I have had it translated I have a couple of people that translate for me. I try not to discuss what I learn in the translations so just know I know more than you think I know.
Today is a lot different than yesterday. Dasha bated at lease three times yesterday all for the benefit of the cameras. She has one of the best looking pussy lips I ever seen it reminds me of Nora's. Today Sasha is gone some where and the air is cold as ice in the apartment. Dasha doing her sewing and Masha hanging out in the bedroom. Of course we get Masha porn star bating in the bedroom .
The drama continues!
Dasha is crying a lot. M & S left and she slammed her fist into bedroom bathroom door real hard, than she started crying and made some phone calls and cried to who ever she was talking to. I wonder who she is mad at Masha or Sasha.
I love to watch these two together they definitely in love. Their cuddling after is the best, not just sex for the camera. Masha needs to sleep in the living room so these two can cuddle at night, I miss them doing this.
Dasha is like a lost puppy, she follows Masha around doing what ever she ask. She is afraid of her! I always thought more of Dasha than the way she is behaving. Sasha needs to become a man and put Masha in her place.
Masha doesn't deserve Sasha. She has treated him like shit for years. Even before TK, however with TK she totally disrespected him with all her sneaking around behind his back. Since then she has taken guys into the bathroom without a camera and locked Sasha out. A month ago she had a young kid and she made it apparent that they were leaving for a few days to Fuck.
My opinion is that she thinks the world revolves around her and she doesn't care who she hurts.
The real sad thing is Dasha is enabling her.
I had it translated Masha got mad because she want Sasha to fuck her after he did Dasha. he said no and Dasha said he's fuck enough for one day. Masha is mad and said that Sasha doesn't want to talk to her. Dasha mad because she think Masha has to may rules towards her.