I think you find that happens in most of the russian apartments. For example i have read on numerous occasion about drugs been taken in Angie Emily and Samntha apartment and a few more.
I'm sure if RLC opened a male roommate apt then we would have guys similar to Hakeem. The girls roommate apt especially RM 2 is a mess hardly any sex occurs. What we need is for guys to bring girls round as guys want sex more than girls. Can see already what kind of guy Hakeem is surely the right guys could be found.
And don't forget we are paying for her vacation. She will arrive back from vacation unpack her bags an hour later she will be packing again and off on her next vacation on the 7th when she returns.
Yes i know all 3 needs to go and their friends this holiday fiasco is gone beyond a joke now. The last sex at this apartment seems like 1000 years ago.
I think yes everyone needs to now boycott RLC this is going way to far. Just think if this is the way they treat their viewers then we need to do the same.
I didn't even send them the email yet they probably have read this topic and is trying to take action. The apartment is still under maintenance. Hopefully they give them one more chance to have sex or they will remove the apartment.
What happened to this apartment when it first opened we had guests sneeking off to the restroom for sex and parties more frequent now we don't get a sinlge party or group of guests round. They only seem to appear once in a blue moon.
Still no sex from them. I'm going to email RLC tomorrow and tell them this is the most boring couple no sex and the apartment is empty the whole time enough is enough now. They don't even try to make any attempt to have sex.