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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Yes i know all 3 needs to go and their friends this holiday fiasco is gone beyond a joke now. The last sex at this apartment seems like 1000 years ago.
  2. FFS she just got back from her holiday a joke and she's gone again, She needs to be kicked out.
  3. Hoepfully it backfires massively in their face.
  4. They had sex. Well from what it was it was very boring a waste of time.
  5. Why not make the RLC topics hidden from guests and only members will be allowed. Seeing as RLC has stopped free users.
  6. I think yes everyone needs to now boycott RLC this is going way to far. Just think if this is the way they treat their viewers then we need to do the same.
  7. I didn't even send them the email yet they probably have read this topic and is trying to take action. The apartment is still under maintenance. Hopefully they give them one more chance to have sex or they will remove the apartment.
  8. What happened to this apartment when it first opened we had guests sneeking off to the restroom for sex and parties more frequent now we don't get a sinlge party or group of guests round. They only seem to appear once in a blue moon.
  9. Still no sex from them. I'm going to email RLC tomorrow and tell them this is the most boring couple no sex and the apartment is empty the whole time enough is enough now. They don't even try to make any attempt to have sex.
  10. Are you sure she reads this topic. If she does any chance Kitty of having more friends round or guests.
  11. Because he thinking about fucking other girls he fucked 2 this week.
  12. Well it should be time we complain to RLC about how boring they are.
  13. If she brings a guy back and fucks him then this apartment is going to be very interesting.
  14. Who is she waiting for Asia is constantly walking around the house all dressed up. Is she bringing a guy round to fuck.
  15. The guestion remains is he a female only gigolo or does he have sex with guys also.
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