French, but yet there might be a hint of Dutch about it. Es ist nicht wichtig. Sie sind lustig. Hören Sie nicht veröffentlichen, mein Freund. ;)
  8. Creo que lo entiendo. Si esto es cierto, sería muy grande.
  9. It's stated that RLC can cut off any non-paying member from viewing anything, anytime. What isn't stated, is that RLC can go down at anytime, and subservient server systems can fail anytime, and the feeds will always freeze or cease the moment the girl you love is about to display her natural unclothed beauty. :D
  10. ww_watcher & woodworker: According to the notes left to me by Squirrel (may he rest in peace), he thought very highly of you both, as well as to your thoughtful contributions to discussions at CamCaps. I find the way you discuss issues, and your kindness, to be very refreshing for this forum. Keep up the fine work. I know that Squirrel would have wanted it this way.
  11. Toblerone: Thank you for the pictures. They are the best new pictures posted of N&K in the last 8 months.
  12. I think their kitchen camera is one of the most clearest on the site. The only problem with the kitchen camera is the fish-eye lens and its inability to display anything of interest. Other than that, it's high-def enough...
  13. And this thread was about what? ??? Oh yes, I remember, it was about that couple that should have been named Lunestra & Ambien... ;D (opps, but perhaps that name's already be taken by all the other RLC couples!) :o
  14. May I assume that "Sexually Transmitted Infections" has been adopted as the NewSpeak term because it is broad enough to include pregnancy? ;D
  15. Pirate: Korean War veterans were forgotten; Viet Nam vets were spit on by the American Leftists when they came home. That didn't set well with us, so the Left has backed off on it's previous insistence that members of our armed services were "baby killers." (Our current Secretary of State once parroted this tune.) Antares: Hiroshima & Nagasaki ENDED the killing, and stopped the War, saving far more lives than it had taken. http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/MEGA.HTM
  16. I haven't heard them complaining.
  17. Nice picture you have posted, but Scooter is facing in the wrong direction.
  18. In reality, I couldn't care less about this couple. In fact, this thread should change its title from "Re: Not a real couple!!" to "Re: Not a really interesting couple." That's why they fit in so well with the other boring couples on RLC.
  19. One for our beloved Squirrel, and those we have lost...
  20. The back door to the alley is unlocked. The dumpster is ready. Nobody is out there. One good Mickey Fiinn and the problem is solved...
  21. Ditto. The relationship is not working at this point in time.
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