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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Although this is not in line with the topic listing and I usually try to post comments in more appropriate topics, considering that already occurred recently, chances of it occurring again as soon is slim imo. Chances are more that they will be just content to lay around and bluff those of an observing audience who may think or hope that something of more significant intrigue and interest may develop or occur since they have had plenty of practice at doing it for awhile now.
  2. So far today, they have just not been able to acieve the top thumb live stream screenshot as long as something else has been occurring elsewhere in other residences that apparently has been being considered to be of more interest by enough of other viewers. A trend that's been noticed more so lately for awhile now than had been being. A possible indicator of more catching on to what usually occurs there on most occasions are portrayal's of intentions that never develop or occur.....perhaps.
  3. Perhaps a somewhat appropriate song for the project could have some lyrics such as, 'Welcome to the grand illusion, come on in and see what's happening, pay for subs. and get admissions to the shows. The stage is set, some participants start playing, suddenly your heart starts pounding, hoping something of more significant interest occurs.' Lyrics reminiscent of an old classic although not quite the same.
  4. No disrespect meant mc, but apparently we must have been observing two different rlc's then. I actually noticed quite a bit when they were not in the top thumb spots. Perhaps we may have been watching something quite similar in different parallel universes or dimensions. It's actually been being noticed more and more so recently and lately then had been being. Lately, it has seemed to have been occurring at times whenever something that may have been occurring at any of the other residences that apparently was considered of more significant interest by enough of other's. It was evident again today when another participant known as Pam was involved in a solo session of sensual play in another residence, and even some when the participant known as Masha's presence had merely been being noticed by other's at the C&C and L&A residence. She is currently listed as being on vacation status. Although they did seem to usually be in the top five for awhile even whenever they had dropped from the top one or two for awhile at times.
  5. Lol. If that were ever the case, it likely certainly would be at least a reprieve from it for some if not.
  6. I completely agree. That's why I mentioned the subject on multiple occasions in the past. It definitely increases her attractiveness.
  7. Well, I was going to respond to the other comment with 'surely you jest, because everyone knows that will never occur', but you mentioned that you meant it that way before I got around to responding.
  8. It's not nice to deceive others, and particularly by participants of viewers of a business that is supported by and remains in business because of viewers and is a business that promotes opportunities of observing genuinely real experiences of participants of the business. Especially considering as much and as often as the two participants have done so and do. Those two and their continuous routine of ruses, certainly have Geppetto and Pinocchio outdone in many ways. If 95% or more of the situations or occasions of those type of projections of appearances were meant for anything other than attempts at attracting attention to cams there, they would not occur as often without any of it leading to anything further more than ever has. Given that anyhing ever has less than 5% of all the times those types of situations or occasions have occured, it has only been and become more and more obvious. It's no wonder top thumbnails have not been being achieved or maintained as often as had been being as much lately. Although there may be quite a number of naive or gullible people in the world, many of them likely are not as ignorant as some may like to believe or think there may be.
  9. I seriously doubt that there are even as much as a percent of either the previous subscribers of the project, as well as the current subscribers of the project, even combined, that have ever participated in this site. The www. is quite extensive. So what percentage of this sites participants have done so or do so mostly because of being interested in the project, really makes no difference.
  10. Well I can gaurauntee you that there are many people who do not care to continue paying for any experiences that they have already experienced on many occasions. Those of us that particpate in this site, are only a minute fraction of all that have subscribed to the project. Even you, yourself mentioned that you were giving up on a subscription not long ago that was actually fairly recently.
  11. It really should not be confusing at all. I do enjoy their expressing or showing their feelings of sensuality towards one another, as well as themselves individually at times. But all things over time should be taken into consideration, and the same performances over and over become routine, monotonous, and mundane. As I mentioned in some commentary earlier, if they want to behave as though to them it is more of a business than anything else, then it should also be taken into consideration by subscribers, and especially those that have been for quite awhile. If it is viewed and considered in that way by subscribers as well, then it may also be considered when anyone may be considering making a determination as to how much longer to continue any subscription.
  12. Apparently there has been another of the same performance's with the two participants playing with their two teenie bopper toys that they played with themselves with. I'm really disappointed that I happened to miss the occasion...........although not really. 😏
  13. Now that one of the two that was gone and not around for a number of hours today has returned, and the other had decided to do some solo play while the other was away, it will be curious to notice as to whether or not any of the exhibitions of projections of false pretense or intentions begin occurring, and if so, how much actually does since a certain pattern of status quo has been occurring there for awhile now. It has been obvious as to why it has been occurring, and that has been to attract attention to the cams. Most who have been around long enough know and realize the main reasons as to why such occasions have been occurring as such, and it's not as much in support of the business, as it is for potential of extra compensation from being one of the top cams residence's at the conclusion of compensation periods. If the situation there is considered to be as more of employment than not by the two participants, as have been suggested, insinuated, and claimed by others on numerous occasions that have or perhaps may still be subscribing to the business, then perhaps it should be considered as not much more than a business by more of the subscribers as well, who finance the business to be able to continue being a business.
  14. So much intriguing interest, I think I may be in need of 😴..😴..😴..😴.
  15. Ok mate. Whatever occured there occurred for whatever reason, but, I did not even bother checking any of it out. Although I had noticed in the screenshots what appeared to be headed in a direction to possibly occur, and then a few after the occasion was in progress, but nothing more since it was an occasion or very similar occasion that has quite likely occured multiple numerous times before. It is related to one of the points I expressed in my previous post of commentary. It's sort of similar to how I still enjoy to watch some of my favorite flicks from time to time, but do not find nowhere near as much intrigue or interest in them as much as the first so many times I watched them. Especially after doing so on multiple numerous occasions. There have been changes to the status quo there, but seldomly from what I have noticed although there have always been opportunities to do more to do so imo.
  16. I wouldn hold my breath on anything such as that if I were anyone blue. After another occasion in a bathtub where most of what may occur, does so much more so in obscurity than not. Especially if considering when someone is at the end of the tub where all that is noticable, is parts of that individual's lower anatomy, and only from a steep overhead view so that not much of any detail of that individual is noticable. Also, the fact that when anything of such is done in any tub of water, or while a faucet is wide open and there is a large flow of water being released into a tub or onto any part of someone's anatomy, those factors in and of themselves create more obscurity in those types of occasions. Also, it known that most women are not as sensitive in their more intimate areas while they are submerged in water as they are as when exposed to nothing more than air. It has seemed to have evolved into either occasions making things appear that something of more unusual and significant intrigue and interest may be on the verge of occuring, but then usually nothing of such ends up occurring, or if something more intriguingly interesting does occur, as it has ever so often lately, it has evolved into some play with some mini sensual aid toys that are known to be acquired and used by women in either their late teens or early twenty's, but regardless, they have only been being used for some external stimulation. It has seemed that since the acquiring of the mini sensual aids, there now exists a reluctance to touch, caress, or rub and stimulate one another enough to become sensually aroused enough to achieve a sense of climax. It had been predicted since the occasion occured yesterday, that it would be back to the status quo today, where either one or the other would probably be around for awhile to perform a solo session. Sure enough, the prediction was not incorrect, as it has turned out that the suggestor of whatever usually may occur there that may involve the both of them, has decided to do so, while as usual lately and for awhile now, the other is not around. Additionally, the solo sessions are nice and ok and even at times more so of either, although after so many occasions of them that include little more in ways of variety that have not already occurred on multiple or numerous occasions, they do not stir or generate close to as much intrigue or interest as such occasions may have at times previously. Apparently, it may not be realized enough that people tire of observing the same or very similar occasions time and time again, or either it may not be cared about enough. Whatever the reason, is quite likely why the apartments cams have not been being in no where near as often, and certainly not maintaining any of the sites overall top screenshots out of either the livestream screenshots, or the replay screenshots no where close to as much as to what had been being, and has not been for awhile now. I admire the two women quite a bit, but also will state my opinion as to how I have viewed things have become from time to time.
  17. Considering that the few fans topic listings are followed by short descriptions or more specific designations as to a particular category of fans topic listing, imo that narrows what would be considered as appropriate as far as any particular types of commentary that gets mentioned there. However, if someone was to start a topic listing that was just 'Leora and Malia Fans' as there have been previously before the last changes in format of this site, then that imo would be a more broader topic listing, that could be considered more appropriate for some more generalized subject matter related to the participants.
  18. I understand all of this mate, but posting commentary that is likely perceived as being that of comments of direct negativity, or as being that of indirect negativity, as well as commentary related what someone may or may have not done at that residence, or what someone may or may have not said, that is no way related to that of being considered to be positive or complimentary, should not be in any fans thread topic listing that was created and started for such. It's true, most of us have likely done it previously at one time or another, but some seem to consistently or continuously in a thread merely so it will have better chances of getting the most attention.
  19. If you had noticed that recently, as well as previously, I've mentioned that I, myself have at times. But, as I also mentioned, it was only ever so often at times, and certainly not on any consistent or continuous basis. Since becoming a registered member of this site, on most occasions I have tried to post my comments in threads that were more appropriately related to my commentary. I agree, having a general chat thread did seem more convenient when participating in chat discussions of more generalized content or subject matter. It has seemed that this topic listing has been progressing in a similar manner as did the general chat threads for awhile now, and it was eventually done away with. But, having an option like the 'Start New Topic' option which has always been available, still offers anyone the opportunities to express their opinions on various subject matter.
  20. It's been noticed that since 12/29/20, the sub-thread of the topic lising thread 'Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) has increased substantially from topic listing sub-thread #9, to the current topic listing sub-thread #33. Since then, much of what has been being posted in the topic listing sub-threads, has had nothing to do with being positive or complimentary. Commenting on what someone may or may not be doing, or what may or may not be occurring, whether at the residence, or even more so while away from the residence, that is in no way related to anything considered positive or complimentary, to either of the two project participants that the topic listing fans threads were created and started by someone for, is inappropriate. Therefore, it is no wonder, and not surprising that this topic listing has increased from sub-thread #9, to sub-thread #33 in just 3 months. Considering that each sub-thread has been being allowed to go until around 34 to 45 pages, and that several even reached as much as 52 and 119 pages, when originally it was requested that a new sub-thread for the same topic listing be started when a sub-thread increased to 30 pages, until a mod could notice it, and close-out the 30 page sub-thread. It is quite likely that if the topic listing consisted all or even mostly of commentary of actual and genuine complimentary or positive subject matter related to either of the residence participants, this topic listing would not be even half as extensive as has increased to. This topic listing is not listed as, 'every trivial thing that occurs at the L&M residence', or 'each movement or activity that occurs at the L&M residence', or 'ideas, opinions, or speculations of what may or may not occur at the L&M residence', or 'ideas, opinions, or speculations of what may or may not occur with the participants away from the L&M residence.'
  21. So, in other words, you post your comments in whatever thread you feel they will get seen and noticed the most in hopes of getting as many responses as you can from them regardless of the type of commentary it may be. That's not supposed to be the way the forum is supposed to work. That's why there is a 'Start New Topic' option if there is no current more appropriate thread for various types of commentary.
  22. I can explain this to you...ever heard of an old saying, 'let a dead dog rest in peace.' If not and you are unaware of the meaning, here it is, 'how about give it a break about what may have been said, or what may have not been said, and furthermore, how about start posting your comments of negativity and of speculation and innuendo in appropriate threads. They do not belong in fans threads. If you feel compelled to comment on such matters like you have been doing in fans threads for awhile now, it would be better and certainly more appropriate to do it in some more appropriate thread. If there is not one currently listed to do so, there's always been the 'Start New Topic' option right at the beginning of each section of the forum.
  23. Leora and Malia are two appealingly attractive women who also happen to be roommates and close friends that are quite intriguing at times, and especially when they choose to share some of their feelings of sensuality towards one another that is at times usually beneficial to them both.
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