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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. RLC for me they have better cam quality and angles.
  2. They were speaking 5 minutes before that she was asking him to come with her and her friend to see a movie but he declinded. The blonde also has a BF.
  3. They're not speaking in English and yes Hakeem can hear them.
  4. If it has the support is still the same. So i highly doubt it.
  5. I really want them all to return. When they were on the site i didn't know how much important or how much i actually watched the apartments even if it was for the guests. RLC isn't the same without them.
  6. There's nothing about their sex i find interesting. If they would lose the covers and fuck with the lights on and do it in different postions then i might change my mind but their sex is boring.
  7. Daleys

    Delete my Account

    What account do you mean be careful.
  8. How is that going to work how will anyone pay more for another site for more of RLC apts.
  9. I would hope not the way VHTV treats their tenants anyone from RLC doesn't deserve that treatment.
  10. I think we have got the message you don't have to keep posting in every topic that the apartment is not online anymore.
  11. Perhaps someone has reported RLC seeing as they took away free access to nearly all their apts. Someone clearly must have been pissed off.
  12. Has Noldus still got access from what i read when everyone was getting the error Noldus was still able to view the site.
  13. 502 bad gateway doesn't mean that RLC is closing down. Many forums throws this error and comes back.
  14. How long does it take for the server to be restarted?
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