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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. And more dishonest propaganda. Your nervousness is certainly on display snowflake.
  2. I see your still at it the propaganda, but since math is a subject that you snowflakes are not so well at, it is only more of nervous snowflake propaganda that is futile.
  3. I certainly wouldn't bet on it. There are several polls that are usually more times than not, not mentioned or reported and put out like most of the others that had it wrong in 2016, that actually had most of their numbers fairly accurate all the way through voting up to election day in 2016, and they are currently showing otherwise once again.
  4. That would be hilarious indeed. But remember, there are no more democrats, but rather there are dummycrats and snowflakes who disguise themselves as progressive liberals who are really no more than the marxist/socialist/communist party of America. ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Yeah, he is pretty entertaining at times. But as far as the polls are concerned, they are just about all the same polls that had it all wrong in 2016 also. But, in 2016 at this point of time this close to the official election day, the same polls had HRC much more ahead than they have been showing in the last 2 to 3 days. The same polls have been showing the numbers getting alot closer over the last 2 to 3 days then they ever did in 2016. In 2016, they pretty much showed HRC winning all the way up to election day. But on election day, there turned out to be many demoralized and disappointed people.
  6. I suggest you have your extra pairs of underwear and tranquilizers ready if you watch it long enough. ๐Ÿ˜
  7. Hahahahaha ! Such a piss poor choice of a candidate who is now a proven corrupt crooked swamp rat career politician who sold out the working class of the country while enriching himself and his corrupt family in the process. Proven so by his own corrupt son's laptop full of emails confirming the family corruption and crookedness. Someone who is clearly cognitively impaired and can't even manage to speak or put together more than a few continuous coherent sentences. What a ridiculous joke of a piss poor choice of a candidate to run for a general election. It's no damn wonder why people in other countries think the current political state of affairs in America is quite humorous because that's the more substantial reasons why a majority that do, do so.
  8. Yeeeehaaaaaa ! It's being revealed that thousands and thousands of previously registered dummycrat voters and supporters that were so previous to 2020, are now and have been flipping and voting the other way for republicans. A crimson tsunami is developing. Better get those boxxes of tissues, extra pairs of underwear, and tranquilizers ready snowflakes !
  9. That's something pretty cool and quite interesting to know Dave. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I agree, that certainly has alot to do with it, in combination with ridiculous cases of psychotic TDS. (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
  11. It really is something else that so many seem to be more concerned about what goes on in America, than they are about what goes on in their own countries.
  12. There are some that seem have difficulty in understanding it but, there are also those who ignor it and try to falsely claim otherwise because in reality, they really could care less as long as their fickle minded agenda's turn out the ways that they want them to.
  13. Obviously you misunderstand how the electoral college system of voting works in the US. It works by way of whoever gets the most votes in a state, wins the electoral votes of that state. It was set up like that so that smaller states with smaller populations than larger states with larger cities and populations, would also have say so's in determining who they would prefer to guide or lead them. If it wasn't the way it is, then only the populations of the larger cities and states, which are some of those that are on the east and west coasts and some that are on the northern border, would always have the say so in elections and not any of the other 30 to 35 smaller states that are mostly on the interior of the country, out of the 50 states overall. But you are right about Biden not being a top candidate, because he's not even a good bottom candidate, because what he is, is a 47 year political establishment career politician who is not only a corrupt and crooked politician who enriched himself and his family by millions of dollars mostly during his eight corrupt years as a vp while he sold out the working class of the country by causing the outsourcing of 1000's of industrial and commercial plants, along with 100's of thousands of jobs as well, as well as he is obviously cognitively impaired by clearly being in the early stages of senility and dementia, and has no business whatsover in being anywhere near any access to any nuclear codes or keys, or any access whatsoever to any highly classified national security intelligence information as well.
  14. Exactly, and anyone with the least little bit of common sense knows it. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  15. Me thinks it's quite nice when the two attractive women who are friends and roommates seems to at times feel some urges or desires to take care of one another in various sensual ways. The massaging and caressing of one another has certainly seemed to feel quite good and been enjoyed by both of the two friends. It is an intriguingly interesting and delightful relationship of friendship. ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. Sure do luvs me some Malia ! ๐Ÿ˜
  17. Uhhh Huhhh ! Halle Berry dressed as Cat Woman ! I'd recognize that fine looking attractive woman anywhere ! ๐Ÿ˜
  18. Poor poor pitiful wittle snowflake...him can't come up with nothing other than dishonest and false propaganda...so him has to resort to some of him's immature made up vulgarities that are only more of him's dishonest falsehoods instead. Such a pathetic and pitiful, mentally impaired, immature wittle snowflake him is.
  19. Awww....him wittle snowflake woke up with a sore mouth and ass after a night of snowflake filled orgies with him snowflake buddies.
  20. Your nervous hysteria is really quite obvious snowflake. It really is quite pathetic to feel a need to put up comments from others who have been proven to be nothing more than dishonest pathological liers like the ole lying conspiracy theorist watermelon head himself shiffty schiff and a comrade conspiracy theorist the ole chip off the ole block of dishonesty the ole lying franklin himself.
  21. Obviously this thread is not mutually exclusive only to those that possess a level of intelligence and common sense as is demonstrated when ridiculous idiotic comments such as yours show up here.
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