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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. She just washed her pussy sex might be on the cards. She seems a little shy.
  2. They seem to have an interest in Michael Jackson they are listening to his music.
  3. They look to be getting very cosy on the couch lets hope we see some sex shortly.
  4. This apartment needs to go i don't understand why RLC hasn't removed it yet.
  5. Really disappointed the guest couple at Nelly and Bogdan has left i was hoping they would have sex but i liked them anyway.
  6. Olivia can you move the window that's blocking the balcony cam.
  7. They really need to declutter the balcony not sure why there is bags thrown in front of the camera it blocks the view of anything that might occur.
  8. I think the problem is whoever is adjusting the settings for the cams isn't doing a good job they need the sack asap.
  9. 2 new cams has been added. So that explains the under maintenance and stupid accusations that were flying around lately.
  10. Nice guest couple after showing up both took naked showers and have brough enormous amounts of belongings and bags.
  11. 3 new cams added a kitchen cam a balcony and a bedroom cam.
  12. Hopefully a baclony cam guest fucked once out on the balcony. Sound is badly needed in the guest room and maybe another cam closer to the bed. One cam in the bedroom seems to have night vision. Cam 5 seems the same.
  13. I couldn't care less what you have to say i'm just not going to read your comments and posts and that's about the size of it.
  14. I think it must have been back in the dark ages when this apartment saw any sex or life in it. This apartment needs to go asap.
  15. Everyone forgets that the girls and their boyfriends are real people and it isn't easy for them to do everything also if they do read this forum they also have to deal with the comments that they might find hurtful. We all need to respect them after all it is their lifes. If anyone doesn't like this apartment go somewhere else and stop spreading negativity.
  16. Taya has a hot guy round i wonder is he her new boyfriend.
  17. Camera 6 is off position it most likely is to readjust it.
  18. They have upgraded Camera 1 and 2 and 5 doesn't look like any new ones added,
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