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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. We will have to wait and see if she brings any guys back.
  2. Hakeem has brought back 2 different girls already in one week. If RLC has a male roommate apartment just imagine the amount of sex that would be happening when the guys brings girls back. I'm already shocked with the way Hakeem has been the last few days.
  3. I'm fully aware of this i was talking about Camcaps they can access that.
  4. Hakeem most likely reads this thread he straight onto the PC.
  5. It's announced on the site in the recent updates that they have left the project.
  6. Cam 1 from replay hasn't been working i checked back on replay and it has been the same for the 7 day depth. No video data error i emailed RLC and they said the usual crap we are sorry for the inconvience and will get it sorted as soon as possible, They has some hot guests.
  7. They better i haven't seen it this bad in a while.
  8. She most likely had a party at the apartment last night for her and the team and she hasn't recovered yet.
  9. Can we forget about Thomas his names is Steve now so lets move on. Whatever he done it's in the past lets keep it there.
  10. Don't worry she'll be getting that dick inside her before the night is out. Just look at Kitty and Smith and Asya and Artem. They cry and cry and fight and then the sex comes.
  11. Asia or Hakeem if you are reading this you need to have sex without the covers.
  12. Sorry i'm not posting a pic i don't want my account banned by RLC.
  13. Is she completely gone insane is this going to be happening on a regular basis they fight she leaves then she comes back.
  14. She'll probably be screaming the house down when he fucks her with his big dick. Whenever that is going to happen.
  15. Yes i did actually a month ago didn't think they would listen to me.😉 Only joking.
  16. This couple is mentally unstable they need to go.
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