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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. The shower in the main bedroom is a problem as it is impossible to see anything fully.
  2. I don't know i asked the question as well was it in Spain. Also there is no Balcony camera.
  3. This was fast the other one only closed yesterday did RLC find and install all the cameras in 10 minutes. They must have been planning this for a while.
  4. Are you crazy you ask for evidence and expect someone to give it and yet they risk 100 percent their account being banned by RLC if they provide anything. If everyone said it happened then it happened i don't think evidence is needed at all.
  5. Hopefully they will they just new a new couple that actually has sex.
  6. Parties always end in tears especially when drink and drugs are involved. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't actually couples and put their by RLC. A shame we hadn't actual married couples and without the connection with the girls apartment as the apartment would still be there now. RLC isn't reallife but fake.
  7. This is great news. Hopefully a new couple that actually does something. We will most likely have to wait half a year for their replacement.
  8. Not sure who was at the door maybe some viewer wanted to meet them in person.
  9. It's the connection with the girls apartment that needs to be sent away i want real couple without any connection with the fake shows.
  10. Yes. They are as bad as Angie and Emily and Samntha apartment now. They will be back and in a week time they will be gone again. RLC must be on a different planet in keeping this couple. They are now a fucking joke.
  11. Please don't this apt is amazing if you do RLC will be very boring again.
  12. I think you find that happens in most of the russian apartments. For example i have read on numerous occasion about drugs been taken in Angie Emily and Samntha apartment and a few more.
  13. I'm sure if RLC opened a male roommate apt then we would have guys similar to Hakeem. The girls roommate apt especially RM 2 is a mess hardly any sex occurs. What we need is for guys to bring girls round as guys want sex more than girls. Can see already what kind of guy Hakeem is surely the right guys could be found.
  14. She was with her BF as far as i know they were a couple but no sex from them.
  15. To do that everyone will have to do it. And how can we get everyone to do that.
  16. And don't forget we are paying for her vacation. She will arrive back from vacation unpack her bags an hour later she will be packing again and off on her next vacation on the 7th when she returns.
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